


主语从句。that引导的主语从句可以放在句首。比如:that i am interesting in piano is the secret of my success。that作为引导词来引导主语“i am interesting in piano ”

句子开头是:That the ......为什么可以这样写?


简单地说,你问的是that the ... 是主语从句。

这里是两个单独的句子,你现在把它们合并起来: Mike works hard, That is true。


你可以用主语从句将它们合并起来1 It is true that Mike works hard 2 That is true


哈哈,问的好.首先,第一个疑问: that在句中的意思是难道而不再是代词.这句话的意思是:难道证据不确定,科学不确定吗?如果你懂了,现在开始第二个疑问--为什么没有系动词,原因很简单,前面一个分句和后面一个分句是同一类型的句子,如果它们的系动词,情态动词,助动词一样的话,那后面的通常会省略.我这样说你能明白吗?另外,纠正一下,是more efforts,more success,不是more effort,more succeed.




That's my friend Tom over there.That's a pencil you have in your hand.Those paintings are by Cezanne.That is my house on the corner of the street.That作为关系代词That作为关系代词时一般连接两个子句,此时that可以用who或者which替代。

例如That=Which时Tom bought the apples that the man was selling.ORTom bought the apples which the man was selling.例如That=Who时Peter invited the boy that was new in class.ORPeter invited the boy who was new in class.That作为宾语That在句中可以作为宾语,例如Jennifer hinted that she would be late for class.Doug knew that he needed to hurry up.The teacher suggested that we finish our homework.That在关系从句中作为宾语That在关系从句中作为宾语时一般加与不加that都可以,例如:He invited the boy he met on the train.Shelly purchased the chair she had seen at the auction.Alfred wants to read the book Jane recommended.That作为主语That可以在句中作为主语,此时使用that一般表示稍微正式些,在口语中并不常用。

例如:That it is so difficult is hard to understand.That Mary feels so sad is very upsetting.That our teacher expects us to do two hours of homework every day is crazy!That作为名词或者形容词的补充形式That在句中可以作为名词或者形容词的补充形式,以补充所界定的名词或者形容词的更多信息。


例如:Peter is upset that his sister wants to drop out of high school.Mr. Johnson appreciates our efforts that have brought in a lot of donations.She is certain that her son will be accepted to Harvard.The Fact That …The Fact That …经常连用,表示陈述一种情况,一般用在打头,例如:The fact that he wants to see you should make you happy.The fact that unemployment is still high proves what a difficult economy this is.The fact that Tom passed the test shows how much he has improved.That和连词合用有些连词可以和that合用,例如「in order that, so that, providing that, in case that, now that, given that」等。

而且这种表述方式一般多用于正式场合,例如:He purchased the computer so that he might improve his typing.Susan told him she would marry him providing that he found a job.Alice feels happy now that she has moved into a new home.That用于转述动词后That用于转述动词后时一般that加与不加都可以,如say , tell someone , regret , imply 等,例如:Jennifer said she was in a hurry.Jack told me he wanted to move to New York.The boss implied the company was doing very well.That用于形容词后That用于形容词后时,如果是在回答问题,一般that加与不加都可以。

例如:I'm happy you found a new job.She's sad he's going to move to New York.Jack is anxious he didn't pass the test.

That he did so surprised us.分析一下句子结构为什么开头填that

That he did so 主语从句 surprised 谓语us 宾语。


如:That the Great Wall is one of the greatest in the world is known to us all .What he said made me happy .答题不易,满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!


that都可以引导下列从句:1、用作关系代词,引导定语从句The only thing that I can do is to have a rest . 我唯一能做的事就是休息。

2、用作关联词,引导名词性从句That the earth turns around the sun is known to all. 地球围着太阳转这一点是众所周知的。

(引导主语从句) It so happens that I know the man. 碰巧我认识那人。

(主语从句) I will see to it that everything is ready. 我会注意把一切准备妥当的。

(宾语从句) The trouble is that we are short of money.困难就在于我们缺钱。

(表语从句) There is no doubt that he is the best choice for this position. 无疑,他是这一职位的最佳人选。

