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更新时间:2024-04-12 热度:23°C


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You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks.

Which country would you like to visit?

Model Answer:

I am a person who likes to travel. I think traveling is a great opportunity to meet new people, gain more knowledge and experience, and learn new customs and traditions. I did not travel a lot yet, but I am sure I will have a chance to do it. So, if I had the opportunity to visit a foreign country I would visit Egypt. I think it is a great and very interesting country with marvellous history. In the following paragraphs I will give some reasons to support my choice.

First of all, I always dreamed to visit Egypt pyramids. My aunt visited Egypt a few years ago. She was very excited after that trip and said that she would return there one more time at any cost. She said that Egypt had impressed her very much with its glorious pyramids and ancient buildings. Second of all, I think that in that country one can touch history, feel the hard breath of workers building a pyramid under the parching sun, and see the chain of camels walking in the desert with the huge trunks full of presents for Cleopatra on their humps. Finally, I want to see a real dessert and ride the camel. All my friends who rode the camel say that it is an unforgettable experience.

I believe that I will have a chance to visit this beautiful country someday. Unfortunately, now I have plenty of plans and things to do, so, I am afraid that I will not be able to travel for the next two years. I want to finish my education and then find a job, and these things have higher priority then traveling. My husband wants to visit this country too and we made an agreement to make our trip to Egypt on our five years anniversary which is in two years.

In conclusion, I want to add that after my trip to Egypt I will definitely visit Australia. This country is the second one on my list the most wanted to see.


A checklist for part 1 graphs, charts and tables

In task 1 it is important that you accurately describe the information from the diagram so you don’t lose marks under Task Response. The difficulty is to decide what is the key information as there is often a lot of data to process. One way of thinking about this, is to ask yourself if someone could draw the chart and graph from the information in your report. This is not easy to do and so to help you, you will find below a 8 point checklist, an exercise and a practice suggestion.


Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home.

Which do you prefer?

Model Answer:

Man, through the ages, has undergone any changes from the time when he had to haunt for food to these days when he has to buy it. Some people prefer to buy fresh vegetables, meat and fruits and prepare food at home. However, other people prefer to skip that step with cooking and have dinner at a restaurant. I think that both of these choices have some advantages and disadvantages. Bellow I will give some reasons to support my answer.

Personally, I do not like fast food. So, my choice is always between a restaurant and my home. First of all, I would like to say that cooking is a great tradition. It helps people to relax, reflect on some pleasant moments while peeling or cutting the vegetables. It is a means of eliminating one's stress and tension. Second of all, sometimes I do not want to have something too complicated for my dinner. I just want to have light food like a salad and a glass of milk. So, one of the reasons why I like to eat at home is because I can have what I want at this moment. One greater thing about eating at home is that I can sit in front of the TV and watch an interesting program or a movie. Finally, having dinner at home allows a family communicates with each other, be closer and share some good and bad moments that happened earlier that day. Besides, eating at home is a great way to save some money.

As for restaurants, I see some positive aspects about eating there too. First of all, I sometimes get tired from peeling, cutting, washing, frying, etc. It does not mean I do it a lot. Sometimes I just use the microwave and a preprocessed food that I bought earlier. I want to have something more delicious than I have in my refrigerator, something that is time-consuming to prepare at home. So, for me it is a good reason to go to a restaurant. There one may meet old friends or just has a great time listening to music and tasting some delicious meats.

Also, restaurants are a good place to celebrate something. One does not have to prepare food for all friends who are coming, wash dish, put in order all that mess after the party, etc.

In conclusion, I think that it does not important where one has one's dinner. What important is that it must be full and nutritious.


Tuning to the BBC or CNN, one is besieged by (news about) formidable disasters, diseases, conflicts, and controversies. But none is more challenging than the shortage of fresh water, a source which has long been mistakenly assumed to be inexhaustible. Unfortunately, few people realize the impending (急迫的)potential catastrophe (灾难)arising from the insufficient fresh water. Governments must be blamed if they have not informed people the importance of fresh water.

Fresh water has been closed associated with life, not only the life of human beings, but also the life of all kinds of plants and animals. Lacking fresh water, the earth will become ill. Nevertheless, human beings are confronted with the crisis of insufficient fresh water.

