
爱情语录 伤感语录 搞笑语录 名人语录 祝福语录 一句话语录 励志语录



-Hello. Maddy Bowen. Leo:Yeah.Thought I'd never call, huh? -And I'm so glad you did. Excuse me. When am I gonna see you? Leo:Maddy, I want you to do me one more favor, huh? I want you to go meet Solomon in Conakry. -In Guinea? Why do you want me to go to Guinea? Leo:We found his son…….but he's gonna need some help, you understand?Maddy? -I'm here.Are you hurt? Leo:Yeah, well, I've got a little problem here. -Okay. You…. You tell me where you are.Archer? Leo:I'm looking at an incredible view right now.I wish you were here, Maddy. -Okay, then I'm coming to be with you. You just tell me where you are. Leo:I don't think so. -Are you still in Kono? Because I can get someone there to help you. Leo:Maddy, you find someplace safe for the boy, all right?And keep him out of sight.And get Solomon to London.He's bringing something with him.But he's gonna need your help. -Why aren't you bringing it yourself? Leo:I'm saying it's a real story now.And you can write the hell out of it.I'm really happy I met you.You know that? -Yeah, I'm…I'm really happy I met you too.And I wish I could be there with you. Leo:That's all right.I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.


1.那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情,就在我们念念不忘的过程中,被我们遗忘了---顾湘的2.那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林---落落(的前面插画里的文案,里面写明了文案是落落和郭敬明一起的,而这一句是落落的)3.歌声形成的空间,任凭年华来去自由,所以依然保护着的人的容颜不曾改和一场庞大而没有落幕的恨.4.时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走,我左手是过目不忘的萤火,右手是十年一个漫长的打坐5.歌声形成的空间,任凭年华来去自由,所以依然保护着的人的容颜不曾改和一场庞大而没有落幕的恨.----上面三句是落落的漫评里的经典语句,以前在漫友登过,请不要认为GJM能写出这种句子. 主要出自6.因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。













——19.遗忘是我们不可更改的宿命,所有的一切都像是没有对齐的图纸 从前的一切回不到过去 就这样慢慢延伸 一点一点的错开来 也许 错开了的东西 我们真的应该遗忘了——村上春树20.我颠覆了整个世界,只为了摆正你的倒影-----最经典的《圣传》的序空气在颤抖,仿佛天空在燃烧我想你清楚一件事。

我很想有一个属于自己的家,里面有一个很漂亮的书桌,但是如果没有也无所谓,我也很想有一张很舒服的沙发,但是如果没有也无所谓,如果在家里面,有几个天真活泼的小孩子跑来跑去,我会很开心,但如果没有也无所谓,最重要的是这个家里面有你,其他的有没有都无所谓.斯巴达人从不问敌人有多少,只问敌人在那里!- 我最喜欢的战争台词是生活变了,还是我的眼睛变了

我最喜欢听你说,你吃饭了没有,虽然我每天都听到,但我却像个傻瓜一样,每次都感动.在爱情面前,一切或桀骜或坚强或固执的凡人圣人庸人都显得那么温顺那么软弱那无助,梵高低下了原本在世俗中高昂的头,普希金用生命为爱情殉葬,爱德华八世爱美人不爱江山,纣王宁负天下不负妲己,周幽王烽火戏诸侯只为博嫣然一笑,吴三桂冲冠一怒为红颜承千古骂名又何妨?在遇到你之前我一点都不觉得苦,因为我知道,遇到你之后,我的所有幸福都会一起到来 -----蓝色生死恋--五楼的漂亮小姐,你相信奇迹吗

















—《阿飞正传》一个承诺在最需要的时候没有兑现,那就是出卖.彩静:信说过,星星有星星的周期,人也有自己的周期.2500万年.从现在开始,再过2500万年,我们就会经历现在所经历的,遇见现在所遇见的. 律,2500万年以后,再看见我就逃开吧.律:为什么?彩静:即使以后再遇见信,我还是会喜欢他... ...律:怎么办呢,即使你还会喜欢信,我仍要等你,守护在你身边,看不见你,我会窒息. -----[宫]郭敬明语录1 很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了 。

