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现以高中英语一些重要单词、短语为例,归纳整理如下:1.surviveIf Aragorn survives this war, you will still be parted. (the Lord of the Rings)如果Aragorn能在这场战争中幸存下来,你们两个将来还会被分开。

(《指环王》)2.would ratherI’d rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. (the Lord of the Rings)我宁愿和你共同度过这一生,也不愿孤独地面对这漫长的岁月。

(《指环王》)3.for exampleThe rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use; the knife, for example, is the last thing you learn. (Leon)

名扬四海 中英文台词10句(外加另一部电影,标明题目,也是十句,共20句)

《名扬四海》经典台词:There are somethings success is not.有些事并不代表着成功。

It's not fame.It's not money or power.不是名誉,不是金钱或权利,Success is waking up in the morning,so excited about what you have to do.成功是清晨醒来,对自己的人生充满期待;That you literally fly out the door .It's getting to work with people you love.让你激动的飞出房门,是与你爱的人们一同拼搏。

Success is connecting with the word and making people feel.成功是与世界为伴,感染周围的人。

It's finding a way to bind together people,who have nothing in common but a dream.是将人们凝聚到一起,一起追逐梦想

It's falling asleep at night knowing you did the best job you could.是夜晚入眠时的问心无愧

Success is joy and freedom and friend sheep.And success is love!成功是喜悦,自由和友情,成功是爱


(THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD 1938年)Maid Marian:You speak treason.Robin Hood:Fluently玛莉安侍女:“你敢说反动的话。


”(FORT APACHE 1948年)Captain Kirby York:They outnumber us four to one.Do we talk or fight?Owen Thursday:You seem easily impressed by numbers,Captain.科比·纽克上尉:“他们人数比我们多三倍,是谈判还是开战


”(LADYHAWKE 1985年)Phillipe:If you lay one hand on her,you will find it on the ground next to your head.菲利普:“如果你敢动她一根手指头,我把你的脑袋和手一起剁下来。

”(THE SEARCHERS 1956年)Samuel Johnson Clayton:Well,the prodigal brother.Ain't seen you since the surrender.Come to think of it,I see you at the surrenders.Ethan Edwards:I believe in surrenders.萨廖尔··克雷顿:“哦,亲爱的兄弟,自打投降之后,我们就没见过面。



”(OCTOBER SKY 1999年)O'Dell:What are the chances of us winning that science fair?Homer Hickam:A million to one.O'Dell:That good?Well,why you say so?奥戴尔:“我们在科技博览会上赢大奖的几率有多少




”也翻译(AS GOOD AS IT GETS 1997年)Melvin Udall:You make me want to be a better man.Carol Connelly:That's maybe the best compliment of my life.Melvin Udall:Well,maybe I overshot a little,because I was aiming at just enough to keep you from walking out.马尔文·尤道尔:“你让我想做一个好人。




”《寒意逼人》(THE BIG CHILL 1983年)Michael:I don't know anyone who could get through the day without two or three juicy rationalizations.They're more important than sex.Sam Weber:Ah,come on.Nothing's more important that sex.Michael:Oh,yeah?Even gone a week without a rationalization?迈克尔:“没有人能不靠理智而挨过这一天,理性思维比性更重要。




”《卡萨布兰卡》(CASABLANCA 1942年)Ugarte:You despise me,don't you?Rick Blaine:If I gave you any thought,I probably would.尤格特:“你看不起我,是吗


”《红色海盗》(THE CRIMSON PIRATE 1952年)Captain Vallo:Why didn't you bolt your cabin door last night?Consuelo:If you know it was bolted you must have tried it.If you tried it,you know why it was bolted.万罗船长:“昨晚你为什么把门插上



”《飞机》(AIRPLANE 1980年)Old lady in seat next to Ted Strike,just as the plane is about to take off:Nervous?Strike:Yes.Old lady:First time?Strike:No,I've been nervous lots of times.飞机要起飞时,邻座的老妇问泰德·斯特莱克:“怕吗







