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辐射2 台词








问辐射1和2开头那段“War,war never change us……”的完整英文


另外2个赠送,呵呵war..war never changes..the end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted..too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around..the details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones..in 2077, the earth was nearly wiped clean of human life..a great cleansing, an atomic spark struck by human hands, quickly raged out of control..spears of nuclear fire rained from the skies..continents were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans..humanity was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the background radiation that blanketed the earth..a quiet darkness fell across the planet, lasting many years..few survived the devastation..some had been fortunate enough to reach safety, taking shelter in great underground vaults..when the great darkness passed, these vaults opened, and their inhabitants emerged to begin their lives again..one of the northern tribes claims they are descended from one such vault..they hold that their founder and ancestor, one known the vault dweller, once saved the world from a great evil..according to their legend, this evil arose in the far south..it corrupted all it touched, twisting men inside, turning them into beasts..only through the bravery of this vault dweller was the evil destroyed..but in so doing, he lost many of his friends and suffered greatly, sacrificing much of himself to save the world..when at last he returned to the home he had fought so hard to protect, he was cast out..exiled..in confronting that which they feared, he had become something else in their eyes...and no longer their champion..forsaken by his people, he strode into the wasteland..he traveled far to the north, until he came to the great canyons..there, he founded a small village, arroyo, where he lived out the rest of his years..and so, for a generation since its founding, arroyo has lived in peace, its canyons sheltering it from the outside world..it is home. your home..but in the world outside, the scars left by the war have not yet healed..the wounds run deep, and now they are being felt in arroyo..life in arroyo is about to change..赠品1war.war never changes.the romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth.spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory.hitler shaped a battered germany into an economic superpower.but war never changes.in the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources thatcould be acquired.only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons.petroleum and uranium.for these resources, china would invade alaska, the us wouldannex canada, and the european commonwealth would dissolveinto quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the lastremaining resources on earth.in 2077, the storm of world war had come again.in two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders.and from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization wouldstruggle to arise.a few were able to reach the relative safety of the large undergroundvaults.your family was part of the group that entered vault thirteen.imprisoned safely behind the large vault door, under a mountain ofstone, a generation has lived without knowledge of the outside world.life in the vault is about to change.战争从来就没有变过从古罗马为了奴隶和财富而四处征而发起的战争到西班牙人为了满足自己对于黄金和领土的贪婪而建立的帝国再到希特勒为了备战而将德国塑造成了超级经济强国但是战争本身并没有改变在21世纪, 战争仍然是为了那些资源只不过这次战争中使用的武器另这场战争成为灾难石油和铀元素有了这些资源,中国可以入侵阿拉斯加,美国吞并了加拿大,欧洲共同体在争吵中瓦解并建立了国家,以争夺地球上最后的资源在2077年,战争风暴再次来临在仅仅两个小时中,地球几乎被烧成灰烬在核战后的灰烬中,一个新的文明正在崛起你的家族正是当初进入13号避难所的一部分将自己囚禁在安全的避难所的门后,在山石之下,新的一代在缺乏外界知识的情况下成长。

避难所中的生活就要改变了……赠品2fallout 3war. war never changes.since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from god to justice to simple, psychotic rage.ın the year 2077, after millennia of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could sustain itself no longer.the world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation. but it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world.ınstead, the apocalypse was simply the prologue to another bloody chapter of human history.for man had succeeded in destroying the world - but war, war never changes.ın the early days, thousands were spared the horrors of the holocaust by taking refuge in enormous underground shelters, known as vaults. but when they emerged, they had only the hell of the wastes to greet them - all except those in vault 101.for on the fateful day, when fire rained from the sky, the giant steel door of vault 101 slid closed... and never reopened.ıt was here you were born.ıt is here you will die.because, in vault 101: no one ever enters and no one ever leaves.


那个……我觉得你还是别玩了……不适合……这游戏乐趣就在到处找东西……那么小个迷宫你就找不到了……以后满地图你不是要跑死 算了 换个好了……炸药在二层的一个花瓶里 偷笑……这个不找东西还玩什么哦……对着攻略玩好了……好枪,改枪的杂志,好装甲全部都是靠偷靠找的 这个游戏现在都是用来怀念下而已。

新游戏要玩类似战略的可以去玩雇佣兵2,要玩剧情的可以直接玩辐射3 我没什么其他意思,有人确实对欧美式的翻箱倒柜不太来电 很多游戏不是别人说好玩就好玩的……

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