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On December, 1952, London was surrounded by the poisonous foggy for at least 4 days. Due to the poisonous air, the hospitals in London were crowed with patients, more than 4000 people died because of the foggy. In the next two month, 8000 people passed away. London, who used to proud of her fast growing economic, at this moment, she had to swallow the heavy price. After this incident, London had made up her mind that she must get rid of the poisonous foggy, and brought the city back to life again. After twenty years of hard working, London had made a balance between economic and environment. The win-win outcome had inspired the whole world. 1952年12月,伦敦被毒雾笼罩了至少4天。因为毒雾,伦敦的医院挤满了病人,超过4000人死亡。在随后的两个月,又有8000人去世。伦敦,这个曾经以快速增长的经济而骄傲的城市,在这一刻,付出了沉重的代价。这次事故后,伦敦狠下心要摆脱掉“雾都”的帽子,让城市重获新生。在通过20年的不懈努力之后,伦敦在经济发展和环境治理中找到了平衡。这个双赢的结果对世界有很大的启发。Beijing, the second biggest city in China, has faced the same situation, the foggy. Getting into winter, the air in Beijing was extremely bad; the foggy is surrounding the city for days. Thanks to today’s advanced health service; people can use various ways to protect themselves from the poisonous foggy. However, this isn’t the right way to fix the problems. The children dare not play outside; the traffic light cannot be seen because of the thick foggy, this will increase the possibility of traffic accidents; people have to wear breathing mask if they need to go outside. The clean air cannot make people to live forever, but at least it can make sure people are not suffering from coughing. However, we’re just too blind to see. If everybody plants a tree, the air will be clean someday. But the ironic part is the governments still chase the rapid growth of GDP, and play deaf and dumb to the environment. Do we really have to walk the same path just like old London?北京,这个中国第二大的城市,现如今面临着同样的问题:毒雾。进入冬季以来,北京的空气变得特别的差。迷雾笼罩城市,迟迟不肯散去。感谢如今先进的医疗服务,人们可以用多种方法来抵制毒雾。但这也是治标不治本。小孩子不能外出游玩,交通灯看不见,增大了车祸的风险;如果一定要出门,那就得带口罩。干净的空气不能使人长生不老,但是至少让人们远离咳嗽之苦。然而,我们却视而不见。如果每个人种一棵树,空气就会变干净一些。但讽刺的是政府部门却在一味的追求GDP的增长,对环境问题装聋作哑。难道我们真的要走上旧时伦敦的老路么?I don’t want Beijing or any other cities in China to be the next foggy city. This is so scary. I hope we can return to our offspring a clean sky and fresh air.我不希望北京或者是中国的任何一个城市变成下一个“雾都”。这太可怕了。我希望我们能还给我们的子孙后代一个干净的蓝天和新鲜的空气。

