
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文


With the rapid development of the internet, shopping on the Internet has become a fashion in our daily life. According to the latest data, over two hundred million people used to buy commodities on the Internet. Some of the students also join the group.随着网络的快速发展,网络购物已经成为了一种时尚。根据最新的数据统计,超过2亿人曾经在网上购物。一些学生也加入了网购的潮流。There are many advantages about shopping on the Internet. Just by a click of the mouse, you can buy whatever you like without going outdoors. You don’t need to worry about being trapped in the crowed people and cars, or wasting too much time on walking. When shopping on line, you can choose from more varieties of goods, whose price are generally lower.网购有许多优点。只需点击一下鼠标,在家你就能够买到你喜欢的东西。你不必担心被人群或者是车子给堵住,也不会花太多的时间来回奔波。在网上购物,你可以买到各种各样的东西,价钱相对来说也会比较低。Every coin has two sides. Its disadvantages are obvious, too. On one hand, it’s very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the internet,which is quite disappointed. On the other hand, shopping on the Internet may cause people to buy commodities that are not badly needed. It’s a waste of money.任何事物都有两面。网购的缺点也很明显。一方面,你很容易买到与实物不符的东西,这确实令人失望;另一方面,网购会促使人们买一些不必要的商品,这很浪费钱。After all, I really enjoy shopping on the Internet.但不管怎么说,我喜欢网络购物。