The shortage of fresh water can be attributed to the lower efficiency in water utilization. The irrigation in many countries wastes overwhelmingly. Some developing countries still use the primitive irrigation system, which is believed to waste at least 70% fresh water.

Life water utilization also shows strikingly lower efficiency. Many citizens have no concept of saving water. In most cities in China, fresh water is used to flush lavatories. Moreover, most citizens use wash-machine, which consumes a larger volume of fresh water.

Besides, fresh water has been polluted by agriculture and industry activities. Aquatic(水)ecosystem has largely been ruined by unrestricted drainage (排水)of sewages (污水). In metropolis (big cities大都市), the hospitals and laboratories are also the serious sources of water pollution.

Governments are expected to launch campaigns against water pollution. Inpiduals, households, and the states all should use their unique ways to save the limited resources.


Travel is commonly perceived as a good approach to the traditional customs and exotic cultures of other countries or regions. However, some people are suspicious of the necessity of travel as we can learn about other cultures by reading books, watching films and browsing the internet, which seem cheaper, less time-consuming and more accessible. In my view, although these methods can help us get some general ideas, a full comprehension of the local culture can only be obtained through travelling in person.

Firstly, cultural items acquired from books, movies or internets only show the opinions or attitudes of a certain group of people, which in some circumstances convey wrong messages with cultural misunderstanding and discrimination. For example, in some books or movies British people frequently appears a bit conservative, sophisticated and indifferent, but when we travel to the United Kingdom, we’ll find many people friendly, outgoing and sometimes a little crazy. So travel grants us the opportunity to break the stereotypes brought by mass media.

Secondly, travel boosts cultural communication in a more active way than books or videos do. During travel, we can initiatively interact with local people and deeply experience their life,such as their dietary habit, endemic customs and unique manners, to mention just a few, while transiting our own culture to those local people in the process of mutual exchanges. Obviously, it is not that easy for mass media to achieve such a direct and effective interaction.

To conclude, although some mass media, such as books, films or internet, play a necessary role in the cultural exchange, traveling to other places is of greater importance in order to personally experience the distinctive cultures and customs which may perge from what we have acquired from mass media.


Humanity’s voracious consumption of natural resources has brought about many problems. This essay will analyze some major consequences of over-depletion of oil, forests, and fresh water resources and offer possible solutions to reverse the trend.

Fossil fuels such as oil produce large quantities of carbon dioxide when burnt, and the heat trapped by carbon emissions in the atmosphere leads to climate change. The environment is naturally able to deal with certain amounts of emissions, but the consumption of oil by human activities is in dramatic rise, driving global warming to dangerous levels. Therefore, action should be taken to encourage the widespread use of renewable forms of energy, such as solar radiation, hydro power, and wind energy. A good example is the manufacture and increasing availability of electric cars, which is an effective strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

Deforestation or forest clearance results in a large number of disastrous effects, and one of them is the decline of biopersity. From mammals to birds, insects, amphibians or plants, the forest is home to many rare and fragile species. By destroying the forests, human activities are putting entire ecosystems in danger, creating natural imbalance, and putting Life at threat. In order to maintain biopersity, governments should promote greater understanding of plants and animals by investing in the research and preservation effort of universities, zoos, and botanical institutes. An alternative strategy is to protect natural habitats by expanding nature reserves, which will have immediate positive consequences for those areas by preserving delicate ecosystems.

Insufficient fresh water resources have become a main crisis in many countries, both wealthy and poor. However, the profligate use of water exacerbates the situation. The biggest problem originating from water shortage is that people can hardly survive since up to 60% of the human body consists of water, and sanitation issues are followed when there is no proper access to clean water for daily use. Other adverse consequences of water scarcity include food shortage as agriculture relies on irrigation and economic slowdown because sufficient water access is a priority for industrial development. To address this issue, the government should provide leadership and work collectively across departments of legislation, regulation, and taxation levers to conduct water reuse, management, and conservation and to promote water treatment technologies such as desalination.

To conclude, natural sources of energy are scarce worldwide nowadays; thus, effective measures should be taken immediately to make a difference.






