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Kakuzo Okakura经典语录_Kakuzo Okakura名言句子

We see only our own images in the universe---our particular idiosyncracies dictate the mode of our perceptions.

We are ever brutal to those who love and serve us in silence.

It is not that we should forget the creations of the past,

but that we should try to assimilate them

into our counciousness.

In this democratic age of ours, men clamor for what is popularly considered the best, regardless of their feelings. They want the costly, not the refined; they want the fashinable, not the beautiful.

Nothing is real to us but hungerr; nothing sacred except our own desires.

Let us be less luxurious but more magnificant.

Kakuzo Okakura经典语录_Kakuzo Okakura名言句子相关文章
