☆ said the words of today, tomorrow and do not change because of the small interest ☆ responsible person in charge has thick, thin ears ☆ cross into account trapped heart, it is time to hone a hero ☆ often mentioned as to the vitality ☆ in the world are not hard to not help, but can be a long time are also large Comments can not be lightly ridiculed the ancients ☆ ☆ let go, to open gall bladder, no longer looking over ☆ How not to be a rather humble meaning, then can lasting ☆ hundreds of ills, both from the Lazy ☆ All big things in order to identify the main, to only supplement; where great things, people seeking home half, half living God ☆ keep Tokujitsu, quit ingenuity, keep Qiangyi, quit wayward Mo ☆ self-study is difficult to keep the heart of the Road Zhuo Li Jian ☆ ambition must first ☆ home and the blessing from the Health ☆ unpleasant, not a proud word from ☆ To the defeated Germany and about two fierce side: said long proud, said much to say ☆ looking for a loss of reputation, far and near suspected AIDS More and more with the spirit ☆ out, not because of physical factors too weak security Xi ☆ wisdom more clearly the more bitter ☆ Troops general goal is to fight for the first meaning, to loving the second sense, energy and down for the third meaning of the Society ☆ any useful thing, should not scatter also ☆ one can frequently be King, although the flavor of a fool is also Yin Chi ☆ mortals do matter, we must note in this matter of your senses, not rolling stone ☆ its director general should award, but its short and regulations ☆ Where there must be bad Sheng they can not count pre-worth ☆ rich gas too, is not good elephant ears ☆ contented world wide ☆ people who should be decided by the less money those decisions should Province Province ☆ I view the poor village children at home, the more easily see the more grown up cheap, well-off children, the more difficult to see the more charming Synthesizer ☆ Gentlemen, the attitude to life as top priority Famous by ☆ no real and who must have Qihuo ☆ the occasion of the event difficult, painful efforts to be the word from the patient ☆ do not follow the crowd from fear to joy, joy of fear ☆ talented, determined to performance ☆ frustrated when insulted are advised to bite the inspirational, has the wisdom of its gas and long ☆ state of the strong, strong man in order to get ☆ people to gas main ☆ for us the study, only two things, a virtue and those who matter, a matter of who Attendance ☆ Gouneng self determined people, the saints hero and what not to? Why the help of people? ☆ see eyes, noses and right from wrong, true or false to see the lips, fame to see spirit, rich in Spiritual ☆ man not too clever ☆ thick is your relative modesty, humility is expensive compared with volume; things are Guizhe is rich phase, feel economic matter is rich phase ☆ particular industry is not suffering from fine ear ☆ Why choose to? Why timing? But the truth of ourselves is not really determined to ear! ☆ The first to be interested, the second to have knowledge, the third to have constant ☆ error in this passage of past lives can be more of self; previous life who are no time, you can create the self- ☆ brother and, though poor households will be small Meng Xing, brothers, and, although the family of official family comes before a fall ☆ not money, not fail, do not naturally have the provinces, everyone respected the natural ☆ who will honesty, then industry may well be a long time Not as a saint ☆ no mortal, no system to study the amount of almost ☆ to make personnel to listen to day, my CD just day care ☆ minded majority to be hard from the plain word ☆ do not prefer to rage for several days, but no arrangements can not be calculated rage ☆ war hurry, first wanted stability and when, times demand change; work Wushengwuchou, it is necessary to precise and appropriate, but