2 我知道我不是一个很好的记录者,但我比任何人都喜欢回首自己来时的路,我不但的回首,伫足,然手时光仍下我轰轰烈烈的向前奔去。

3 你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋4 如果上帝要毁灭一个人必先令其疯狂.可我疯狂了这么久为何上帝还不把我毁掉.5 那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林6 在这个忧伤而明媚的三月,我从我单薄的青春里打马而过,穿过紫堇,穿过木棉,穿过时隐时现的悲喜和无常。

7 你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。

8 那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。

9 寂寞的人总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人,于是我总是意犹未尽地想起你 在每个星光陨落的晚上一遍一遍数我的寂寞10 每当我看天的时候 我就不喜欢再说话 每当我说话的时候 我却不敢再看天11 我每天都在数着你的笑,可是你连笑的时候,都好寂寞。


12 我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑13 曾经也有一个笑容出现在我的生命里,可是最后还是如雾般消散,而那个笑容,就成为我心中深深埋藏的一条湍急河流,无法泅渡,那河流的声音,就成为我每日每夜绝望的歌唱。

14 凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福,如同清亮的溪涧,在风里,在我眼前,汨汨而过,温暖如同泉水一样涌出来,我没有奢望,我只要你快乐,不要哀伤……15 风吹起如花般破碎的流年,而你的笑容摇晃摇晃,成为我命途中最美的点缀,看天,看雪,看季节深深的暗影。

16 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了。

17 躲在某一时间,想念一段时光的掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念一个站在来路也站在去路的,让我牵挂的人。

18 牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路 。

19 假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。

20 有些事情还没讲完那就算了吧.每个人都是一个国王,在自己的世界里纵横跋扈,你不要听我的,但你也不要让我听你的.21 我忘了哪年哪月的哪一日 我在哪面墙上刻下一张脸 一张微笑着 忧伤着 凝望我的脸 我们微笑着说 我们 停留在 时光的 原处 其实 早已被洪流 无声地 卷走22 有些人会一直刻在记忆里的,即使忘记了他的声音,忘记了他的笑容,忘记了他的脸,但是每当想起他时的那种感受,是永远都不会改变的23 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。

24 原来和文字沾上边的孩子从来都是不快乐的,他们的快乐象贪玩的小孩,游荡到天光,游荡到天光却还不肯回来25 你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。

26 歌声形成的空间,任凭年华来去自由,所以依然保护着的人的容颜不曾改和一场庞大而没有落幕的恨.27 总有一天我会从你身边默默地走开,不带任何声响.我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过.28 我就像现在一样看着你微笑,沉默,得意,失落,于是我跟着你开心也跟着你难过,只是我一直站在现在而你却永远停留过去.29 如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首.30 我忘记了哪年哪月的哪一天 我在哪面墙上刻下了一张脸 一张微笑着 忧伤着 凝望着我的脸 那些刻在椅背后的爱情 会不会像水泥地上的花朵 开出地老天荒的 没有风的森林31 不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题。

32 当你真正爱一样东西的时候你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力。


33 遗忘 是我们不可更改的宿命 所有的一切都像是没有对齐的图纸 从前的一切回不到过去 就这样慢慢延伸 一点一点的错开来 也许 错开了的东西 我们真的应该遗忘了34 什么叫快乐


35 坚硬的城市里没有柔软的爱情 生活不是林黛玉,不会因为忧伤而风情万种 人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云世间千年如我一瞬36 记忆想是倒在掌心的水 不论你摊开还是紧握 终究还是会从指缝中 一滴一滴 流淌干净。

37 谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂.我回过头去看自己成长的道路,一天一天地观望,我站在路边上,双手插在风衣的兜里看到无数的人群从我身边面无表情地走过,偶尔有人停下来对我微笑,灿若桃花。


