
生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 三八妇女节 新年祝福语



listen, Mototo, you better treat this lady like a queen.听着,摩托托,你最好对这女孩好一点Because you, my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman.因为你找到了这个世界上最完美的女人If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman,如果我有这么幸运的话I`d give her flowers every day. And notjust any flowers.OK?我一定每天都给她送花。


Her favorites are orchids. White. And breakfast in bed.她喜欢兰花,白色的那种,早餐要送到她床上Six loaves of wheat toast, butter on both sides.六片小麦土司,两面都要涂黄油No crust, the way she likes it.面包片要去掉,她不喜欢吃I`d be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend.我愿意成为她最知心的朋友,在她伤心难过的时候给她依靠的肩膀I`d spend every day thinking of how to make her laugh.我每天都会想着怎么让她开心She has the most amazing laugh.她有这世界上最美的笑脸That`s what I would do if I were you.如果我是你的话,我就会这么做But I`m not, so you do it.不过我不是,所以你要替我做


goodness can at times be

马达加斯加3其中的一句台词求英文翻译 01:14:42朱利安和索尼娅的那句

我太纠结于我是谁 你是谁 你闻起来像什么 但最重要的是我们能够臭在一起:01:14:42:I don't want to be king anymore. I was so hung up with who I was. Who you was. What you smell like. What really matters is what we smell like together.


英语台词警官:Captain Dubois,I am so happy to see you! You will not believe…警官:迪布瓦队长 看到你很高兴 你不知道…女警官:Get back ,you fool! Your cheap cologne is obscuring the animal musk!女警官:滚开 笨蛋 你的香水掩盖了动物的气味警官:Oh , my face !警官:我的脸啊

女警官:Poor ,poor animals .You shoul never nave left the forest . Now you will with we !女警官:可怜的动物们 你们不该离开森林的 现在还要面对我企鹅1:Kowalski Signal the chimps to meet us at the rendezvous point with the Super Plane . Hotell Ambassador . Let’s move it !企鹅1:科瓦斯基 给猩猩发信号带着超级飞机去会合点 大使酒店 我们走女警官:Voila . Giraffee at twelve o’clock 女警官:看 长颈鹿就在前面 .长颈鹿:Guys , we ‘ve got a tail .长颈鹿:喂 有人跟踪老鼠1:Paparazzi !老鼠1:狗仔队企鹅1:Pedal to the metal , Private .企鹅1:油门踩到底 士兵老鼠1:Don’ t take any photos , please! Hi ! Here I am! Don’t take…any…photos .老鼠1:不要拍照嘛 讨厌 嗨

我在这儿 不要拍照老鼠2:No more pictures ! Medic !老鼠2:不要再拍了 医生 企鹅1:ETA to rendezvous point ? 企鹅1:到会合点还有多长时间

企鹅2:Two minutes.37 seconds , sir .企鹅2:两分37秒企鹅

:Man your battle stationa !企鹅1:进入战斗岗位

狮子:Hey ! Wait ! Nobody ‘ s at the wheel ! Get back there ! Negative on the driver ! There is no driver !狮子:喂 等等 没人开车了 回来 没有司机了 没有司机了母河马:Help ! Nobody ‘ s driving ! Oh , no! We’re going to die !母河马:救命 没人开车了 我们要死了企鹅1:Don’t just sit there , fance pants . Grad the wheel !企鹅1:别干坐着 娘娘腔 开车啊狮子:Are you kidding ? I don’t drive . I’m a New Yorker !狮子:开什么玩笑 我不会开车 我是纽约人斑马:Move over , Miss Daisy !斑马:让开 小妞狮子:...>1120583902 | 2022-03-12241


Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still trying to get back to the Big Apple and their beloved Central Park zoo, but first they need to find the penguins. When they travel to Monte Carlo, they attract the attention of Animal Control after gate crashing a party and are joined by the penguins, King Julian and Co., and the monkeys. How do a lion, zebra, hippo, giraffe, four penguins, two monkeys, three lemurs travel through Europe without attracting attention and get back to New York? They join a traveling circus. Their attempts to get back to New York are consistently hampered by the Captain of Animal Control who wants to make Alex part of her collection. Once they make it back to New York Marty, Alex, Gloria and Melman realize that they want to be part of the traveling circus.四个好伙伴逃出非洲后,他们便迫切想要回到纽约。





