
生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 三八妇女节 新年祝福语

大话西游 经典台词英文

大话西游经典台词 英文版

曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前I have had my best love before我没有珍惜But I didn't treasure her等我失去的时候When I lose her我才后悔莫及I fell regretful人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此It is the most painful matter in this world你的剑在我的咽喉上割下去吧

Just cut my throat!不用再犹豫了No hesitation如果上天能够给我一个If God can give me再来一次的机会another chance我会对那个女孩子说三个字I will say 3 words to her我爱你I love you如果非要在这份爱上加一个期限If you have to give a time limit to this love我希望是…一万年I hope it is 10 thousand year来源:本片蓝光版中英对照字幕

大话西游经典台词 英文版

Once,I let a true love slip away before my eyes. Only to find myself regretting when it was too late. Nothing in the world can be as painful as this. Just let your sword cut into my throat! Don’t hesitate. If the god would give me another chance. I would tell the girl I love her. If our love had to have a time limit. I wish it would be 10,000 years! 大话西游--经典对白(原版)中文对照:)~~ 曾经有一份真挚的感情放在我的面前,我没有好好的珍惜,等到失去后,我才后悔莫急






曾经有一段真挚的摆在我前,我却没有珍惜,直到才追悔莫.人世间最大的痛苦莫过于此.如果上天再给我一次机会的话,我一定会对那女孩说三个字:我爱你.如果非要在这段爱情前加个期限的话,我希望是一万年. 第一种: I have had my best love before, but I didn’t treasure her. When I lost her, I fell regretful. It is the most painful matter in this world. If God can give me another chance, I will say 3 words to her I love you. If you have to give a time limit to this love, I hope it is 10 thousand years.第二种:Once there was a true love slipped away before my eyes, Only find myself regretting when it was too late, Nothing could be as patinfun as this, Just let your sword cut into my throat, Don't hesitate! If God would give me another chance, I would tell the girl, I love you If this love had to be set a time limit, I wish it would be 10000 years!


英文版大话西游经典对白“I once let the truest love slip away from before my eyes only to find myself regretting when it was too late no pain in the world comes near to this if only god give me another chance I would say to the girl I love you if there had to be a limit of time I pray it’s ten thousant years.” 大话西游经典对白之日语版 かつて、纯洁な爱が 仆の前に置いていたが、大切にしていなかった。






经典台词一:Once i let a ture love slip away before my eyes,only to find myself regretting when it was too late,nothing in the world can be as painful as this,if God wound give me another chance ,i would tell the girl three words,i love you!,if our love have to be setted a time limit,i wish it would be ten thousands years! (曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我面前..........我希望他是一万年)中文我就不多说了..,呵呵.


1. 你想要啊


You want? Speak up if you want! Why doyou keep silent?2. 你又在吓我You scare me again.3. 莫非是一家黑店

Is this a slaughter house?4. 长夜漫漫,无心睡眠It's a long night, no mood to sleep.5. 如果不能跟我喜欢的人在一起,就算让我做玉皇大帝我也不会开心If I can't be with the one who I love,I won't be happy even if I were Heaven Emperor.6. 要不要我把心掏出来给你看看啊

Should I show you my heart?7. 可惜快乐永远都是短暂的,换来的只是无穷无尽的痛苦和长叹But happiness is always a flash oftime. We only have endless pain.8. 有一天当你发觉你爱上一个让你讨厌的人,这段感情才是最要命的When you discover that you've fallen inlove with a man you hate, this affair is really hurting you.9. 可我怎会爱上一个我讨厌的人呢



But how can I fall in love with aperson I hate? Please give me a reason, please!10. 爱一个人需要理由吗



We don't need any reason to love aperson. Don't we? Do we?11. 你有多少兄弟姐妹




How many brothers and sisters do youhave? Are your parents alive? Speak up! I just want to make a new friend whenI'm going to die.12. 所以说做妖就像做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖。

Being a devil is the same as being ahuman. We should be kind. If we are kind, we are not a devil, we are a hybrid.13. 爱一个人是痛苦的Love means pain.14. 这样的话只是得到我的肉体,并不能得到我的灵魂You can just get my body instead of myspirit.15. 曾经有一段真挚的爱情摆在我的面前,我却没有珍惜,直到失去才追悔莫及。




I have had my best love before, but Ididn't treasure her. When I lost her, I fell regretful. It is the most painfulmatter in this world. If God can give me another chance, I will say 3 words toher --- I love you. If you have to give a time limit to this love, I hope it is10 thousand years.


I have had my best love before, but I didn’t treasure her. When I lost her, I felt regretful. It is the most painful matter in this world. If God can give me another chance, I will say 3 words to her --- I love you. If you have to give a time limit to this love, I hope it is 10 thousand years.

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