38 这个城市没有草长莺飞的传说,它永远活在现实里面,快速的鼓点,匆忙的身影,麻木的眼神,虚假的笑容,而我正在被同化39 总有一天都会面目全非,时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易去相信神话40 风空空洞洞地吹过。





41 离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。

42 一只野兽受了伤,它可以自己跑到一个山洞躲起来,然后自己舔舔伤口,自己坚持,可是一旦被嘘寒问暖,它就受不了43 伤口就像我一样,是个倔强的孩子,不肯愈合,因为内心是温暖潮湿的地方,适合任何东西生长。

44 因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。

不管我随着风飞翔到云间我都希望你能看见,就算我偶尔会贪玩了迷了路也知道你在等我45 我不喜欢说话却每天说最多的话,我不喜欢笑却总笑个不停,身边的每个人都说我的生活好快乐,于是我也就认为自己真的快乐。

可是为什么我会在一大群朋友中突然地就沉默,为什么在人群中看到个相似的背影就难过,看见秋天树木疯狂地掉叶子我就忘记了说话,看见天色渐晚路上暖黄色的灯火就忘记了自己原来的方向...几米经典语录1. 掉落深井,我大声呼喊,等待救援……天黑了,黯然低头,才发现水面满是闪烁的星光。


2. 所有的悲伤,总会留下一丝欢乐的线索。


3. 我在冰封的深海,找寻希望的缺口。


4. 没有阻力的世界,少了感人的戏剧张力。

5. 我们体会到的感动都是自己生命里幽微的细部。

6. 我等待“等待”。

7. 岁月有时,一分钟很长,有时,却又很短。




8. 为什么欢乐易与人分享,悲伤却只能独自品尝

9. 我不了解我的寂寞来自何方,但我真的感到寂寞。

你也寂寞,世界上每个人都寂寞,只 是大家的寂寞都不同吧。

10. 窗外放晴了,屋内仍继续下雨。






11. 我的心开始下雪,雪无声地覆盖了所有,湮灭了迷惘,骄傲与哀痛,当一切归于寂静时,世界突然变得清亮明朗。

所以,别为我忧伤,我有我的美丽,它正要开始……12. 肚子饿了,开始吃饭吃得饱饱,开始想你觉得困了,开始睡觉睁开眼睛,开始想你夜幕低垂的那一刻,其实什么事情也没有发生……13. 后来他们从天边的缝隙,又找到了秘密花园的入口……14. 有时候,我喜欢眼睁睁地看着时间,一秒一秒一秒一秒……地流逝我无所谓,我无能为力15. 对不起

无法为你撑伞,让你淋湿了16. 我们错过了诺亚方舟,错过了泰坦尼克号,错过了一切的惊险与不惊险,我们还要继续 错过17. 谢谢你


18. 纵使我从小是被机器人带大的妈妈我依旧会爱你,永远会爱你19. 我练习走钢索,跳火圈转飞盘,丢苹果射飞刀。

猪练习走快乐,跳幸福转高兴,丢寂寞射忧郁20. 风吹过湖面,柳条摇曳,石头上布满苍老的青苔,湖底铺着陈腐的枯叶,鱼儿在清澈水 里相互追逐,小鸟在鸣唱,空气中弥漫着果香,这里仿若仙境。

而我心中却只是在担心,回家时该如何告诉妈妈,我又不小心掉落了一双心爱的小红鞋21. 飞天扫帚,常常闹情绪,它多愁善感得不得了22. 你当然一眼就看出,我永远找不到我要找的人。




你当然一眼就看出,我根本不想,找到我要找的人23. 带眼镜的人,通常有一种固定的特殊表情。

他们厌烦一定要透过镜片,看这个厌烦的世界24. 我是魔鬼,魔鬼的小孩,当然也是魔鬼,我们以魔鬼真面目呈现时,通常表现良善当时我看见了它……我只是惊声尖叫


午夜三刻一过,饭店里就有人开始恶作剧,他们一间间地去按房客的门铃,然后迅速躲 在转角咭咭咯咯地笑,一直到天亮了,游戏才停止他们每晚都好快乐25. 床底下的小妖,不耐烦床上的人,乏味的对白,固定爱的习惯他们甚至厌烦,他们看到他们时,发出,一样的尖叫声,一样的惊恐表情他们觉得无聊透了,他们决定要搬家26. 我的朋友阿B,非常严肃地告诉我,他的电脑通人性,有思想,他的电脑有魂魄27. 嘿

