The king of NBA As the leader of Los Angelas Lakers,Kobe Brayant plays an important role in NBA. He was born on 23 August,1978 in Philadelphia. He srarted to play baketball ever since he was a child.His father who was once a basketball player influenced his life deeply. Kobe’s study at Lower Merion Hifg School brought him a lucky beginning. He became the 27th man who set foot in NBA as a senior scholol student directly.Since then,his successful career began.In 1996, he was chosen as the 13th draft pick overrall by Charlotte Hornets.And then he was transferred to Lakers because of good playing skills. During the first season with Lakers,he didn’t get many opportunities.Instead,he played in limited minutes initially.When he entered the professional level ,he flt that the expectations took the fun out of playing. But he didn’t lose his confidence.Fotunenately,this sort of situation changed as the season continued. He used high scores to show his talents to the world. However,he didn’t want to live in the shadow of the past achievements.So he played harder and harder to live up to his reputation.He even scored 81 in the game against Totonto Raptors.Although he felt tired with all the pressure falling on him,he said he wouldn’t give up.It is obvious that he has the ability to bring his team back to the top.Kobe can and must achieve his goal.We are all waiting for that moment.
Kobe Bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school. His talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow up. The almost six-foot tall seventh grader definitely had the make-up and genes for the game, as his dad was former NBA forward, Joe Bryant. Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eye of his father, helping his mission to become a professional basketball player. He worked daily on his game, watching video, playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father. When he entered high school at Lower Marion in Philadelphia, Kobe was a highly touted recruit. He proved that he had the skills and work ethic to be a star at the next level and the scouts noticed this. Kobe didn't let anybody down either, as he played on the varsity basketball team his freshman year. He wouldn't immediately be a superstar, though. Rather it was the countless hours of early morning workouts by himself in the gymnasium that escalated Kobe's talents..Kobe became a better player every year he played at Lower Marion and soon enough, he had developed into one of the premier talents at the high school level. He sold out the games everywhere he played during his junior and senior years and he didn't disappoint anyone. He once packed the school gym so much that it caused a traffic jam on the main highway just outside the school. He went on to finish his high school career as the all-time leading point scorer in Pennsylvania history with a total of 2, 883 points. Kobe's highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft. 我觉得这篇文章十分适合,也写得不错,突出了科比的优点、特点、
Michael Jordan From Beijing to Bucharest people like Michael Jordan. So when he suddenly retired last week, the news was reported around the world. Michael Jordan is widely considered as basketball's best player. He becomes known as Air Jordan. Jordan gained wide notice by helping to sell products, business paid him tens of millions of dollars. Michael Jordan is thirty years old. He attended the University of North Carolina. He joined the Chicago Bulls nine years ago. He led the team to the National Basketball Association Championship for the past three years. He was the top scoring player in the NBA for the past seven years. He also won Olympic gold medals. In July Jordan's father was murdered in North Carolina. James Jordan and his son were close friends. Michael Jordan says it means a lot to him that his father saw his last game. But he says his father's death was not the reason he retired. He says he had been considering the idea for a few years. Jordan is the third major NBA player to retire in the last three years, Magic Johnson of the Los Angeles Lakers retired two years ago because he has the virus that caused AIDS. Last year Larry Bird of the Boston's Seltic retired because of back problem. Jordan's skill helped increase the popularity of the basketball. Sports centers sold all their seats when the Chicago Bulls played there. In announcing his retirement, Jordan said he had nothing left to prove in basketball. He says he does not have the desire to play any more. From now on he wants to spend time with his family and return to as normal a life as possible. However, he says he might consider returning to the basketball one day. Michael Jordan says he does not believe in the word NEVER.
KOBE is the most agressive scoreguard in the whole league.6.6height 220pounds and amazing motion of fade away which makes him hard to deffend.kobe can score anytime he want but when he make him teammate take part in it turns lakers a much better team.someone said kobe 's shooting is the best in nba.it makes point you know.In the first 5 years of his career,kobe is defined as a flyman who often jumped firstbefore he took next move and it is the same way MJ used in his early career which earned him fame of next MJ.In 2005-2006 season kobe made him a new career high of 81 points in one game against rapters.this is the second high score in nba history a man can get in one game only chanberlin can beats him with unbelivable 100 points.
可翻译为: I want to be as famous as Kobe.
科比的相关荣誉honors related to Kobe
伙计 你找对人了 我正好在写关于nba的文章KOBE is the most agressive scoreguard in the whole league.6.6height 220pounds and amazing motion of fade away which makes him hard to deffend.kobe can score anytime he want but when he make him teammate take part in it turns lakers a much better team.someone said kobe 's shooting is the best in nba.it makes point you know.In the first 5 years of his career,kobe is defined as a flyman who often jumped firstbefore he took next move and it is the same way MJ used in his early career which earned him fame of next MJ.In 2005-2006 season kobe made him a new career high of 81 points in one game against rapters.this is the second high score in nba history a man can get in one game only chanberlin can beats him with unbelivable 100 points.
