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更新时间:2024-03-31 热度:399°C


Just a few days ago, Mom and Dad said, ^v^We went to Xiamen with their sister.^v^ I heard the news happy after a jump three feet high, just like a bird.

We start from 4 pm, 7 o'clock to. Dad said we go to a brother home to eat, after dinner go. So we finished the meal before going.

We finally went to the beach to play. Dad their men in the following soaked in water, and our women walking on the water But I think this is not fun, wanted a play, I spilled water to my sister, and my sister while I do not pay attention to the water sprinkled on me. I and my sister so splashed over the past to play very happy, suddenly my feet slipped to the sea to lie down, we laughed, I can not be reconciled, so they want to drag the sister together, but my sister too heavy , I did not pull into their own back to the sea to drink the sea. I think I still obediently, in the water good to stay it!

The next day, we went to Gulangyu, on the boat we saw a lot of scenery, there are hero mountain, bird park, and so on. When the boat was fast, I saw a lot of people on the island, my favorite place was the sun rock, and the cave.

Sunlight Rock is the highest place in Gulangyu. Gulangyu is also the most famous attractions. Is to Gulangyu will go to the place, we all said, ^v^not on the sun rock is not to go to Gulangyu, did not come to Gulangyu is not to come to Xiamen.^v^ Highlight, Sunlight, is a list of Gulangyu and Xiamen Island panorama of the land, like the same as flying. Gulangdongtian, daylight rock east stone plaque: there are three regular script engraved inscription, a cross problem ^v^days wind Haitao^v^ at the top; its next two straight title for the ^v^Gulang Cave^v^ each word about Meters, about meters wide, the right side of the regular script small character Postscript three lines, unfortunately has been weathering, the reader can be read for the Ming Wanli who.







A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist attractions. The guide provides commentary on the features and history of the location. The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many days. Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider becoming an English tour guide some day. Yes, why not? Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life quality. 苏州是一个旅游小镇,有博物馆,周围或其他受欢迎的旅游景点之一。

本指南还提供评论其特点和历史的位置。从生态旅游可以尽可能少10 - 15分钟,时间延长了许多日子。

这样的人通常拥有资格通常发行或确认通过合适的权威。 今年夏天我好想去苏州旅游,一个想法让我好想和父母一起去。

是的,为什么不呢?旅游能开阔我的心灵,深化知识在中国的美丽,即使是在世界上的更大。 如果我能实现我的梦想,然后就我个人而言,我可以享受美丽的风景名胜区为自由而赚钱,丰富了我的生活,我的生活质量。



Tourism is a pleasure, this summer vacation I had the opportunity to with several of my friends took part in the ^v^south^v^ the dream of the summer camp. We are difficult to suppress the heart excited, noisily kept talking all the way. Finally, after 10 hours of long distance bus. We arrived at the south - the first stop of suzhou, suzhou has a history of more than 3000 years ago, antique buildings everywhere. You look! Past archaize building shelters of of primitive simplicity is beautiful, the glazed tile in the backdrop of the sun shining above. This is all I haven't heard of before. The next day, we visit the official start of the suzhou. Suzhou trip makes me the deepest impression is the water -- wuzhen. Past the house was built in the water, people living here was out of water, wash his clothes, and some even at the water's edge a mallet let's have a return to the feeling of ancient. The next best bed exhibition hall will pay a visit to wuzhen. All kinds of ancient bed to our eyes at the same time, also increased a lot of new knowledge. When we came out from the museum nowadays up now rain, it makes our trip to wuzhen added a lot of poetry. Walking reach the blue prints, we appreciate how the loom weaving, and heard the ringing sound of the shuttle, let I suddenly thought of a word ^v^time flies like an arrow, the sun is like a boat^v^. One of the ^v^shuttle^v^ is the shuttle weaving. We also know that the beautiful blue print exactly how to do. Line to go ahead, we have visited the linjiepuzi and wine library, residence of contradiction... . Suzhou is China's ancient capital! Wuzhen deserves to be the pillow township of water!

The next station is ^v^above there is heaven, suzhou and hangzhou below^v^ in hangzhou, hangzhou is a city very poetic. Because there is a beautiful myth legend -- -- -- -- -- ^v^the white snake^v^, and the charming west lake. So the city is very poetic? To have to go to hangzhou west lake, we rode over the west lake by boat. Look at the blue waves wan pour west lake; Tall, mysterious coasts;; Three pool reflected on small and exquisite, is a view. In the face of the vast west lake, is really ^v^to the west lake than west, make-up always undesirable.^v^ So I also want to sing a small poem: ^v^the city of the west lake beauty, most beautiful west lake. The rippling waves wan, such as in the picture. The lake like a mirror, on the more glittering and translucent.^v^ Loomed in front of the high-rise buildings, and look at it with classical beautiful west lake, is a modern and ancient shu, the natural beautiful scenery. ^v^Above there is heaven, there are suzhou and hangzhou^v^ this sentence doesn't fake!

Suzhou beauty is a simple, elegant beauty; The beauty of hangzhou is frustrated, charming beauty; Shanghai beauty is fashion, pure and fresh and beautiful. They all have one thing in common: beautiful! The United States! The United States!