你觉得单眼皮的鬼恐怖,还是双眼皮的28. 终于有人在坟上起舞写出美丽的诗篇,让漂泊的灵魂,感到垂死的幸福29. 谁让哪本书掉下来,谁就必须读那本书30. 煮熟的鸭子飞了,大厨师的心里有着巨大的撼动,他开始相信不相信的,并开始素食31. 他整日忧心,青年学子不再读书,他的忧愁,后来证明没有白费32. 他们都习惯,抬头四十五度,仰望天际33. 想你的时候,你会不会也刚好正在想我。

34. 我们都要尽量靠近光亮,让心情温暖。

35. 一辈子做对与做错的事,会不会刚好一样多36. 我不停的举手发问,却没有人,告诉我答案37. 拥抱一只猫,莫名涌现幸福美满的感动然而突然暴怒抓狂,常常殃及无辜,我真的不是故意的38. 世界虽然繁华美丽,对我而言,却常是朦胧不真实纵使受尽委屈,我也要努力,保持风度吗

39. 伤心难过时,朋友怎么都刚好消失无影40. 找到一个爱我与我爱的人,变成梦里的情节41. 卧倒雪地,三天三夜,可能都没有人会发现看不见的世界,或许才是真实的,还是,也不是真实的42. 人不是鱼,怎会了解鱼的忧愁;鱼不是鸟,怎会了解鸟的快乐;鸟不是人,怎会了解人的荒唐;人不是鸟,怎会了解鸟的自由;鸟不是鱼,怎会了解鱼的深沉;鱼不是人,怎会了解人的幼稚;你不是我,怎会了解我……43. 叶子都掉光了,树在冬眠吗



44. 迷路的夜晚,失去了回家的方向,那条熟悉的小路不见了。




45. 颁奖的音乐响起时,我觉得好尴尬。






46. 我听不见彩虹出现的声音;我听不见太阳落下的声音,花开雪飘的声音,我听不见;风吹草动的声音,我听不见;野狼的声、猎人的枪声、天使的哭声,我听不见,我只听见寂寞,在草丛里来来回回的奔跑。

47. 我宁愿——被蛇咬到、被蜜蜂叮到、被大象踩到、被胖猪撞到、被犀牛撞倒、被野马踢 到、被大熊压到,也不愿被你的小手抓到.48. 在我最接近月亮的那一天,月亮跟我说了一个秘密,他说其实她是太阳;在我最接近月亮的那一天,我跟月亮说了一个秘密,我说其实我很怕高。






Blood Diamond in Singapore show grade in the final set NC16 (under 16 years of age shall watch). Although the film does have a very direct war and murder scenes, but the overall picture is quite clean, not the pursuit of a large number of bloody scenes or abnormal behavior. Even between the actor and actress even each other go only once shook hands with a hug, even a kiss not clean. This implicit Hollywood blockbuster was drawn to NC16 this level, this is a little surprised me.也许是我想得太多,和我一同看这部戏的朋友提醒说这个评级结果可能是因为里面涉及非洲内战中的儿童士兵(children soldier)的问题。






Maybe I think too much, go to see the movie with my friends reminded that the rating results may be because it relates to the child soldier during the civil war Africa (children soldier) problem. These minor children by the rebels or the guerrillas abducted from villages, after completely brainwashed taught to a mini version of killing machine. They smoke, drink alcohol, drug abuse, and adult soldiers together for a village massacre. They dressed in military uniform (most of the time these uniforms are worn), holding a machine gun, call themselves born to kill machine, do not let a, kill the captain. Such things are looking a bit unrealistic taste. But we already know cruel real of this world have love in madness coat, cover inside the rot disorder.电影的气氛的确很沉重。