1.皮尔斯:没有科比,我绝不有一个冠军 2.加:科比在得分界的地位有多高
相当在垃圾话界的地位 3.隆多:如果我有科比的得分能力,我将是历史最全面的球员 4.托尼-阿伦:我能把任何人防成渣,就是防不住科比 5.保罗-加索尔:没有科比,我早就已经回欧洲了 6.福克斯:如果我在业界的能力有科比得分这么强,我一晚可战81个女优 7.费舍尔:没有科比,我什么都不是 8.库克:我和科比合砍83分 9.米姆:我比LS吊,我曾和科比合砍93分 10.斯马什-帕克:还是我最吊,我曾和科比合砍94分 11.乔丹:我决定复出12.魔术师:湖人队史第一人
肯定是科比 13.贾巴尔:我的得分纪录被科比超越只是时间问题 14.马龙:我的得分能力在科比面前根本不值一提 15.哈弗里切克:打铁尚能与科比一比,得分能力已被爆得渣都不剩 16.艾弗森:我就算有两米,也不如科比17.奥多姆:我两次回过神之间,科比都能得50分 18.拜纳姆:我只崇拜一个人,那就是科比,离开他之后我只能做一个发型师 19.武贾西奇:我要是有科比射得那么准,我能找到比莎娃漂亮100倍的女朋友 20.夸梅-布朗:我的手要是有科比那么灵活,我就是第一中锋 21.奥尼尔:我的统治力最强
NONONO,科比的统治力是我的100倍 22.张伯伦:如果科比生活在我的年代,他能单场200分 23.斯托克顿:阻碍我夺冠的其实不是乔丹,而是科比 24.禅师:如果没有科比,我连麦克-布朗都不如 25.阿里纳斯:你们只记住了60分
除了那次科比见我一次爆一次 26.鲍文:常年一防
在科比面前还不如空气,因为空气不会送2+1 28.阿泰斯特:只有在科比强大得分能力的教导下,我才是慈世平,否则我就是二院的病人 29.邓肯:我已经被科比虐得面瘫了 30.马努:知道我为什么秃吗
就是想怎么才能防住科比想的,结果都秃了还想不出来 31.姚明:科比退役后如果来我的上海队,场均可以100分 32.麦迪:我得分能力历史第二,第一是科比33.哈登:在科比面前,我怎么敢提第一SG
34.埃利斯:我最崇拜的球员就是科比,我关键球的能力只学了科比的1% 35.诺维茨基:我是中投最准的
科比比我准100倍 36.杜兰特:我一直在追着一个人的背影,那就是科比 37.詹姆斯:我后悔在高中毕业就参选,因为史上最伟大高中生球员毫无疑问是科比 38.安东尼:我绝杀强
都是和科比学的,他就是我的老师 39.罗伊:其实我退役的真正原因是被科比打得毫无打球信心了 40.大卫-李:科比在麦迪逊花园拿61分,那一晚他就是神 41.麦克-詹姆斯:我从来不信世上有神,直到那一晚科比下凡 42.波什:我从来不相信一个人能得81分,直到那一晚我们碰上了科比 43.特里:我真的不相信自己的眼睛,三节过后我们61-62落后科比 44.佩顿:我是最佳防守球员
科比12个三分把我射爆了 45.拉德马诺维奇:看见科比12个三分后,我就相信了打不过就该加入的理论 46.雷-阿伦:我是三分历史第一人
科比的三分可以把我虐到月球 47.刘易斯:科比12三分那场,篮筐对他来说就是大海 48.布兰德:跟腱撕裂后我就巅峰已过了,而科比得分能力丝毫不减 49.奥拉朱旺:还好在科比进联盟之前拿到冠军了,要不我将终身无冠 50.卡特:我和科比的差距就是帕克的扣篮和我的扣篮之间的差距 51.贾米森:我连续两场50+在科比4连50+之前根本不值一提 52.韦德:我这辈子最遗憾的就是和科比生在一个年代 53.纳什:这辈子能和科比共战两年比我两连MVP还荣耀 54.贾马尔-克劳福德:我不讲理的得分能力都是从科比那学到的 55.尼克-杨:我得分能力宇宙第一,科比宇宙第二。
56.扎克-兰多夫:虽然我也叫渣科,但我和科比的得分能力不是一个星球的 57.奥斯卡-罗伯特森:我的全能在科比的得分面前提都不敢提 58.巴克利:如果科比总得分不超贾巴尔,我就亲奥巴马屁股 59.威少:虽然我身体劲爆,但科比教会我不能只靠身体打球 60.乔-约翰逊:我是单打王
别搞笑了,科比和我单挑能把我虐出翔 61.雷吉-米勒:我此生无冠,只是因为有科比 62.J博士:我扣篮再美,也没有科比的后仰美 63.林书豪:在纽约,我以为自己是上帝,到了洛杉矶,我才知道科比是上帝64.霍华德:科比的淳淳教诲,让我终身受益 65.伊戈达拉:我曾以为自己是最强外线终结者,直到科比在我头上射了48分 66.保罗:科比08年的MVP实至名归,我根本不可能和他相比 67.库里:我的三分能力在科比面前,简直是马里亚纳海沟和珠穆朗玛相比 68.史蒂芬森:我为什么这么逗比,因为我想被交易到科比身边做队友 69.麦基:科比的历史地位=我在五大囧的历史地位 70.帕金斯:就算我G6没伤,科比也能把我们打回姥姥家 71.法马尔:我姥姥和科比一个队也能夺冠 72.斯特恩:科比是我在位期间最伟大的球员 73.萧华:虽然我刚上任,但是我从小就是看科比比赛长大的 74.波波维奇:如果没有科比,我会拿12连冠 75.斯嘉丽:我愿意喝科比81缸洗澡水76.阿里扎:和科比做过队友学习过之后,我就不铁了 77.詹宁斯:我为自己是一个脑残科蜜而自豪一辈子。
78.坎比:科比才应该是96年选秀的状元 79.程杭:我此生不再黑科比 80.申少鹏:我愿一生做一个湖人蜜 81.SmithKobe:取这个ID是我人生中最大的遗憾和错误。