Media should report crimes in details.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?(20_年9月真题)

Nowadays the media often cover news of crimes such as murder, rape and armed robbery in great details. While such information may warn the public of the potential danger and help reduce crimes, providing too much information about crimes might lead to certain negative side effects. In my opinion, the information about crimes should be made accessible to the public but the media should refrain from reporting crimes in an irresponsible manner.

To begin with, there is no doubt that people should have the right to information about crimes committed in a community. If someone in the neighborhood were murdered, the chance of other people being killed would also increase. The people should be notified of the event as well as any actions the authorities had taken immediately. Any attempts to block the news about the crimes would violate people's right to know the truth. Yet, the necessity of informing the public does not mean full details have to be disclosed.

Admittedly, the best way to alert the public about a recent crime being committed is through the reporting by the media. Most of us read newspaper and watch TV news everyday. But there are a number of reasons why the media should only report the crimes briefly and let any interested parties follow up with the events by themselves. To begin with, the details of the crimes may cause discomfort and even panic among the members of the public. This is particularly true for the young children in the society. In addition, the time on TV and the space on the newspaper are scarce resources that can be utilized in many different ways. Therefore, the detailed reporting of the crimes would incur high opportunity costs as the public attention would have been directed to other important issues such as education and environment. Finally, the full information about crimes may be made available through the police or other government agencies so that anyone interested in the events may consult the records. Such arrangement would be less costly compared to reporting the details via the media.

In conclusion, since crimes are relevant to each and every member of the society, the media should report the events as soon as possible to alert the public and to help prevent more crimes. Nevertheless, the reports of crimes should be relatively brief in order to avoid public panic and to save the precious TV time and newspaper space. Furthermore, anyone who wants to know more about certain events should be allowed to consult the government agencies for such


Dolphin is my favourite animal. It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang. Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on. Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are! Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy. Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing in response to the advertisement you placed in Shanghai Daily for the position of overseas mechanical engineer on Mon. .

I would like to apply for this post. I graduated with a Master’s degree in Machine-Building and Electronics Industries in Tsinghua University in 1999 and began my career in Zhongshan ABB Company as a young mechanical engineer. In 20XX, I was promoted to be the chief engineer, taking charge of the projects in Southeast Asia. I have been seeking for chances overseas in my majored domain in the hope that I can develop my potential further.

If possible, I would like to choose a mechanical company with good reputation located in Chicago. I would also prefer small private companies which allow me to enjoy a larger space of promotion.

The reason I made the decision above is that my husband has recently been relocated to Chicago by his company and I am, therefore, seeking a position in the same area in Chicago.

I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualifications and experience as well as an open letter of recommendation from my former employer.

Please give me a feedback at your earliest convenience if my qualifications meet your requirements.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Lucy Liu


题目:Some people believe that job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe that people cannot always enjoy their jobs and that a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is true that seeking for a decent job is not as easy as decades ago due to the economic recession and competitive job market. Although some may argue that a sense of satisfaction towards their jobs is crucial, personally, I believe that a permanent job is more meaningful.

On the one hand, a permanent job can guarantee to meet employee’s basic needs. This is because almost no one can escape from the reality. Everyday, we are facing with a variety of expenses, such as food, shelter, transport, bill and even education tuition for children. With a relatively stable job, people, especially those in middle aged can cover most expenses. In addition, those who stay in the same company or institute are more likely to get a promotion as they show the loyalty towards their company. However, those who change their jobs frequently may meet unintended outcomes. For example, they may find difficult to support themselves and raise their family members.

On the other hand, those advocates for pursuing a job they love might regard job satisfaction as the priority when finding an employment. They believe only working with friendly colleagues and employers and under a flexible working time schedule, can they fulfill their potential and accomplish all tasks well. However, this idea is unrealistic. For example, dozens of young graduateshave the bitter result because of their immature thought, that is unemployment.

In my opinion, there is no perfect job in the world. The only thing we can do is to find a suitable job rather than a perfect one. There is a 10,000 hours theory in psychology thatpeople who devotethemselves to jobs and spend more than 10,000 hours constantly can become experts in that field. This theory tells us a plain fact that no one can achieve a sense of job satisfaction without years of efforts and persistence.