It's really very heavy film. Whether the shootout or jungle hunting, whether adults or elderly and infirm greed killing the be disconcerted, whether in smart clothes the world still see evidence of people's distress everywhere battlefield and refugee camp, all oozing with a cold miserable white, even make people feel here is you. Only Africa clay -- this is the blood to nourish the earth, and the heart of the story involves a pink original drilling, let a person feel real color.还有Archer最后看的那片云霞。

And the rosy clouds the final look of the Archer.在结束之前,Archer给Maddy打了一个电话。

Maddy正在某一个宁静富庶的欧洲小镇里和人聊天喝茶,她在电话里说:“Where are you? I am coming to find you.”他始终避而不答。

他说:“I wish you were here.”在他的身下,是非洲的红土,静静地吸食生灵的鲜血、灵魂和依恋,万古如是。


In the end, Archer made a phone call to Maddy. Maddy is a quiet rich European town and people to talk to a cup of tea, she said on the phone: Where are you? I am coming to find you. he always avoided answering. He said: I wish you were here. under his body, is Africa laterite, quietly smoking creatures blood, soul and attachment, such as vancomycin is. And then the lens slowly pulled away, we Archer together and see eyeful of mountain peaks overlap, the rays of fire.那一刻我才明白,这部非洲题材的电影与其他作品的最大不同。

这里面的主人公Archer 和Soloman他们生于斯地长于斯地,他们不是那些从不知道那里来的冀望到新大陆猎奇以填补空虚灵魂的中产阶级,也不是怀抱救世主理想来拯救这块大陆却随时可以抽身离开、永远有后路可退的外来者。


The moment I realized, the biggest difference this Africa movies and other works. The hero inside Archer and Soloman they are born to bred, they are not those who never know where to look to the new world of curiosity to fill the empty soul of the middle class, is also not ideal to save the continent arms savior but ready to leave, always retreating outsider. Although this continent is poor, the war continued, ignorance ignorant people, but they are unable to leave.这种灵魂上的煎熬,这种不得不恨又无法不爱的心情,很多来自幸福的一等国家的人是无法体会的。











The soul of suffering, this had to be hated and can not love mood, many from the happiness of a country who are unable to understand. They only in this movie to see human greed, cunning, cruel, stupid, or in the end to see a slight dawn, they may be asked like Maddy this traveler,: how can one person change here? -- this is because they don't understand, also do not belong here. Archer and Soloman will not question. They just work hard to live. That's all. The continent's future would not have the hands of one or two people change. To go through hundreds of years, dozens of generations of sacrifice and toil, want to see the continent was repeatedly ravaged and precipitation, brewing, can be re recovery. The dark era is long. If we could go around, we might because that look at the end of the night and despair, lost direction. From darkness to light the journey, can only be used for countless years old, young, and young people and children's life to a little bit of filling.所以我们无需控诉什么,无需质疑。

我们只需要和Archer 以及Soloman一样,努力地活下去。


So we need not complain anything, without question. We only need one and Archer as well as Soloman, hard to live. Or after a long time, our children can see Africa again become a paradise, there are flowers free and open.影评2 《血钻》——最帅的男人2 blood diamond - the most handsome man《血钻》——最帅的男人Blood diamond - the most handsome man看了血钻有一段时间了。

See the blood to drill for a long time.记得当时看到丹尼(Leonardo Dicaprio)死的时候,我坐在那里,咧开嘴,闭着眼,大哭,很爽。

Remember to see Danny (Leonardo Dicaprio) died when I was sitting there, open a mouth, eyes closed, crying, very cool.一直想写点什么,但一直也没写出来。


Always want to write something, but didn't write out. Vague impression of the two men to support each other, alternative, the same.于是,今天我要抛却对一部电影的所有标准,背景、情节、叙事、技巧、政治意义都死去,我只想讨论一下迪卡在片子里为什么这么帅。

