
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文


It's about half a year since I entered the college, and I find the way of study in college is different from the study in high school. Next I will share my opinions with you. 自从我进入大学已经半年了,我发现大学的学习方式和高中时不一样的。下面我会和你一起分享我的想法。Firstly, we're more or less pushed by our teachers to learn to get a great grade at high school. That's to say, it's not initiative. On the contrary, on the college campus, no one would push us to study, except our-self. What's more, at high school, our teachers explained almost every word and text specific, but our new teachers would not explain as detailed as high school teachers. 首先,在高中我们或多或少都是被老师逼着去学习来取得好的成绩。也就是说,并不是积极主动的。相反,在大学校园里,没人会逼我们去学习,除了我们自己。而且,在高中,我们的老师几乎都是逐字逐句地解释,但是我们现在的新老师并不像高中老师那样解释得那么详细。Secondly, at high school, we're only permitted to study science subject or humanities subject, and we would study extremely hard to get more marks which made us stay up. Worse still, in spare time, we never did some sporting and relaxed ourselves so as to not fall behind in the study. However, in college, we're allowed to learn what we're interested in. Besides, when we're free, we always take part in great variety activities which makes us obtain different ability. 其次,在高中,我们只要学习文科或者理科,为了得高分我们会很努力地学习,甚至经常熬夜。而且,在业余时间,为了不在学习上落后我们从来没有做一些运动来放松自己。然而,在大学里,我们可以学我们感兴趣的。此外,当我们有空的时候,我们经常参加各种各样可以提高能力的活动。Last but not least, in high school, we aim at being admitted to a famous university. But in college, we are not only study but also to establish a relationship with students to get along well with others. 最后但并非最不重要的,在高中时,我们的目标就是被名牌大学的录取。但在大学,我们不仅仅要学习还要和学生们建立友好关系,与他人好好相处。To conclude, although our lifestyle has changed a lot, we still need more self-control and self-awareness in college. We can't only focus our energy on computer games; we should not kill the time. Instead, we had better take advantages of the time to obtain the ability to confront the challenge. Only so, we will become more competitive and we can have a bright future.最后,虽然我们的生活方式发生了很大的变化,但是在大学里我们需要更多的自我控制和自我意识能力。我们不能只把精力集中在电脑游戏中;我们不应该消磨时间。相反,我们最好好好利用时间来获取面对挑战的能力。只有这样,我们才会变得更有竞争力,才会有一个光明的未来。

