
生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 三八妇女节 新年祝福语

她比烟花寂寞 亦舒 名言

她比烟花寂寞 开头和结尾的台词

Hilary And Jackie ScriptHello.Yes. I'll get her.Yes. I'll tell her.All right. Bye.I've got a message for you.A secret one.When I was but or so,I went into a golden land.Cimbarozo Cotopaxi took me by the handOver the Orinoco...across the blazing Kalahari desert...through the untamed grasslands of the veldt.What is it?What did she say?What did she say that for?It's all right.I don't mind.Everything's going to be all right.Hils, wake up.Mummy's made a new song for us to play.B-flat. Listen.Big waves... rolling in / time.When you hear me change to the major chord,I want you to dive down under the sea.Dive down under the waves.You're just silvery fishesswimming in and out of the seaweedin / time.And... watch out,here comes the shark!Dear Mrs. Du Pr?we are planningto broadcast a children's performanceof the toy symphony by...Haydn.Very good.We would be delighted if you would conductand if your daughter Hilarywould agree to play the flute part.It's from the BBC.Jolly good. Jolly good.Well done, hullabaloo.Ha ha.What about me?If you practice hard enough, maybe next time.But I want to come this time.I want to be with Hilary.Couldn't she just come along for the ride?It's an orchestra, Derek, not a Clapham omnibus.Jackie, that is quite uncalled for!You're spoiling Hilary's special day.If Jackie can't come, I won't go.Follow the score, girl. Don't gawp at the soloist.I really can't apologize enough.Oh, not at all.Worth any amount of troubleto get young Hilary.She's really very special.Yes, I realize that.Your sister's a remarkable girl.You must be very proud.Oh, we all are. Terribly proud.Good-bye.I am never going to go through anything like that again.If you want to be with Hilary, you have to play as well as her.If you want to be together,you've got to be equally good.Do you understand?Yes.Supper's ready.So I should thinkwe should leave some money on the doorstepfor the burglar to takeso he wouldn't get in anymore.What do you think?well, I think...And the first prize goes to the Du Pr?sisters,Jacqueline and Hilary.Well done!One for you.One for you.Shall I take that for you?In the woodwind category...a very clear winner...with the highest number of points ever awardedin this section at this festival...Hilary Du Pr?Come along.We had no difficulty at allin choosing the winner in the string section,even though we were a little unnervedby the candidate's rather...overemphatic bodily movements.I think this must be the first timethat our winning soloists have been sisters.The judges were unanimousin choosing miss Jacqueline Du Pr?Ladies and gentlemen,we have many more awards,so I beg for you all to sit down just...She does move about a bit.She looks like one of these Bobby Soxer types.I must say that's my fault.They did a lot of music and movementwhen they were younger.Excuse me. Can I have a picture, please?Yeah, you, too, sir. That's lovely. Yeah.Nice big smiles.Hils! Hils!Come over.Is this one of yours? Does she play?Oh, yes.Hilary won as well, didn't you, dear?We can have a family portrait.Right.Could you hold your flute up where I can see it?Smile then.Your sister's a remarkable girl.You must be very proud.Oh, yes, we are. Terribly proud.Smile then!Well, then...be good.We'll collect you in an hour.Be good.Yes.Now...let's see what you can do.An hour today,and then see how it goes.Oh.There.Well, now, this is nice.No.Try that... that lifting,that upbeat before the quaverswith an up bow.Like... like so.I like him. He's my cello daddy.I want to come every day.Can I come every day?Do you mind?We shall have to get a car.Oh.That's it.She's ready.Mrs. Du Pr? what do you thinkof a debut recital at the Wigmore Hall?Marvelous.I've spoken to Ibbs and Tillet...they'll handle the publicity and the tickets...and to Ernest Lush.He'll accompany her on the piano.Oh.She's playing flat.Ladies and gentlemen,I'm afraid that my a string has come loose,and I'm going to have to restring my celloand start again.Well, at least it wasn't my g string.I do wish she'd keep that head