So, I will give all the standard on a film today, background, plot, narrative, skills, and political significance to die, I just want to discuss in the film why so handsome.一个男人帅从来不是因为他单纯地帅,一个单纯地帅的男人让人没有任何遐想。


A man who has not because he simply handsome, a simply handsome men, let a person without any daydream. This unlike women, a woman could simply beautiful, simply a beautiful woman can make people think:).所以,一个帅的男人必定是复杂的。



Therefore, a handsome man is complex. Complex is attractive, especially for those who are arrogant and confident girl. Such a man, can not handsome?一个男人特别帅的地方在于他背后有一个神奇的世界或他本A man so handsome place lies behind him with a magical world or he双语的,希望能解决你的问题Bilingual, the hope can solve your problem


肖申克的救赎当幸福来敲门大鱼本杰明巴顿奇事 我说的这些都是我上学期交listening report时候写的 里面有很多台词值得记住我想说楼上 人家说英文电影台词...天堂电影院很好看但那不是英语啊- -虽然电影数量不多 台词质量还是有的 希望可以帮到你


看看这里有没有你想要的12000:10:36,198 --> 00:10:39,690I have dug and dug and dug, but found nothing.12100:10:39,869 --> 00:10:41,769Nothing.12200:10:42,037 --> 00:10:43,527Dig, dig, dig!12300:10:43,706 --> 00:10:46,004You will find it for me.12400:10:46,976 --> 00:10:49,274You will dig up what you have come back for.12500:10:49,445 --> 00:10:50,469No.12600:10:50,646 --> 00:10:53,080Why should the diamond go to the foreign devils?12700:10:53,816 --> 00:10:57,081We will use it to make the country strong.12800:10:57,553 --> 00:11:00,147RUF is fighting for the people!12900:11:02,491 --> 00:11:05,585RUF is fighting for Sierra Leone!13000:11:08,430 --> 00:11:10,159Pick it up.13100:11:11,367 --> 00:11:14,336Why? You are going to kill me anyway.13200:11:14,503 --> 00:11:17,597I do not need to kill you, Solomon Vandy.13300:11:20,442 --> 00:11:22,637If you do not bring me the diamond….13400:11:22,811 --> 00:11:25,041….I will find the rest of your family.13500:11:25,214 --> 00:11:27,648Just as I have found your son.13600:11:28,751 --> 00:11:32,118I will rape your wife in front of your eyes….13700:11:32,922 --> 00:11:35,220….slit her throat….13800:11:35,824 --> 00:11:38,190….and I will keep your daughters for myself.13900:11:43,599 --> 00:11:46,033You think I am a devil….14000:11:46,201 --> 00:11:48,533….but only because I have lived in hell.14100:11:50,172 --> 00:11:52,834I want to get out.14200:11:53,442 --> 00:11:55,535You will help me.14300:11:58,380 --> 00:11:59,677I don't remember.14400:11:59,848 --> 00:12:02,817Find it or your family will die!14500:12:03,752 --> 00:12:05,617Now pick it up!14600:12:21,170 --> 00:12:22,603-Go! -Bastards!14700:12:22,771 --> 00:12:24,136Shoot it!14800:12:29,111 --> 00:12:30,100Dia!14900:12:42,191 --> 00:12:44,386Come, boy. Come. This way. This way.15000:12:45,260 --> 00:12:46,488Dia!15100:13:09,385 --> 00:13:10,977Colonel, we think Archer's there.15200:13:11,153 --> 00:13:13,986I don't give a damn who's down there. Kill them all.15300:13:24,333 --> 00:13:25,595Dia!15400:13:40,349 --> 00:13:41,646I'm coming!15500:13:45,187 --> 00:13:46,848-Dia! -Bastard!15600:14:10,012 --> 00:14:11,377No!15700:14:31,467 --> 00:14:32,798Dia!15800:15:39,034 --> 00:15:41,969-We found his digger, sir -Keep him close.15900:15:43,939 --> 00:15:46,134-Danny boy -Colonel.16000:15:46,308 --> 