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更新时间:2024-04-02 热度:281°C


Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic:

According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average 'holiday' is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-away place, people now want excitement on their holidays and are keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities.

Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer:

Holidays are important because they provide a break from our normal daily routine and from the world of work. Traditionally, holidays have been seen as a time for relaxation and as an opportunity to visit another country in order to find out about its geography and customs. Nowadays, however, it seems that other types of holiday are becoming popular.

Some people want their holiday to be a kind of adventure, and find this more exciting than going to the beach or visiting museums. On an adventure holiday, you may stay in quite basic accommodation, rather than a luxurious hotel. Activities may involve things such as bush walking or cycling, or may form part of an aid project designed to help communities in remote areas. Holidays such as these are popular with people of all ages and can often help to promote tourism in rural environments.

The increasing popularity of dangerous sports has also boosted the number of adventure holidays; for example, water sports, mountain climbing or paragliding. These holidays are more popular with the younger generation, as they can be both physically and mentally demanding. Participants are often seeking the sort of thrills that they cannot get in ordinary life.

There is now greater awareness of the damaging effects of mass tourism and this may be one reason for the changing nature of holidays. This can only be a good thing. But perhaps people are also discovering that it is just as refreshing to take an active holiday, as it is to lie on a beach - though that is still a question of personal preference.












The people I respect the most is my father.

He is a doctor. He always busy with work. Since I can remember, he never spent a whole weekend to stay with me. He goes to the hospital very early before I get up, and comes back home after I sleep. But I doesn’t matter at all, he is hero to me.

He devotes almost all the time to his patients, many lives are saved. He always said, a man should have dignity, integrity, honor, and most of all, be helpful to others. This affected me dee*, so I work hard so that someday I could be the man like my father.






1. 学习毛笔书法的必备工具;

2. 你认为学好毛笔书法的有效方式;

3. 学好毛笔书法的好处。


1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇:书法 calligraphy 毛笔 writing brush 砚台 ink stone

Dear Jack,

I’m glad to know you’re interested in Chinese Calligraphy. It’s my pleasure to tell you how to learn Chinese calligraphy.

As we all know, the four treasures of the study are writing brush, ink, paper and ink stone, which are essential to learn Chinese calligraphy. As to the way to learn it, I think, for one thing, you may study the basic structure of each Chinese character step by step;for another, choosing a good model book to copy is of great benefit to you.

Chinese calligraphy is a fine art of the excellent traditional cultures in China. Not only does it do good to health, but also it can cultivate morality and purify our souls.

Hoping you can come to China to enjoy it personally.


Li Hua


Today, as the development of the electronic products, people like to use the electronic products very much. They count on these products because they are so convenient and funny. So people pay a lot of attention on the electronic products, and most people even don’t like to go out and they spend all the day playing the computer games.

Staying too much time indoors is not good for people’s health, they need to walk out of the house and take the exercise. It is advised that we should take exercise for an hour everyday. We can take the jogging early in the morning or in the evening. We not only can take in the fresh air, but also can see the different scenery.

If we take the regular exercise, we will keep the strong body and when are old, we can go any place we want to.






假设你是李华,作为选派的交流学生在美国某中学学习了一年,寄住在Mr. Brown家里,刚回到国内。回国后,你发现自己的一本英语词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写了一封信,请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下:










Dear Mr. Brown,



Yours, Li Hua

One Possible Version

Dear Mr. Brown,

Im now safely back home. Thank you very much for all the kindness I got from you during my stay. Hope everything is fine with you there.

Now I wonder whether I could ask you a favour. When I came back, I suddently realizes that I had left my English dictionary behind at your place. It is a precious gift from mu American teacher. Would you please be so kind as to send it back to me?Ill pay for the postage. The dictionary must be on the bookshelf in my bedroom. It is the one with a red cover.

Thanks and all the best.


Li Hua


第二节 写作(满分25分)


标题为:My Teacher Mr Moore

Theres a teacher Mr .Moore.

Who is lovely and therty-four.

Always dncouraging us to try.

He leads us to a world of why.

We all admire him more and more.


1. 不得照抄短诗原文。

2. 必须结合短诗的内容,发挥想象,适当展开。

3. 必须突出短诗的主题,结构完整,语意连贯。

4. 短文不能写成诗歌形式。

5. 词数:120左右。

One possible version:

Of all my teachers, Mr. Moore is the one who impresses me most. Though he is 34, he looks very young for hes hes one of the most popular teachers in our school.

