
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



1.The future belongs to those who know where they belong. 未来是属于那些知道他们该归属何处的人。

2.You’ll face your worst fears and conquer them, unless they get you first. 你需要面对你害怕的事物,然后战胜他们,除非他们先战胜了你。

3.Now you chose us, now we get to choose you. 你选择了我们,现在轮到我们选你们了。

4.-I’m the weakest one here. –then you’ll be most improved. -我是这里最弱的。


5.Dauntless never give up. 无畏派永远不会放弃。

6.And to find out who has what it takes. 用尽一切挖掘你们的潜力。

7.If I wanted to hurt you, I would have. 如果我要伤害你的话,我早这么做了。

8.Everyone’s afraid of something. 每个人都有害怕的东西。

9.-He’s just afraid. -everyone’s afraid. –I know, but fear does something strange to people like AI. But not you. Fear doesn’t shut you down, it wakes you up. -他只是很害怕。





10.You are a coward. 你是个懦夫。

11.No, it’s not because of you. He made his own choice. 不是,不是因为你,是他自己选择的。

12.As a dauntless soldier, you have to follow orders you don’t always agree with. 作为一个无畏派的士兵,你得听从命令,尽管你不赞同。

13.There isn’t a second to waste. 不要浪费一秒钟。

14.Do whatever it takes. 不计一切代价。

15.There’s a certain beauty in your resistance, your defiance of categorization. But it’s a beauty we can’t afford. 你的反抗是一种美德,但是这种美德,我们承受不起。

16.I admire you willing to die for what you believe. But so am I. 我很佩服你为了你所确信的而宁愿去死,不过我也是。

17.Maybe you’re not quite as dauntless as you thought you were. 也许你没有你想的那么无畏。

18.There’s a certain beauty to your resistance. 你的反抗肯定是一种美德。


I you exactly who you are.Are you sure about that?Yeah,I am very sure. Come here.We are like the fractionless now.We've left everything behind,but we found ourselves and each other.Tomorrow we may have to fight again,but for now,we'll ride the train to the end of the line.And then,we'll jump.

分歧者的主要内容 英文版的

The different is a 2022 American science fiction adventure movie, the story takes place in Chicago, an anti utopian world. The future world war devastation of human experience, has an almost Utopian perfect state and the system, in order to restore order, all the. Formulated the five factions, and dystopian future urban Chicago divide society into five factions, the five factions to carry out their duties, is committed to training people for the tribal people and jointly maintain the world peace and. . The five factions include: selfless, peace, courage, honesty and wisdom, all sixteen year old boys and girls will. Must be selective permeability test ceremony, choose to belong to own faction and where dedicated the rest of his life, the difficult choices, may let them eternal separation from friends and relatives.. But the leading actress Cui silk gradually discovered this fact is the transformation of their beginning, and found himself is a heterogeneous (that is, the difference) is not belong to any faction, simply can not join any faction. The three characters are not defined, not manipulated, and even more revolutionary. And the different people will also be killed by the. In order to survive, she will break all the norms, to expose the false peace of the world, launched a fantasy adventure and surprise showdown. 《分歧者》是一部2022年美国科幻冒险青春电影,故事发生在芝加哥的一个反乌托邦的末日后世界。


­ 五个派别当中包括:无私、和平、勇敢、诚实以及智慧,所有十六岁的少男少女,必­须透过测验仪式选择,选择属于自己的派系,并在那里奉献余生,这个困难抉择,可能让他们与亲友­永远分离。





