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Years ago, china starts to have one-child policy. It has got a good effect since its execution. But recently, there is another voice to deny one-child policy. What do you think? Different people have different opinions. In my opinion, I don’t think one-child policy should exist forever. My reasons are as following.多年前,中国就开始实行计划生育政策了。从它实施以来已取得了很好的效果。但最近,有一个声音在否认独生子女政策。你怎么看呢?不同的人有不同的看法。在我看来,我不认为独生子女政策应该永远实行。我的理由如下。In the first place, one-child policy puts into effect for a long time will negative effect on China general level. China’s population has been brought under control after years of implementation of the policy. And most people have realized the importance of birth control for a better life. But the birth rate will become lower and lower. With the development of the society, people have different concepts. The dink is a classic example. They have the ability to rise but do not have the plan to have one. In the long term, China will have less and less population in the future. If there are no people, how can it be strong?首先,长期实行独生子女政策对中国的总体水平有负面影响。经过多年独生子女政策的实施,中国人口已得到控制了。而大多数人都意识到了计划生育对更好的生活的重要性。但出生率会越来越低。随着社会的发展,人们有不同的观念。丁克族就是典型的例子。他们有能力抚养小孩,却没有计划要小孩。从长期来看,中国将来的人口会越来越少。如果连人都没有了,中国如何能强大呢?Secondly, one-child-policy also has negative influence for the children themselves. As the only one child in a family, the child will have no brothers or sisters to grow up together, even friends will become less. They may easy feel lonely and isolate. And they may not know how to care and get around well with others with the spoiling of their parents. All these are not good for the growth of the children.其次,独生子女政策也给孩子们带来了负面影响。作为家里面唯一的孩子,没有兄弟姐妹一起长大,甚至朋友也是比较少的。他们可能很容易感到寂寞、孤单。而且由于父母的溺爱,他们可能都不懂得如何与他人相处。所有的这些都不利于孩子的成长。In conclusion, one-child policy should not be carried out forever. It will bring unimaginable negative influence for people.总之,独生子女政策不应该永远实行。这会带来无法想象的负面影响。