(同位语从句) 3、构成短语,引导状语从句 Bring it nearer so that I may see it better .拿近一点,好让我看清楚些。

( so that 引导目的状语从句) She got up early , so that she caught the early bus. 她起的早,所以赶上了早班车。

( so that 引导结果状语从句) In order that everybody should hear him , he spoke loudly. 他大声说话,为了使大家都能听得见。

(in order that引导目的状语从句) Now that they have taken matters into their hands the pace of events has quickened.他们既然已着手自己来处理问题,事态的进展也就加快了。

(now that 引导原因状语从句) (摘自赵公明)...

He's Just Not That Into You中的经典语句

【也许所谓的幸福结局,就是抱着永不放弃的希望,继续前行】 其实下面都是一些台词的摘抄.个人蛮喜欢的。

A gril will never forget the first boy she likes, even if things don't quite work out. But usually someone is there to offer words of wisdom: “Honey, do you know why that little boy did those things and said those things? Because he likes you.” And there it is, that's the beginning of our problem. Do you know what this means? We're all encouraged…No!programmed…To believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk, that means he likes you. Why do we say this stuff to each other? Is it possible that it's because we're too scared and it's too hard to say the one obvious truth that's staring everyone in the face?——He's just not that into you. 女孩儿永远忘不掉她喜欢的第一个男孩儿。




你知道这意味着什么?这是多么鼓舞人心啊… 不,蛊惑人心…一厢情愿的以为如果男孩对你使坏的话,就意味着他喜欢上你了。


“My trampy little sister says MySpace is the new booty call.” “我的毒舌妹妹说MySpace是新一代激情热线。

” “Well, what am I supposed to do? I mean, things have changed. People don't meet each other organically anymore. If I would like to make myself seem more attractive to the opposite sex, I don't go and get a new haircut, I update my profile. ” “那我该怎么办?我是说,时代发生变化了。



” That's not the point, I can't text. You know, I'm not charming via text…It's not just texting, it's e-mail. It's voicemail. It's snail mail. Whatever, none of it's working. I had this guy leave me a voicemail at work, so I called him at home. And then he e-mailed me to my BlackBerry, and so I texted to his cell. And then he e-mailed me to my home account, and the whole thing just got out of control. And I miss the days where you had one phone number and one answering machine. And that one answering machine housed one cassette tape, and that one cassette tape either had a message from the guy, or it didn't. And now I have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies. It's exhausting. 这不是关键,我不喜欢短信。











I may dissect each little thing and put myself out there too much, but at least that means I still care. Oh, you think you've won because women are expendable to you? You may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way, but you don't fall in love that way either. You have not won, you're alone, Alex. I may do a lot of stupid shit, but I know I'm a lot closer to finding someone than you are. 我就是喜欢剖析每个小动作,自己添油加醋的乱想,但这至少说明我在乎。




Every movie we see, every story we're told, implores us to wait for it. The third act twist. The unexpected declaration of love. The exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending, we don't learn how to read the signs, how to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't, the ones who will stay from the ones who will leave. And maybe this happy ending doesn't include a wonderful guy. Maybe it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this: Knowing that through all the unreturned phone calls, and broken hearts, through all the blunders and misread signals, through all of the pain and embarrassment, you never, ever gave up hope. 我们看过的每一部电影,听过的每一个故事,都叫到我们去等待真爱。


英语中one,ones,that,those放在一个句子开头的那种 做代词用的用法区...

when可当疑问副词,也可当关系副词.1. when当疑问副词, 一定是放在句首.例: When is the play going to start? 这场戏什麽时候要开始?2.when当关系副词, 用来修饰表时间的先行词, 可用来代替"时间介系词+which",如" at which, in which"例: Do you remember the day THAT I invited you out? 记得我邀你出去的那一天吗?=Do you remember the day WHEN I invited you out?=Do you remember the day ON WHICH I invited you out?=Do you remember WHEN I invited you out? (这里的when引导名词子句作受词用) 3.when(当.....) 主要用於强调事情发生的时间. 用在句首或句中意思并没有差别例: When her name was called, she stood up.= She stood up when her name was called.叫她名字的时候,她站了起来.但注意, when在句首, 两个句子之间要用逗号隔开, when在句中, 就是一个句子.