also simple ☆ do not work alone, this is not impute ☆ long as people are willing to aspire to, can do ☆ Where are all family and children fed and clothed poor scholar living the same, can Shu Cheng Kung University, if the contaminated gas rich learning, success is unlikely ☆ person temperament, due to natural, this is difficult to change, but to study changes in temperament can be ☆ a graceful manner, the words do not jump fat ☆ advised to bite the Lizhi, has its gas and long-chi, also must not Christine then Zinei For example, once all the dead ☆ yesterday, today, for example from the students after all ☆ to be able to stand up for the body, do not complain do not particularly used to ☆ consist in so permanent persons who do not rely temporary official post, which relies on long-term house rules, Do not depend on one or two of the Unexpected, and relies on the maintenance of the public Can not have grace without ☆ Wang Zheng Wei ☆ health with less anger-oriented, something to be favor-oriented pro- ☆ long period to be jealous of the only worthy laugh ☆ the break in the heart, since as the presiding ☆ exclusive name of the Road for the Zhefu ☆ hard the bones and muscles grew strong and pamper the weaker energy Wealth and fame are dead ☆ floating wing, but the real benefit from the vast mind times ☆ can not enjoy the blessed, there is the potential not to do ☆ view of the law were to have no official conduct of gas, more coherent and less big words based ☆ long been indifferent to life and death ☆ mediocre ancient and modern world, begin with an idle word induced abortion; the world of ancient times and only people of a proud word To begin with defeat ☆ Book vegetables fish farms, the family life; less sleep more, one of the angry ☆ all are secretly arranged, chest successful enough ☆ ring ring proud lazy, but also to protect the family way ☆ Where big things, half by the human, half by day thing ☆ everyone expected win those lost in the underlying machine, all material will be frustrated by, life in the V ☆ loves his talent, the section should be slightly ☆ big things are to many as the first justice elected Deputies, the election can not be satisfied, regardless of section take Secondly, education can also be slowly ☆ country without a friend is actually the first indignity ☆ Yu will of the Road, the most expensive push honesty, not your trickery ☆ people now see the past, I reflected away, said Gao; people now see rough, I reflected in its fine, said smart ☆ behind the attack is not short of people ☆ troops of the Road, with Enmo as with benevolence, such as the use of ceremony with Weimo ☆ afraid not beat, I'm afraid to play numerous ☆ gentleman by nature, although the rolls without breaking Yan, Yan although illiterate non-destructive Thinking and learning can be neglected ☆ ☆ not always maintain a heart for the first ☆ one say that the world is all bad, as we prove that all the world is good Li Yu is everything ☆ ☆ The reputation of one day, people will not my words carry weight ☆ tribulations in the case of hardship to, when the little bear to let it be ☆ reticent raise gas, widowed, as the rest, few desires Yangjing
◎ 人该省事,不该怕事。
◎ 因循二事,误尽一生。
◎ 与多疑人共事,事必不成。
◎ 受不得穷,立不得品,受不得屈,做不得事。
◎ 好谈己长只是浅。
◎ 居心平,然后可历世路之险。
◎ 才觉私意起,便克去,此是大勇。
◎ 清高太过则伤仁,和顺太过则伤义,是以贵中道也。
◎ 各安共分而天下平矣。
◎ 法者,天讨也,以公守之,以仁行之。
◎ 知天地万物于一体,则能爱矣。
◎ 人伦明,则礼乐兴。
◎ 二十年来治一怒字,尚未清磨得尽,以是知克己最难。
◎ 到老始知气质驳,寻思只是读书粗。
◎ 事事顺吾意而言者,此小人也,急宜远之。
◎ 人之所学,不可为人所容,为人所容则下矣。
◎ 人要为善,先要明善始得。
◎ 气忌盛,心忌满,才忌露。
◎ 凡读无益之书,皆是玩物丧志。
◎ 常沉静,则含蓄义理而应事有力。
◎ 以举世皆可信者,终君子也。
◎ 富贵家宜劝他宽,聪明人宜劝他厚。
◎ 世间极占地位的,是读书一著。
◎ 今人计较摆布人,费心心思,却何曾害得人
◎ 决不可存苟且心,决不可做偷薄事,决不可学轻狂态,决不可做惫赖人。
◎ 当至忙促时,要越加检点。
◎ 盘根错节,可以验我之才;波流风靡,可以验我之操;艰难险阻,可以验我之思;震撼折衡,可以验我之力;含垢忍辱,可以验我之操。
◎ 要与世间撑持事业,须先立定脚跟始得。
◎ 从人可羞,刚愎自用可恶。
◎ 听言当以理观。
◎ 有恻隐之心者,必有羞恶。
◎ 人于平旦不寐时,能不作一毫妄想,可谓智矣。
◎ 举世惟一真字难得。
◎ 凡将举事,必先平意清神,清神意平,物乃可正。
◎ 人之精神不可无所寄。
◎ 为善者常受福,为利者常受祸,心安为福,心劳为祸