In conclusion, people having a constant job are more likely to have a promising job career and wellbeing.


It is claimed that people embarking on a career early and striving for it tend to gain higher work satisfaction than job hoppers who change their jobs frequently. Generally, I hold the same viewpoint.

It is true that most people enter the workforce with limited ideas about whether they want to stay in a particular industry for their entire career. So it makes sense to allow themselves some chances to explore when it comes to career prospects. In addition, the digital age has changed the way an inpidual perceives career development. Nowadays, people are no longer confined to traditional vocational choices, such as engineers and lawyers; instead, there are more unconventional work options, for example, being an influencer on social media. Therefore, the expanding employment scenario delays the decision making of many young minds. Nevertheless, frequent changes are detrimental to adults’ career development prospects. Employers today still highly value loyalty in many industries, and they usually offer additional incentives to long-term employees, including bonuses and reward schemes. Long-time employees have the advantage of thoroughly understanding the operation at work and also becoming familiar with the staff and processes. If they work hard, their promotion prospects are good, and there is likely to be greater job security, with the promise of a good pension when they retire. In this case, young people should plan for their career early so as to explore their interests to the fullest and research for possible jobs or businesses in the specific field, then stick to the profession they enjoy, and grow together with the company. To conclude, modern society has enough examples to prove that it is never too early to plan one’s occupation, and one should commit to the career path that is carefully chosen in order to achieve the greatest job satisfaction.







When it comes to the issue about which approach should be recommended to people who are interested in other countries, some people may argue that traveling may be an optimal choice, but others believe that TV and the internet could be a substitution of traveling.

On one hand, there is a necessity of traveling to other countries because visitors could touch other cultures to a deeper degree. When a visitor comes to a country, s/he may make acquaintance with local residents and enjoy local food. For example, a visitor could really enjoy Sangria, a famous wine mixed with fruits, in Spain, but not just stare at a picture of Sangria on books and imagine its taste. Then, such experience enables a visitor to really know what a country is with more details.

On the other hand, TV and the Internet provide the public with an alternative way to learn a country. It is common that there exist a lot of forums on the Internet where a lot of visitors may share their unique experience of trips generously. Then, users could conveniently search for any information they need concerning about any specific country on such forums. Similarly, TV programs could provide viewers with information collected by editors that could also prove to be true and trustful under most conditions.

From my own perspective, these two approaches do not necessarily contradict each other, but just fit various groups of people. For visitors who have sufficient time, energy, and budgets, having a tour to some countries may be recommended to them since they could have a better understanding of alien cultures. However, for people who are occupied with their heavy work or have financial burden, traveling may not be accessible for them and thereby watching TV programs and scanning the Internet may be a better option for them.


Most senior citizens retire or no longer work full-time. They usually live in their own houses not far from their children's, while the children of a few senior citizens have gone abroad and work or study far beyond the oceans. For certain senior citizens, tile years after retirement are not very enjoyable. First, they feel that their lives lose meaning for being at home all day. In addition, they may feel lonely, especially those without children around. Moreover, they become more concerned with their health, as they grow older, and worry a lot about their safety. At the same time, many senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising their families. They spend their time travelling, doing exercises or watching TV. They get together with their fellow members who have the common interests and equal free time.


In fact, there are some still continuing their work, not just for money, but to show their value. However, no one really wants to be old, and perhaps all like to be young forever.



Many nations around the world attach great importance to economic development and some rich countries also strive for more wealth. In my opinion, whether the additional wealth is a blessing or a curse to citizens depends on how the wealth is made and distributed.

More wealth can further raise people’s living standard by providing them with various kinds of high-quality products from daily necessities to luxuries. Economic prosperity also brings more tax revenues to the government, which has a greater budget to build and maintain better infrastructure including education, healthcare, transportation, etc. All these will increase people’s degree of satisfaction with life.

However, in some cases, the rapid economic growth is achieved at the expense of the clean environment and people suffer rather than benefit from this kind of growth. For example, some factories create massive wealth, but they emit harmful gases and discharge waste water to the environment, posing a threat to people’s health. Citizens living in a polluted area would not have a real sense of happiness, even though they have more disposable income.