一、that 用作形容词(后接复数名词时用those)。


What about that book you borrowed from me last month? 请注意,that 有时候在句子中具有喜欢或轻蔑等感情色彩。

that little son of his 他那个小宝贝儿子 That

George!乔治那家伙!(含有轻蔑语气) 二、that 用作代词。

1. that 用作指示代词(复数形式是those),其指代意义同形容词用法,同时它还可以用作定语从句中的先行词;还可为了避免重复,代替前述名词。

That is what he told me. What is that you have got in your hand? The price of rice is higher than that of flour. 2. that 用作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句。


(但是在下列情况下多用that:先行词既有人又有物时;先行词有形容词最高级、序数词、不定代词、very,only等修饰时;先行词是不定代词时) He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. I think it one of the most wonderful films that the film company has ever produced. She has little information that is useful for our research. Is there anything that I can do for you? 请注意,that 在定语从句中作宾语时通常可省略。

The books I sent you will help you in your studies. 三、that 用作连词,引导名词性从句,状语从句和强调句。

1. that名词性从句。



I didn't expect he could win the championship. The teacher pointed out that Tom was not working hard enough. ② 引导主语从句。


That the earth goes around the sun is known to everyone. ③引导表语从句。

The trouble is that we are short of money. ④引导同位语从句。



举例说明: The news that he resigned from office surprised us. The idea that he holds is very common nowadays on campus. 2. that引导状语从句 ①引导目的状语从句。

Bring it nearer that I may see it better. ②引导结果状语从句。

What have I done that he should be so angry with me? ③引导原因状语从句。

I am afraid that I will fail in the driving test. ④引导让步状语从句。


Difficult that/as the task was, they managed to accomplish it on time. ⑤引导条件状语从句。


Supposing that you were in my position, what would you do? On condition that you were lost in the desert, you should ask for help as soon as possible. 3. 引导强调句。

It is Mrs. White that makes the decision in her family, not her meek little husband. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. 四、that用作副词。

1. that用作普通副词。

I was that/so angry I could have hit him. 2. that用作关系副词。

引导定语从句,可以代替when,where, why或 in which,常可省略。

I will never forget the evening / when we went to the theatre. The house /where I used to live has been knocked down. 五,与that 有关的常见重要短语。

1. in that,意为“既然、因为”。

Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us correct our mistakes. 2. now that,意为“既然、由于”。

Now that they have taken matters into their hands, the pace of events has quickened. 3. see that,意为“注意、务必做到、保证”。

We will see to it that she gets home early. See to it that you are not late again. 4. see

ing that,意为“鉴于、由于”。

Seeing that it is 8 o'clock, we'll wait no longer. Seeing that he was busy with his work, I didn't disturb him. 以上是that主要用法的概述,希望能对大家有所帮助。


六、必须用that的情况:1.在there + be 的句型中,句子的主语是先行词,而且又是物。

例如: There are two novels that I want to read. 我要读的有两本小说。

There is no work that can be done now. 没有什么工作现在能做的了。


例如: This is the book that was bought yesterday.这就是昨天买的书。

Our school is no longer the school that it used to be. 我们的学校不再是以前的学校了。

That's a good book that will help you a lot.3.以Here is 开头的句子时。

例如: Here are two books that I will buy.这是我要买的两本书。

Here is a film that will move anyone.这是一部将使任何人受感动的电影。

4.It is time +定语从句中。

例如: It is time that we should have a rest.我们应该休息了。

It is high time that they started out. 他们该动身了。

5.当先行词是way等词时,关系代词用that或者in which在定语从句中作方式状语时,在口语中,常可省略。

例如: This is the way that my father did this work.这就...

