
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文


When we have formed the good study habit, we learn things quickly and remember things easily. Do you sometimes copy other's homework? It is not good. No matter how difficult the homework is, you must try to do it yourself and finish it on time. If you practice again and again, nothing will be difficult.

当我们养成良好的学习习惯,我们学东西会变快,记事情也会变得容易。有时你是不是会抄别人的作业?这是不对的。无论作业有多难,你都必须自己做,并按时完成它。如果你一次又一次的练习,就没有什么是困难的了。When you are having lessons, don't forget to make notes.Every evening you must take out the notes and review what you have learned today. Before doing homework, do not forget to clean your desks. A clean desk will make you feel comfortable.

当你得到教训时,不要忘记做笔记。每天晚上你必须拿出笔记,复习你今天学到了什么。在做作业之前,不要忘记清理你的桌子。一个干净的桌子上会让你感觉舒适。A Good study habit is the key to success.