Moreover, in a country which is already rich, an important task is for the government to distribute the wealth fairly and build a society with equity and justice. Without a mechanism to ensure fair distribution, the increased wealth would not make citizens happier. Instead, the widening gap between the rich and poor may cause a series of social problems such as higher crime rate and more conflicts.

In conclusion, focusing on economic development does not necessarily result in citizens’ greater satisfaction with their lives. Rich countries should also consider the environment and fairness when they pursue more wealth.





· Task Response· Coherence and Cohesion· Lexical Resources·Grammatical Range and Accuracy



说到这里,有很多人可能会觉得这是「异想天开」或者「别人才能做到」的事情,but believe me,之前写作考到甚至,对于6分的菜菜选手我来说,也是这种感觉。先设定一个目标然后努力争取,结果总会比“无欲无求”好得多。(ps:指雅思)

>需要强调的一点是,有很多考生为了拿LR和GRA的分而忽视了TR和CC,但最好提分的正是TR和CC。比如刚才举的例子里,TR7+CC7+LR6+GRA6就是很多人想要突破的分了。但是请看7分的GRA(也是让人多人特别头大 花很多很多时间去联系的语法),要求其实没有那么的高:

·Uses a variety of complex structures;

·Produces frequent error free sentences;

·Has a good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors.





With the development of cities, more and more new buildings are appearing in the city. Some people claim that the government should ensure all the new buildings should be built in traditional styles. For me, I do not agree with this suggestion.

Undoubtedly, the old buildings can reflect our traditional culture and should be protected and built. They are the houses where the ancient people lived. By appreciating these old buildings, we can have a better understanding of our ancient culture and history.

However, I do not agree that all the new buildings should be built in traditional styles. First of all, a city’s culture identity consists of the past culture and the modern culture. While past culture can be represented by the traditional buildings, modern culture should be reflected by modern buildings. If all the new buildings are built in traditional styles, the modern culture may be lost in the city. Secondly, the style of the new building should be decided by a lot of factors such as location, function, and so on. For instance, it is impossible for us to build a modern shopping mall into traditional style, because there are a lot of famous brands inside. Thirdly, modern buildings can accommodate more people than traditional buildings, which can meet the increasing population.

Therefore, I agree that we should build some old buildings, but we should not build all the buildings into traditional styles. We should consider a lot of aspects before we make the final decision.


Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

Biological persity has never been so threatened as it is today as a result of the process of human civilization. The various forms of pressure created by human activity have destroyed natural balance, led to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion and the rarity, even disappearance, of a number of plant and animal species.

As the pace of civilization accelerates, more people, taking more space, needing to use more natural resources, engaging in ever-growing consumption, impose severe deterioration on the habitat of animals. An increasing number of people come to realize that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threat to the equilibrium of ecosystem. Simply put, the extinction of hawks, a rat-eating bird seen in many regions, will result in the rapid propagation of rats. And rats, further, will destroy the prairies and threaten the other animals like gazelles, zebras and others, who live on grass and green lands. The coexistence of animals and human beings creates perfect harmony and brings about the vividness to our planet.

It is hard to imagine what our world would be like without animals. Sociologists also point out that the disappearance of animals can cause social and economic problems. Animal trade, as a supporting sector to the world economy, was very active before. However, the situation is beyond control since animal trade is very profitable and alluring. Many species cannot escape the adversity of being killed.

Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious produce. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living environment. Every inpidual should join efforts to keep the persity of animals.


We sure live differently from our parents did decades ago. The changes are wide and profound. At the same time, we are facing challenges and problems unknown in the past. Could we find solutions to problems created by scientific development? The answer seems to be no.

Some of the most obvious problems caused by technological advances lie in the IT industry. At a time when we did not have computers and electronic bank services, people took money with them and paid by cash. If they were stolen, only the amount they had with them was lost. But now credit cards are more commonly used in shopping malls and other places, crimes again us have become more serious and caused greater losses to people. A thief may tape the code of your credit card and make a copy of it. Then he could safely withdraw all your money from an ATM machine. Crimes such as this are very sticky to solve because there is no witness and the surveillance cameras give little help



