
生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 三八妇女节 新年祝福语



It begins when the object of your affection ……bestows upon you a heady hellucinogenic dose ……of something you've never even dared to admit you wanted…… an emotional speed-ball of thunderous love and excitement.Soon you start craving that attention with the hungry obsesion …… of any junkie.When it's withheld,you turn sick;crazy,not to mention resentful.……of the dealer who encouraged this addiction in the first place……but now refuses to pony up the good stuff.Goddamn him,and he used to give it to you for free.Next stage finds you skinny,shaking in a cornet……certain only that you'd sell your soul……just to have that one thing one more time.……the object of your adoration is now repulsed by you.You dont't always make me miserable .There's a comfor.He looks at you like someone he's enver met before.The irony is you can hardly blame him,I mean,check yourself out.You're a mess.Unrecognizable even to your own eyes.You have now reached infatuation's final edstination.The complete and merciless devaluation of self.

美食、祈祷和恋爱 Eat Pray Love 里 LIZ演讲的时候讲的关于爱情的那段台词

我表示 这个电影是真的不错~意大利真的美呆了



美食祈祷和恋爱电视宣传片my life中的音乐

I will pray for you forever.

