
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文


The freshmen of media department in Nanjing University recently received a rather alternative assignment: they are each other to open a twitter account, and are to be graded at the end of the semester according to the number of followers they get. This unique task has around large attention of the public. There are two voices as the usual. The approvals consider this idea is full of creation. It is good for students to improve their learning ability to promote themselves. And the other voice thinks that it is not good for students’ study and develops good character. I think I will agree with the latter opinion.南京大学新闻系的新生最近收到了一个颇为另类的任务:他们每个人要开一个推特帐户,之后再期末的时候根据粉丝的数量来打分。这个独特的任务已经引起了公众的关注。像平时一样主要有两个观点。赞成的一方认为这个想法是富有创造力的。这有利于学生提高学习能力以自我完善。另一个想法认为这并不利于学生的学习以及性格的发展。我想我会同意后者的观点。First of all, twitter assignment is not good for student to learn the traditional knowledge. Although innovation is important, the whole study should come first. If elevated students by their number of followers in twitter, they will not study hard, even have classes skipped, because they know that it has no business about the score. What they need to do is to make their twitter more attractive. This idea totally break the rule that the purpose students in school. Although they learn the way to sell themselves, they don’t complete their study aim. 首先,推特作业不利于学生学习传统知识。虽然创新很重要,但是整体的学习应该是最重要的。如果从粉丝数量评价学生的话,他们就不会努力学习,甚至逃课,因为他们知道上课和分数没关系。他们所要做的是让自己的推特更有吸引力。这个想法完全打破了学生在学校的目的的规则。虽然他们学会了推销自己的方式,但是却完成不了学习目标。Secondly, twitter assignment is not good for students to develop good characteristics. If students receive such special task, they will focus on selling themselves. They will find various ways to reach their goal. Such as, show off, say some extremely words, lies and so on. This means is not fit for students. They may form some negative personalities from it.其次,推特作业不利于学生养成良好的性格。如果学生接受了这个特殊的任务,他们就会把重点放在推销自己上。他们会找各种方法来达到他们的目标。例如,炫耀,说一些极端的话,撒谎等。这种方式并不适合学生。从中他们可以会形成一些不好的性格。To sum up, twitter assignment is a creative way for education, but it is not fit for students. They still need the traditional teaching way to receive education.总之,推特作业是创新的教育方式,但并不适合学生。他们仍然需要通过传统的教学方式来接受教育。