still.Looks so flamboyant,all that hair flying about the place.Oh. There she is.They want me to play at a wedding in Italy.It's a princess' wedding.You will come, won't you? I'd be terrified alone.Congratulations. You were wonderful.Oh, thank you.Um, excuse me, everyone.Attention, please.Thank you.Jackie's debut went very well.I'm sure you would agree.And to mark the occasion, a very generous friendwho wishes to remain anonymous...has offered her this.It's one of the finest cellos ever made.It's called the Davidov.The magic is in the varnish.So you must keep it awayfrom the extremes of temperature.Another problem is the insurance.So don't let it get out of your sight.It will give you the world, Jackie.You must give it yourself.Fratello Othello.Spaghetti.Spaghetti.Spaghetti Fra Gola.Si. Fra Gola.Si?Si.Uffici de ponte.Ah.Uffici de Firenze.Firenze?Capri.Ah, Capri bellisimo.Si, bellisimo!Si, bellisimo!Si, fortesimo!Shh. Shh.The bubbles are so...Ok.Here's to Hilary and Jackieand all who've seen enough.Mmm.Hils, look.Wow.We're in heaven.Oh, put that bloody light out.Excuse me.Have you seen my sister?Is your sister Jacqueline Du Pr?Yes.She'll be in Berlin by now.She's playing the Haydn cello concerto in c.Oh.You going back to London?Yes. I suppose so.Oh. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.What is this blasted jigging about?Stand still, girl.Stand still.It is impossible to produce a proper tonewithout proper deportment.You have no technique.That's all right. Technique can be taught.We just have to go back to the beginningand start again.Cancel any concert dates you may have outstanding.Yes, Mr. Bentley.Oh, Hilary...how is your marvelous sister?I'm not sure. She's away at the moment.In Russia.Oh.That's it, old boy...keep trying.That's it!Ooh. I felt that.Listen.Well done, boy.What is it?That is radio Moscow.This is what Jackie will be hearingif she's listening to the wireless.No.No.No!No!No!Instead of rehearsing this piece,I just want youto practice playing b-flat.Just the note b-flat?The note.Just the note.Thanks.Parcel from Jacks, everybody!Want help?Well, open it!Can't open it.Hils...can't break it.Here, Hil. Let me.It's her washing.I suppose it must be difficultgetting her washing done in a foreign country.Good afternoon, ma'am.My niece is a student.Embouchure.Embouchure.Miss Du Pr? Yes?I was wondering, could I book you for a concert?No, it's not me you want. It's my sister.But you're Hilary Du Pr?..the flautist?Yes.Yes, it's you I want. The Bach b-minor.Oh.Oh, I'm sorry.I'm not allowed to play concertsuntil after my exam.Oh. Well, when's your exam?Right now, as a matter of fact.Oh, well, in that case, I'll wait.Please.Good.Good.Good.Would you like to try that for us again,please, Hilary?Again.Again.Miss Du Pr?Look, do I get my booking?Oh, I'm terribly sorry.You ran off. I followed you home.Oh.You don't mind, do you?No...as a matter of fact.I'd ask you in, but, um...it's a bit awkward.My sister's just come home.All right.Best go in.What do you think you're doing?Well, if you're not going to invite me to tea,I shall just have to make a nuisance of myself.You c...Do you know...I'm starving.Ooh.Come here.Ohh!Hello.Who's this?Kiffer Finzi.I'm in love with Hilary.And you're Hilary's sister.What do you do?I'm a musician.Oh, following in Hils' footsteps, are you?Are you any good?Hello!Kiffer Finzi. Very pleased to meet you.You don't mind if I start, do you?Exams really do give you an appetite.Your exam! How did it go?Oh.Famously. She's been offered professional bookings.quid to do the Bach b-minor next week in Newbury.Isn't that right?Yeah.You must be very proud of her.Yes, I am.Mmm. These are delicious.Absolutely throwing it there outside.I got soaked.Shall I be mum?Oh, a nice cup of tea.I just screamed. It was so embarrassing.So, have you been with him?No.Of course not.No.Why? Have you been with somebody?I'm thinking my answer,and you're going to have to read my mind.All right.Oh, my lord, you have.You study in scarlet!What about you, Hils?Been with anyone?Now you'll have to read my mind.Oh, poor Hils.Maybe one day.Then again, maybe