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求超凡蜘蛛侠2中格温的演讲 中英文都要 谢谢





i am no offence but you are wrong,you wrong about our expericen different paths,wrong different paths.you are my path,and you've always can be my path. and i know there are many reasons why we should be together,you konw that.But i am tired of them.i am tired with any single of them.we now go to make a choice.my mind choose you.so,in my thought,England,both of us.i am following you now,i am always following you everywhere,i am always following you the rest of my life.


像这么美好的一天 我们会充满希望It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today.但也有时候会绝望But there will be dark days ahead of us too.有时候会孤独There will be days where you feel all alone.这时候我们最需要希望And that's when hope is needed most.无论多绝望No matter how buried it gets,无论多迷茫or how lost you feel,你要向我保证you must promise me要心存希望that you will hold on to hope.不要丢掉Keep it alive.经历一切后你要更坚强We have to be greater than what we suffer我希望你们My wish for you成为大家的希望is to become hope人们需要希望People need that.哪怕失败And even if we fail,这不也是生活吗what better way is there to live?我们今天齐聚于此As we look around here today和那些影响过我们的人在一起at all of the people who helped make us who we are.我知道该道别了I know it feels like we're saying goodbye.但我们对彼此的影响But we will carry a piece of each other会伴随我们一生into everything that we do next,这会提醒我们如何为人to remind us of who we are,提醒我们要成为怎样的人and of who we're meant to be.四年来和大家相处很愉快I've had a great four years with you.我会想念大家的I'll miss you all very much.



my gift, my curse我的天赋,我的诅咒 “Because you feel stronger and weaker at the same time. You feel excited and at the same time, terrified. “当我看着你,看着你看着我,我变得坚强,也更软弱,觉得兴奋,却害怕。

“ with the great power , comes the great responsibility”能力越大,责任越大。




