my name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive when i was a child , i saw my mother killed by something impossibleRun,Barry run!My father went to prison for her murder Then an accident made me the impossible To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist but secretly i use my speed to fight crime and find others like meAnd one day,I'll find who killed me mother and get justice for me fatheri'm the Flash概就是这个意思啦●v打好辛苦的
闪电侠第一季每集开头艾伦说的话 我叫巴里艾伦 要全英文
My name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive. When i was a child,i saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world,i am an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly i use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day,i will find who killed my mother and get justice for my father. I am The Flash.
闪电侠第一季第5集结尾说的话 就是关于友谊的 速求 谢谢
巴里把逆闪电抓住了,而逆闪电告诉巴里 可以让他回到过去救他的母亲,这样他们一家就能团聚.最后巴里考虑了半天还是同意了逆闪电的要求. 当巴里的速度达到声音的两倍 大概一秒钟六百多米的时候和一粒氢离子(还是什么 没记住)对撞产生了一个黑洞,然后巴里回到了过去,但是他只有1分52秒的时间回来 然后关闭黑洞,不然会越来越大,最后会造成不可挽回的后果. 巴里回到了过去,看到了未来的闪电侠也就是自己在房间里和逆闪电战斗. 未来的巴里看见了从现在穿越回去的巴里 冲着现在的巴里摆了摆手,(貌似是阻止他救自己的妈妈.至于这里为什么我就暂时不清楚了 )然后和以前的剧情一样 未来的巴里把小时候的巴里救走,逆闪电为了泄愤杀死了巴里的母亲. 然后 现在穿越回去的巴里出现在他母亲的面前(他母亲还剩一口气,胸口中了一刀), 他妈妈问 你和我父亲长的很像(巴里脱下了帽子). 现在的巴里说 妈妈 我就是巴里,, 我来是为了告诉你 我和爸爸都很好 我们都很爱你. 然后巴里的母亲还是死了. 然后现在的巴里回到了现在 阻止了要用机器回到未来的逆闪电 并和他打了起来, 这时候黑洞(奇点)开始不稳定, 凯特琳关闭了发电机. 正当逆闪电狠揍闪电侠的时候,艾迪开枪打死了自己. 而逆闪电因为是艾迪的后代 引起了连锁反应 身体开始消失. 最后消失的黑洞又莫名其妙的出现了 并且越来越大,开始影响整个中城,一些高大的建筑物被黑洞吸了进去,关键时刻 闪电侠挺身而出 最后一个画面是闪电侠围着黑洞绕圈 第一季就没了 期待后面的剧情吧.话说 最后一集的特效还是非常NICE的 点赞. 楼主啊 这是纯手打啊 希望采纳. 完全凭记忆打出来 太费劲了.
我的名字是巴里艾伦,我比别人更快的活着my name is Barry Allen, and I m the faster alive
My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child, I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to posion for her murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I am an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I will find who killed my mother and get justice to my father. I am the Flash.