
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文


In present society, many students think they should enjoy their wonderful university life. What method they usually enjoy is going to play, shopping, or falling in love. In this fast-peace life, most graduates can not stand any pressure, they are lazy, but want high salary and comfortable jobs. Considering their future, I think all college students should do some meaningful part-time jobs or do internship before graduate so that to improve their ability to cope with society.在当今社会,许多学生认为他们应该享受美好的大学生活。他们通常喜欢的方法去玩,购物,或是谈恋爱。在快节奏生活的今天,大多数毕业生受不了任何压力,他们懒却想要高薪、舒适的工作。考虑到大学生的未来,我认为大学生应该在毕业之前做一些有意义的兼职还有实习,以此来提高他们应对社会的能力。In university, students’ spare time is sufficient, in their spare time, students can find some part-time job to do, on the one hand, to exercise their abilities, and increase the experience, on the other hand, still can obtain a certain reward at their disposal, and was the best of both worlds.  Moreover, now because the enterprises in the aspect of market competition, the selection of talent demand is higher and higher, social experience and the existing ability is the enterprise an important condition of job offers. We can not stop the pace of others, but we can speed up their growth rate; we can't reduce the enterprise standard of choose and employ persons, but we can improve their professional ability. Before really stepping into society, it is necessary to find a job to temper yourself.大学的课余时间比较充分,在课余时间,我们很多同学会找一些兼职来做,一方面锻炼自己的能力,增加阅历,另一方面还能获得一定的报酬可供自己支配,可谓两全其美.而且,现在的企业在用人方面由于市场的竞争,对人才的选拔要求越来越高,社会经验与现有能力是企业录用人才的一个很重要的条件。我们不能阻止别人前进的步伐,但我们可以加快自己成长的速度;我们不能降低企业用人的标准,但我们能提高自己的职业能力。在真正踏入社会找工作做工作前先磨炼一下自己是非常必要的。Nowadays, in order to increase new graduates’ competition in the workplace, we usually need to practice, and it is also a lot of required courses of the college. Internship is one of the college students’ experiences for their future career. Only personal experience to further determine the target career as a negative right, ideal career with real career, whether there is a gap in the gap is how much, if they can accept. And for recruitment firm, internship experience is a way they examine the ability of college students. If you can't finish internship, how can the boss believe you can finish well in the future formal work?现在为了增加作为应届毕业生在职场中的竞争性,我们通常需要进行实习,同时这也是很多学校的必修课。实习是大学生对自己未来职业的一种体验,只有亲身经历后方能进一步确定自己的目标职业是否对了,理想中的职业与实际中的职业是否有差距,差距是多大,自己是否能够接受。而对于招聘公司来讲,实习经验是他们检视大学生能力的一种方式。如果连实习都不能完成,怎么能相信个人可以胜任以后的正式工作呢?In one's career, work is for a long time, the internship is short. But just as the love of marriage and driving period, though short, hard but it relates to our future happiness and peace for a long time. Hope that all students can experience more in college, play to their potential, and find their own position in their future work.在职场生涯中,工作是长久的,实习是短暂的。但就像婚姻的恋爱期和开车的磨合期,虽然短暂辛苦,却关乎以后的长久幸福和平安。希望所有学生都可以好好利用实习的机会,发挥自己的潜力,找到自己的位置。

