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I was sad when I was seeing the moive,it's the only word that I can say.I can not help crying when Ric go to the meeting with a TV that the video is on.Ric who takes 10 years to create the business and 35 years to destroy it just as he said,I can not image his felling when he saw the action the people in Taiji did to the dolphin .He is already an old man ,however,he is doing the good but dangerous thing that even do harm to his life.

The dolphins' smile always appear in my mind,it's so sweet that is not forgotten at all.They love to get touch with our people,they are our family in other word.People is always selfish,we want to have the sweet things that results to the miserable fate of them.They belongs to the sea where they are free and happy.I thought oceanarium is a beautifull place before,but I realize that it is the cost of dolphins' happiness.I am concerned that it should not exist any more.

The truth that the government in Japen ask the children to eat the dolphins' meat just for covering the truth surprise me.What are they thinking?The behavior is stupid.

Ric's team is deed great.But their power is limited.Althought what they did have had an influence to Taiji ,the cruel behavior is still going on.It needs all people's attention and power.I really hope I can do something useful.