00:15:49,675-Thanks for calling it in -Yeah, yeah. Always happy to help, huh?16100:15:49,845 --> 00:15:53,178So where is it? The stone?16200:15:53,348 --> 00:15:55,282We split, huh? Fifty-fifty, all right?16300:15:55,450 --> 00:15:57,077Look around you, Danny boy.16400:15:57,252 --> 00:16:00,221You're not in a position to be dictating terms.16500:16:00,389 --> 00:16:02,482Then you will never find it, sir.16600:16:02,658 --> 00:16:04,285That's correct.16700:16:05,961 --> 00:16:08,589-But he will -Come. Up.16800:16:10,232 --> 00:16:12,462Introduce me to your digger.16900:16:14,036 --> 00:16:15,697Solomon Vandy.17000:16:15,871 --> 00:16:18,032This is Colonel Coetzee. He wants the diamond.17100:16:18,207 --> 00:16:21,233-No more than you -Fuck.17200:16:21,410 --> 00:16:23,401You gonna show us where it's hidden?17300:16:26,081 --> 00:16:27,776Does he speak English?17400:16:27,950 --> 00:16:30,976He will only tell me, sir. I promise you that.17500:16:31,820 --> 00:16:34,880-Let me talk to him, huh? -Go on.17600:16:41,630 --> 00:16:43,996All right, my friend.17700:16:44,166 --> 00:16:46,100End of the line here, huh?17800:16:46,268 --> 00:16:49,533-You just tell him where it is, all right? -I do not trust him.17900:16:49,705 --> 00:16:53,141I don't trust him either, but we haven't got much of a choice here.18000:16:54,843 --> 00:16:57,971I promise you he will shoot us both in the head.18100:16:58,413 --> 00:17:01,177Right, tell him, huh? Tell him where it is, huh?18200:17:01,350 --> 00:17:03,944-Go on. Come on -I'm not feeling the love, Danny.18300:17:05,153 --> 00:17:07,986All right. No more messing about, all right?18400:17:08,156 --> 00:17:11,148I said tell him where it is! Tell him where it is! Now!18500:17:11,326 --> 00:17:12,987Tell him!18600:17:14,162 --> 00:17:15,959-No -Fucking….18700:17:16,131 --> 00:17:18,827Danny, there are other ways to do this, okay?18800:17:19,001 --> 00:17:20,628Yeah, yeah.18900:17:28,810 --> 00:17:31,802-Lf he tells us, do we have a deal, sir? -Seventy-thirty.19000:17:31,980 --> 00:17:34,380Sixty-forty. already lined up a buyer.19100:17:34,549 --> 00:17:36,210Agreed.19200:17:41,390 --> 00:17:42,948Come here.19300:17:45,527 --> 00:17:48,963This is his son. Vandy will do whatever you want for his sake, all right?19400:17:49,131 --> 00:17:53,898Danny, you're a pisser, man. Well done. Boys, we move out.19500:17:56,672 --> 00:17:58,970What do you say, Mr.Vandy?19600:17:59,441 --> 00:18:02,342-You ready to take a walk? -Come on.19700:18:08,617 --> 00:18:10,209Come on.19800:18:23,165 --> 00:18:26,259So who's the buyer? I'm guessing London.19900:18:26,468 --> 00:18:29,733Well, they no longer accept conflict diamonds, huh?20000:18:29,905 --> 00:18:32,373Wouldrt hurt to interest some other parties.20220:18:32,908 --> 00:18:35,900-Start a bidding war -What, one war's not enough for you, huh?20220:18:36,845 --> 00:18:38,540I missed you, Danny.20300:18:38,847 --> 00:18:43,011See? It is here. He has tried to find it.20400:18:43,185 --> 00:18:45,881All right, Mr.Vandy. Time for you to start digging.20500:19:00,936 --> 00:19:03,200Hey, boet, have you got a smoke?20600:19:03,672 --> 00:19:05,572Smoking will kill