not.Hilary Du Pr?is a flautist of immense expressiveas well as technical ability.She obviously has a great future ahead of her.Does it mention Jackie?Why? She wasn't playing.I wonder if I might ask you to keep your voice down.Jackie's asleep.What, she's here?Yes. You've met.She should get up, read the review!No, you mustn't wake her.Kiffer.Where's he going?Come on! Up, out of that bed!Your friend is making rather a lot of noise.Up, up!Look. Read.Oh, we're off to the pictures.Can I come?No, you can't come. It's a date.We're going to see Jules et Jim.Sounds French. Where's it playing?In France.It's by Fran鏾is Truffaut.It's playing at the Scala on Wardour street.That's in Soho.Yes. I thought we could go to Maison Bertaux,seeing as we're in a French mood.You do realize there are white slaversworking in that area?Hmm?No self-respecting manwould ask a woman to go to such a place.It's out of the question.I'm sorry.It's completely out of the question.Well...no chance of a lift, then?Come on.Jacks.Jacks.Kiffer's asked me to marry him.What?Kiffer's asked me to marry him.Well, what do you think?Well, that's just silly.Look, Hils. You don't have to marry him.Do you know what that is?That, my dear, is a Dutch cap.It's a contraceptive.Is it really?Hmm.Where did you get it?Doc fitted me up.Oh, come on, Hils.Let's get a flat together and go bonkers.We could have all the men we wanted to.I'm going to Marry Kiffer.I love him.He loves me.He does not love you.He just wants to get into your knickers.You don't have to get marriedevery time you fancy a screw.That's what these are for.I want to get married.Well, you can't marry him.You can't just leave me.I'm not leaving you. You're not here anymore.You never will be again.Haven't you heard? I'm giving up the cello.Oh, don't be silly.I can do what I want.But you don't know anything apart from the cello.I don't know anything apart from the flute.We're babies, Jacks.Kiffer laughs at me.Then why are you marrying him?Because he makes me feel special.That's a big swizz,because the truth is...you're not special.I thought you'd be happy for me.This is nice.Hi.Good god.What on earth are you wearing?It's fab, isn't it? Danny bought it for me.This is Danny, by the way.Danny, this is daddy.Daddy-o.Barenboim.I thought he was from Argentina.Surely that must be a German name.I think it must be Jewish.Oh.Oh, dear.I had a large breakfast this morning.He's a pig.I have got plenty more. Piers, dig in.Anyway, mummy,we're really desperate to get married,but lord knows when we'll have the time.Of course. It's best not to rush these things.I'm completely booked up until may.And Danny's booked up...June.He's such a show-off, but he's very handsome.Of course, we only really meet in airports.We're going to do more joint bookings together.Sort of a duo, like the Beatles.There are Beatles, actually.Are there?Mm-hmm. Oh.Anyway, when we do get married,we're going to get marriedsomewhere wildly romanticlike the wailing wall in Jerusalem.Don't you have to be Jewish to be married there?Yes, that's right. I'm going to be Jewish.I'm having lessons already.Instruction, not lessons.Oh.So, what do you think?Why are you talking funny?Am I?Nobody becomes Jewish.I know for a fact you can't just convert to Judaism.Bye-bye now.Leave it to me.Honestly, I can sort it out.Oh, uh...She can't possibly be Jewish, for god's sake.She's blond.They call them the Arthur and Guinevereof music's Camelot.The blossoming romance between Jacqueline Du Pr?and the Argentinean pianist Daniel Barenboimhas taken the world by storm.Up a bit higher.That's it.

























我想找份工,像你做个平凡的人你永远都不能够平凡你只懂拉大提琴我只懂吹长笛I'm going to get a job, and I'm going to bean ordinary person like you.You couldn't be ordinary in a million years.And you don't know anything apart from the cello.I don't know anything apart from the flute.你以为做平凡的人容易过做不凡的人,你就错了没有大提琴支撑着,你一无所有If you think that being an ordinary person is any easier than beingan extraordinary one, you're wrong.If you didn't have that cello to prop you up, you'd be nothing.

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