
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文


Life is full of choices. We have to make our choice for many things. It ranges from what we eat for breakfast to what kind of life we prefer. When it comes to the question about what’s your ideal life, the majority of people will have two answers, which are money and time. In fact, which one do you think is more important? The answer must be varying. As far as i am concerned, both choices have advantages and disadvantages, because if you choose money in your life, you will lose time and vice versa.生活处处都是选择题。很多事情我们都得做选择。小到早餐吃什么大至生活理念。当谈及理想生活时,大多数人都会有两个答案,那就时间和金钱。事实上,你觉得哪一个更为重要?答案是众说纷纭。就我而言,两种选择都有优点和缺点,因为如果在你的人生中选择金钱你就会失去时间,反之亦然For one thing, money can bring lots of things for us and give us the pleasant of enjoyment. People often say that if you have money, you can make the devil push the millstone for you. If you have money, you can buy a lot of things that you like and ask for lots convenience and service, such as, house, car and massage. But when you spend most of your time on making money, you will have little time to enjoy your life, even have no time to take care of the people you love. So, people also often say that money is not everything.一方面,钱能给我们带来很多东西,享受愉悦感。人们常说有钱能使鬼推磨。如果有了钱,你就可以买很多你喜欢的东西,得到很多的便利和服务,例如,房子,汽车和按摩。但是当你大部分时间都花在赚钱上的时候,你就没有多少时间去享受生活了,甚至没有时间去照顾你所爱的人。因此,人们也常说,钱不是万能的。For another, having enough time, people can do whatever they want, such as, go fishing, go travel, study and so on. They can have more time to stay with their family and play with friends. In other words, they have more time to enjoy life. However, they have little money to do many things. They have to live counting their money and couldn’t buy the things they like.另一方面,人们可以做任何他们想做的事情如果有充足的时间话,比如,钓鱼,旅行,学习等。他们有更多的时间和家人呆在家里,和朋友出去玩。换句话说,他们有更多的时间享受生活。然而,很多时候他们都没有钱去做。他们得数着钱过日子,也不能买自己喜欢的东西。To sum up, for the question, money or time? We can’t only choose one of them. We had better make a balance between them. Frankly speaking, there is not absolutely balance, but we can work hard to make it become more balance.总之,对于这个钱还是时间的问题?我们不可以只选其一。最好是保持两者之间的平衡。坦白地说,虽然不可能有绝对的平衡,但是我们可以努力让这更接近平衡。

