
爱情语录 伤感语录 搞笑语录 名人语录 祝福语录 一句话语录 励志语录



Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be. And kind and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you...ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what.胡迪从我记事时起就是我的朋友了。
















(妈妈和茉莉一起进来)妈妈:不不不,你玩你的,就当我没在这(另一边,茉莉在捣毁玩具)安迪:不,茉莉安迪:没关系,妈妈安迪:(指着茉莉)她是来自外太空的巨人宝贝,她要毁灭地球了,快逃命,快救命 (Mom and jasmine come together)Mom: No, no, you play your on when I was not in this(The other side of jasmine in the destruction of toys)Andy: No, JasmineAndy: It does not matter, MomAndy: (pointing to Jasmine) She is a giant baby from outer space, she wanted to destroy the earth, and quickly escape, quick help (玩具们在开会)胡迪:安迪肯定会把我们放在阁楼上,那里既安全又温馨????????????巴斯:大家相亲相爱胡迪:没错,我们可以玩游戏,读书????????????巴斯:赛车跑道胡迪:赛车跑道




胡迪:所以一定要等他回来巴斯:好吧,伙计们,咱们把零件收拾好,高高兴兴地在这里等着他吧(Toys are in a meeting) Woody: Andy certainly take us on the attic, where there are safe and warm ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Bath: We love each other Woody: Yes, we can play games, reading books, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Bath: Race Track Woody: race track? To Spring Dog: There are old TV Woody: so right, there is an old TV, there are so many Christmas presents, they were very funny ah! Right? (Toys are suddenly lowered his head) Public Toys: Yes, ah, yes, yes Woody: One day, if lucky, Andy will have their own children Hug Long: At that time, he would have played with us, right? Woody: they must be waiting for him to come back Bass: Okay, guys, we packed up the parts, happily waiting for him right here 蛋头太太:我最好能找到那只眼睛蛋头先生(一脸无奈):你又把它放哪了

蛋头太太:一个阴暗的地方????????????布满灰尘????????????Egg first wife: my best to find the eyeMr. Egg Head (resigned): You then put it where it?Egg first wife: a dark place ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? dusty 火腿(对抱抱龙):看看我们在网上能卖多少钱Ham (to hug Dragon): we see how much the Internet to sell 胡迪:巴斯特,过来,伙计,过来(一只苍老的狗慢吞吞的走了过来)胡迪(激动地):好的,伙计,去马路边,驾(说完就猛地跳上巴斯特的背)巴斯特:呃啊~(带着胡迪倒向了一边)胡迪(被巴斯特压在下面):不,巴斯特,不胡迪(挣扎着爬起来):巴斯特,起来Woody: Buster, come, man, come here(An old dog went away slowly over)Woody (excited): Yes, folks, to side of the road, driving(Having to suddenly jump on Buster's back)Buster: uh ah ~(With Woody backward the side)Woody (by Buster pressure in the following): No, Buster, do notWoody (struggling to get up): Buster, up 巴斯:你们要冷静,现在不是歇斯底里的时候火腿:现在正是歇斯底里的时候抱抱龙:我们应该歇斯底里吗

众玩具:应该,应该巴斯:也许应该,但不是现在Bath: You have to calm hysteria is not the timeHam: Now is the time of hysteriaHug Long: We should be hysterical?Public Toys: should, shouldBath: Perhaps it should, but not now 翠丝:我们太幸运了,红心巴斯:还说什么被遗忘的角落胡迪:别高兴得太早,不要被表面现象所迷惑弹簧狗:表面现象


Jessie: We are so lucky, heartBass: What are the forgotten corners of saidWoody: Do not get too excited, do not be fooled by appearancesSpring Dog: superficial? This is really goodHug Long: Woody, it is indeed true that the door to see there is still rainbow too! 弹簧狗:我们现在怎么办



巴斯:出你个头,这里挺好的胡迪:当心,那些玩具可能会妒忌新来的抱抱龙:(兴奋的):让我看看,该我了(众玩具尖叫)(抱抱龙整个身子冲了过去,箱子一下子就倒塌了)Spring dog: how do we now?Woody: go back to find Andy. This will export it?Bath: out of your head, quite good hereWoody: Beware, those who may be jealous of the new toys comingHug Long: (excited): Let me see, that I had(All toys scream)(Hug Long rushed past the body, the box suddenly collapsed) (蛋头太太摔倒了,一个新玩具将她扶起)蛋头太太:谢谢(指了指那个玩具的肌肉)蛋头太太:可以吗(蛋头太太上前抚摸那个玩具的肌肉)(一旁的蛋头先生也用力了一下,做出了一个标准的“倒二头肌”)(Egg first wife fell down and a new toy, she was propped up)Egg first wife: Thank you,(Pointed to the toy's muscle)Egg first wife: Can you(Eggs, toy first wife stepped forward to touch the muscles)(One side of the egg head a bit hard, Mr., made a standard inverted biceps) 抱抱熊:大家好啊(从车上跳下)抱抱熊:我就觉着有人来了,阳光幼儿园欢迎你们各位,我是喜欢拥抱的老叟,你们就叫我大熊好了巴斯:巴斯光年我们为和平``````(准备上前握手)(巴斯反被抱抱熊一把抱住,玩具们惊愕的眼光投来)抱抱熊:首先你们要知道我是个拥抱狂(说完放开巴斯)(快要窒息的巴斯)Baby Bear: Well we(Jumped from the car)Bear hug: I have pleasant for some people came, the sun kindergartens welcome all of you, I like to embrace a year old, you called me Well BearBath: Buzz Light year we came up to shake hands for peace ``````( preparation)(Bath anti-bear hugged by Hug, toys, cast the eyes of their dismay)Baby Bear: First of all you need to know I'm mad hug (Having let go of Bath)(Suffocating Bath) 翻译不一定准确详细地址: 谷歌翻译器: O(∩_∩)O谢谢,希望能帮到你(不过我用的是翻译器,因为英语太烂了O(∩_∩)O~)









You have saved our lives.We are eternally grateful.----------------------------------------95001:13:54,638 --> 01:13:57,265You have saved our lives.We are eternally grateful.95101:13:57,350 --> 01:13:58,850Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.95201:14:07,276 --> 01:14:11,071The white zone isfor immediate loading and unloading...95301:14:12,406 --> 01:14:14,032No parking.95401:14:16,702 --> 01:14:19,120Guys, we can't park here!It's a white zone!95501:14:19,205 --> 01:14:22,624You have saved our lives.We are eternally grateful.95601:14:22,708 --> 01:14:24,167-Final boarding call...-There he is!95701:14:24,251 --> 01:14:26,628...for Far East Airlinesflight 451 to Tokyo.95801:14:26,712 --> 01:14:28,838All confirmed passengerswith boarding passes95901:14:28,923 --> 01:14:30,965must board at this time.96001:14:31,717 --> 01:14:36,012Passenger Twitch, passengerLeon Twitch, please pick up...96101:14:36,097 --> 01:14:38,765You have saved our lives.We are eternally grateful.


谁的脚在我的脸上 是我的 还给我:Whose feet on my face is my back to me2.你救了我们的命 我们会感激你的You saved our lives we will appreciate you4.所以,我们再次见面,巴斯光年,这是最后一次。

So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear, this is the last time5.这将是我错过牛仔阵营的firstyear,因为我愚蠢的帽子

This will be my miss cowboy camp firstyear, because I am stupid hat6.你比这更有价值。

You are worth more than that.7.娘娘腔的男人,别碰那个,亲爱的。

Sissy man, don't touch that, my dear