Compared with other teachers, pays more attention to his way of tenching .He tries various ways to make his classes lively and interesting .In his opinion,we should not only know what, but also understand why. So, instead of giving us answers immediately, he encourage us to thenk by ourselves whenever he puts forward his learned how to *yze and settle problem. What a wonderful world of why he leads us to!

He is such a learned person that we all admire hem very much.











世界青少年机器人技能竞赛 the World Adolescent Robotics Competition

Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you.

I'm looking forward to your re*.


Li Jin


Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you. Targeted at cultivating the teenagers' interest in scientific exploration and encouraging more students to throw themselves into research, a competition, titled the World Adolescent Robotics Competition, will take place in the Children's palace Tianjin in the late July. The competition offers adolescents a good chance to show their talents and initiative and learn from each other meanwhile.

I am eager to invite you to join our team for the upcoming event, in which you will demonstrate your ability and make acquaintance of more friends with the same interest. As far as I know, you have proved yourself by carrying off some prizes in the previous competitions. Impressed by your teamwork spirit and talent in this field, I am confident that you will love the challenge and our team. By working in a group, we are able to overcome our weaknesses by acquiring others' strong points as well as double our achievements.

If you are interested in it, please let me know and I will deliver the training program to your online mailbox. It would be fantastic if you could bring up your advice, which is bound to be of great use for us. I'm looking forward to your re*.


Li Jin


When autumn comes, I feel so excited, because the sports meeting comes.

I like sports so much. When I was very small, my father took me to watch the basketball match. In the long time, sports have become part of my life. When I started to come to school, I join the basketball team. I had the great time to practice with my friends.

Though high school life is very busy and I have to learn so many subjects, I still keep taking exercise everyday. Sports meeting time is my favorite time in the semester. I can take part in many activities, such as basketball and high jump. I am full of energy, I just want to enjoy the moment of taking exercise.

Sports meeting indeed brings students many energy and make the students become active. They can also exercise their bodies.







Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.

Which do you consider to be the major influence?

Model Answer:

Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance of inherited characteristics more than ever before. Yet we are still unable to decide whether an inpidual’s personality and development are more influenced by genetic factors (nature) or by the environment (nurture).

Research, relating to identical twins, has highlighted how significant inherited characteristics can be for an inpidual's life. But whether these characteristics are able to develop within the personality of an inpidual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a development. It seems that the experiences we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this.

My own view is that there is no one major influence in a person's life. Instead, the traits we inherit from our parents and the situation and experiences that we encounter in life are constantly interacting. It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person's personality and dictates how that personality develops. If this were not true, we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person from the moment they were born.

In conclusion, I do not think that either nature or nurture is the major influence on a person, but that both have powerful effects. How these factors interact is still unknown today and they remain largely unpredictable in a person’s life.


as is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage inthetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________.

There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand,_______ is due to the factthat , ________ isresponsible for there are some other reasons to show it is generally believed that the above mentionedreasons are commonly convincing.

As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.




Dear Dick,

One of my best friends Wei Dong has just won a scholarship to study for one year in the United States. He’ll be leaving soon, and, believe it or not, he will be in the same school with you. I have told him a lot about you and he will go to see you right after his arrival. Since he is new there, I hope you could do whatever you can to help him begin a new life.

Wei Dong is a handsome tall boy of 18. He is a diligent student as well as a good guy to get along with. Besides his study, he has a wide range of interests, such as country music and basketball. I hope you can learn from each other and become good friends.

Best wishes.









Spring is the best season of a year. The weather gets warmer and warmer. My classmates and I took a one-day sightseeing tour around our city. The scene was very beautiful. But when we saw the rivers along our city, I felt very sorry and thought a lot.

With the development of modern industry and agriculture, more and more waste is being poured into rivers. It has caused serious pollution. The rivers are becoming so dirty that nothing can live in them. The rivers are giving off a terrible smell.

We make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation. Our government should build various facilities such as sewage treatment plant and encourage scientists to work out more and better ways to reduce water pollution.

Water is the source of our lives. It is very important to protect the water.







dear mother,

how are you in beijing? it has been ten days since you went to beijing. i miss you very much. i know it is dangerous to take care of sars patients, so i' m very worried about you. but i' m very- proud of you.

don' t worry about me and my study. every morning i get up early and do morning exercises for half an hour, and then i read english for twenty minutes. after breakfast at about eight i turn on tv and get ready for lessons on it. in the afternoon, i usually do my homework. every day the teacher makes a call to me and asks me about my temperature. i think all the people around me are taking good care of me. i' m thankful.

now the people in the country are fighting against sars together. i believe we can win the war.

i wish you healthy! i' m expecting you to come back soon.