旅游是一件快事,今年暑假我有幸同我的几位好友一起参加了“梦里南”的夏令营。我们几个都难以抑制住内心的激动,一路上七嘴八舌地说个不停。 终于,经过十几个小时的长途乘车。我们到达了南第一站----古都苏州,苏州距今已有3000多年的历史,仿古建筑比比皆是。你瞧!一座座仿古建筑的候车亭古朴美丽,上面的琉璃瓦在阳光的'映照下闪闪发光。这都是我以前没有听说过的。 第二天,我们游览苏州正式开始。苏州之旅中令我印象最深的要数水乡----乌镇了。一座座老屋建于水上,在这儿住的人们出门是水,有的还在水边用木槌洗衣服,让我们有一种一下回到古代的感觉。接下来要参观乌镇的百床展览馆。各式各样的古代床令我们大开眼界的同时,也增长了不少新知识。当我们从博物馆出来时下起了朦朦细雨,这让我们的乌镇之行增添了许多诗意。走着走着便到了蓝印花布坊,我们领略了织布机是怎样织布的 ,听到了清脆的梭子响声,让我突然想到了一句话“光阴似箭,日月如梭”。其中的“梭”就是这个织布的梭子吧。我们还知道了这美丽的蓝印花布到底是怎样做的。继续向前行,我们有参观了林家铺子,酿酒库,矛盾故居……。 苏州不愧是中国古都!乌镇不愧为枕水之乡!

下一站就是“上有天堂,下有苏杭”中的杭州,杭州是一个非常诗意的城市。因为这里有一个美丽动人神话的传说-----《白蛇传》,还有迷人的西湖。所以这座城市是不是很诗意啊? 到杭州就一定要去西湖,我们乘着游船在西湖上行驶。看着碧波万倾的西湖;高大神秘的雷峰塔;;小巧玲珑的三潭映月,令人是大饱眼福啊。面对着辽阔的西湖,真是“欲把西湖比西子,浓妆艳抹总相宜。”于是我 也想吟上一首小诗:“ 西湖之城美,最美数西湖。碧波浪万倾,如在画中行。湖水如明镜,月照更晶莹。”前面隐隐约约出现了高楼大厦,再看看这具有古典美的西湖,真是现代与古代相就合,这风景自然美不胜收了。 “上有天堂,下有苏杭”这句话一点儿也不假!




In this summer holiday, I am planning to visit Suzhou with my parents and my cousin Lin Guang. I heard that Suzhou is a beautiful city with many attractive scenic spots. And it is not very hot in summer that. After discussion, we will leave for Suzhou by plane and will stay there for eight days from July 21st to 28th. Now we are busy packing up our things such as a map of Suzhou, some clothes, a camera and so on. I am looking forward to this trip and I hope all of us will have a good time.



I have many you know who they are?Are they my pet? they my classmates?No. Let me tell you:they are my favourit book. I like books very like reading science book,cartoonbook so only let me know how wonderful the word is but me how to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure. I love books!。


The beautiful waterside City of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province in South China is most famous for its elegant classical gardens. Among these the Humble ^v^'s Garden covering about 52000 sq. meters ( acres) is the largest and most renowned. Due to its unique designs and ethereal beauty the garden has garnered many special honors. It is listed as a World Cultural Heritage site and has also been designated as one of the Cultural Relics of National Importance under the Protection of the State as well as a Special Tourist Attraction of China. Along with the Summer Palace in Beijing the Mountain Resort of Chengde in Hebei Province and the Lingering Garden in Suzhou it is considered as one of China's four most famous gardens. No other classic garden in the country has been honored more than this one.



The Humble ^v^'s Garden (or Zhuozheng Yuan) is one of four great Chinese gardens. At 51,950 m?? it is the largest garden in Suzhou and generally considered the finest garden in southern China. In 1997, Zhuozheng Yuan, along with other classical gardens of Suzhou was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The garden's site was a scholar garden during the Tang Dynasty, and later a monastery garden for the Dahong Temple during the Yuan Dynasty. In 1513, during the Ming Dynasty reign of Emperor Zhengde, an administrator named Wang Xianchen appropriated the temple and converted it into a private villa with gardens, which were constructed by digging lakes and piling the resultant earth into artificial islands. The garden was designed in collaboration with the renowned Ming artist Wen Zhengming, and was as large as today's garden, with numerous trees and pavilions. The Wang family sold the garden several years later, and it has changed hands many times since.

The garden was split up in the later Ming dynasty, and it remained neglected until the Qing Dynasty reigns of Emperors Shunzhi and Kangxi, when the garden was extensively rebuilt with major modifications to its earlier plan. During Emperor Qianlong's reign the gardens were again pided into the Shu Yuan (Book of Study Garden) and the Fu Yuan (Restored Garden).

Today's garden is only very loosely related to its earliest version, but closely resembles its late Qing appearance, with numerous pavilions and bridges set among a maze of connected pools and islands. It consists of three major parts set about a large lake: the central part (Zhuozheng Yuan), the eastern part (once called Guitianyuanju, Dwelling Upon Return to the Countryside), and a western part (the Supplementary Garden). The house lies in the south of the garden.



