


首先be动词:am is are——过去式 was were ——过去分词been


变否定句 在be动词后面加not 可以写成缩写 :

isn’t aren’t

eg:陈述句:He is at home.

否定句:He isn't at home.

一般疑问句:Is he at home ?

There be 句型是什么的句子

there be 句型是 英语中的固定搭配 意思是 有 这里有。

be 跟据需要 变换成 is am are 或者过去式 was were 过去分词 been 一、 注意事项: 1 there be 结构中的be 是可以运用各种时态的。

There is going to be a meeting tonight.今晚有个会议。

There was a knock at the door.有人敲门。

There has been a girl waiting for you.有个女孩一直在等你。

There will be rain soon.不久天就要下雨了。

2动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。

并且要根据就近一致原则来变换be 的单复数形式。

如: There is a book on the desk.课桌上有一本书。

How many people are there in the city?这个城市里有多少人口。

There is a pen and two books on the desk.课桌上有一个钢笔和两本书。

There are two books and a pen on the desk. 课桌上有两本书和一个钢笔。

There are some students and a teacher in the classroom. 在教室里有一些学生和一位老师。

There is a teacher and some students in the classroom. 在教室里有一位老师和一些学生。

3 在there be引起的句子结构中,用来修饰主语的不定式主动形式和被动形式均可。

There is no time to lose .时间紧迫。

There is nothing to see .看不见有什么。

There is nothing to do. 无事可做。

二、 结构变形:在there be 结构中还可把be 改变从而使得there be结构有了一些改变具体总结如下: 1 There used/seem/ happen/appear to be 如: There might be snow at night.晚上可能有雪。

There appeared to be nobody willing to help.看来没人愿意帮忙。

There used to be a building here.过去这儿有一座楼房。

There happened to be a man walking by.碰巧有个人在此经过。

There doesn't seem to be much hope.好象没有太大的希望。

2 在there be的 be 前还可以加上各种情态词,如: There must be something wrong.一定有问题。

There ought not to be so many people.不应该有这么多的人。

There might still be hope .可能还有点希望。

3 在there be句型中的be还可以换成其他的动词与there连用,这些词都是表示状态的如:live stand exist remain等或用来描写某事的发生或某人的到达如come, appear, enter, follow, occur等。

There lived a rich man.这以前住着一个富翁。

Then there came a knock at the door.然后有人敲门。

Long, long ago, there lived a king.很久很久以前,有一个国王。

There followed a terrible noise.然后是传来了可怕的声音。

Suddenly there entered a strange man.突然进来了一个奇怪的人。

三、 特殊的表达方式: 1There is no sense in doing 做某事是没有用的,没有意义的 There is no sense in making him angry.跟他生气是没有用的。

There in no sense in going alone. 一个人去是没有好处的。

4 There is no use /good doing 做某事是没有用的,没有必要的 There is no use trying to explain it.解释是没有必要的。

There is no good/use going there. 去那儿是没有好处的。

5 There is no need to do 没有必要做某事 There is no need to worry. 没有必要担心。

There is no need to give him so much money. 根本没有必要给他那么多的钱。

6 There is thought/said/reported to be 人们认为有/据说有/据报道有 There is thought to be an army between in these two countries。


There is reported to be a better way to cure cancer. 据报道,找到了一种更好的治疗癌症的方法。

7 There is no doing(口语)不可能……. There is no telling when he will be back.无法知道他什么时候回来。

There is no knowing what he is doing. 无法知道他在做什么。


Do you like English?Do you want some juice?Do you have a brother?What do you like to do?Where do you come from?There is some water in the bottle.You are welcome.I'm sorry.Here you are.What's the weather like today.

用There be 句型造5个句子

eg:Over there is our library.那边是我们的图书馆。

This is success and there is no other.这便是成功,除此之外,别无他物And then there is the riding position.然后就是骑行位置的问题But at same time, there are risks.但是,同时,也是存在危险的There are ten candles on his birthday cake.他的生日蛋糕上有是十枝蜡There are differences

among us, that's for sure.我们之间有很多不同之处,那是肯定的。

请帮忙分析下带to be的句子

may be: 这里里的“may"是情态动词,请注意它首先为动词,从词性上就可以区分它与"maybe"的不同,所以在句中的作用也就不一样了。


如:We may go abroad for a holiday, but my wife always worries every thing, so we might not go anywhere.b)may be句形,构成一种对现在发生事情的主观推测,表示可以现在会发生什么事情。

如:It may be rain today, you'd better take a umbrella with you.

There be的句型的句子

某处有某物,要用there be句型be 的形式由离它最近的名词决定 单数和不可数用is/was, 复数用are/were将来时用there will be/there is going to be例如:There is going to be a parent meeting next Monday.There is a pen and two books on the desk.There are two books and a pen on the desk.





如果一个简单句不足以表达要表达的意思,可以通过以下三种方式解决1 用连词连接2 用动词的非谓语动词形式3 加从句周末愉快望采纳。

be going to句型句子30个

I am going to have my hair cut.You are going to see him, are you?She is going to shopping.I am going to go to the library.They are going to have some fun.He is going to the shops.Are you going to the cinema?Are they going to join us?Is he going to do this?Was he doing that yesterday?Were they watching the show at 8:00pm yesterday?Are you going to become crazy when you ask me to finish so many sentences?

There be 句型的句子里 以下句子为什么都加be,做什么成分,意思是...

动词作谓语呗!1. 似乎有2. 将有3. 好像有、似乎有4. 碰巧有5. 看上去有100%对!采纳为盼!开心每一天哦!.There be 句型也可以和这样一些的谓语动词连用:be going to 、seem to 、appear to 、used to、be likely to 、happen to ….【to后面用动词原形,故用be,而不用is/are。

即there is going to be....为there be...的将来形式,there seem to be....为there be...的变形】There seem to be a few trees between me and the green.在我与草坪之间好像有一些树。

There is gong to be a meeting tonight.今天晚上有个会议。

There is likely to be a storm.可能有一场暴雨。

There happened to be a bus nearby.碰巧附近有辆公交车。

There appears to have been a nasty accident.似乎发生了一起严重事故。


分为两类:1. 肯定句: You must be home before ten.We always enjoy ourselves.You look very well.He has a bad cold.He can get up for about two hours each day.He doesn't like school.You mustn't come home at a quarter past nine.......2.疑问句:Must you eat aspirin?Do you like potatoes?Can you make the tea?What did you do?What must they do?When did you washed your hands?Where do you come from?Would you like a bottle of milk?How about you?......