you.20700:19:06,341 --> 00:19:07,831Sorry.20800:19:10,912 --> 00:19:12,812It's all right.20900:19:12,981 --> 00:19:15,108Time I quit smoking anyway, huh, Solomon?21000:19:29,631 --> 00:19:30,962-It's gone -What?21100:19:31,133 --> 00:19:33,226Someone has taken it.21200:19:34,336 --> 00:19:38,102This is where I buried it. It isn't here.21300:19:38,573 --> 00:19:41,940Well, then there's no reason for any of you to stay alive. Is there?21400:19:46,281 --> 00:19:47,942Wait, wait, wait.21500:19:48,116 --> 00:19:50,346I know, I know. I know where it is.21600:19:50,819 --> 00:19:52,810-I know where it is -It better be there.21700:19:57,993 --> 00:19:58,982Yes.21800:19:59,161 --> 00:20:02,528Oh, here, here. It is here.21900:20:02,697 --> 00:20:04,358-Yeah? Yeah, there it is -Yes.22000:20:05,534 --> 00:20:06,933Fuck!22100:20:25,587 --> 00:20:27,521TIA, huh, Danny?22200:20:28,924 --> 00:20:30,516TIA.22300:20:37,432 --> 00:20:40,890Keep digging, huh? They'll be here any second. Come on.22400:20:43,104 --> 00:20:44,366Keep digging.22500:20:57,219 --> 00:20:59,949-It had better be there, huh? -Yes, yes.22600:21:02,991 --> 00:21:04,583Have you got it?22700:21:06,027 --> 00:21:09,292-Have you got it, huh? -Yes, got it. Oh, yes.22800:21:10,732 --> 00:21:11,994Oh, yes.22900:21:14,169 --> 00:21:15,761Solomon.23000:21:22,577 --> 00:21:25,546Dia, what are you doing?23100:21:26,047 --> 00:21:27,537Dia.23200:21:29,885 --> 00:21:31,785What are you doing?23300:21:36,658 --> 00:21:37,955Of the proud Mende tribe.23400:21:43,899 --> 00:21:48,768You are a good boy who loves soccer and school.23500:21:51,072 --> 00:21:54,200Your mother loves you so much.23600:21:56,645 --> 00:21:59,443She waits by the fire making plantains….23700:21:59,614 --> 00:22:02,276….and red palm oil stew with your sister N'Yanda….23800:22:04,553 --> 00:22:06,817….and the new baby.23900:22:15,730 --> 00:22:17,994The cows wait for you.24000:22:18,166 --> 00:22:23,968And Babu, the wild dog who minds no one but you.24100:22:26,541 --> 00:22:29,874I know they made you do bad things….24200:22:30,045 --> 00:22:32,513….but you are not a bad boy.24300:22:35,717 --> 00:22:38,117I am your father….24400:22:39,821 --> 00:22:42,119….who loves you.24500:22:43,391 --> 00:22:47,157And you will come home with me and be my son again.24600:23:12,587 --> 00:23:14,953Solomon, we've got to move, huh?24700:23:15,123 --> 00:23:16,681We've got to….24800:23:19,861 --> 00:23:22,557Go, go! Move!24900:23:25,333 --> 00:23:26,891Move. Move.25000:23:27,068 --> 00:23:28,365Move, move, move!25100:23:28,536 --> 00:23:31,562Move! Move! Move!25200:23:33,174 --> 00:23:34,402How far?25300:23:34,576 --> 00:23:36,635There's an airstrip at the top of that gorge.25400:23:36,811 --> 00:23:38,904A plane will meet us, huh?25500:23:39,314 --> 00:23:41,680Hey, stop. Stop.25600:23:43,952 --> 00:23:47,945Give it to me. Come on, give it to me, huh?25700:23:55,463 --> 00:23:58,523Keep moving. They'll be tracking us.25800:24:04,839 --> 00:24:06,898Nabil, where are you?25900:24:07,976 --> 00:24:10,604I'm nearly there. Tell me what's happening.26000:24:10,779 --> 00:24:14,237We're about 10 s out, huh? We've got it, my friend.26100:24:14,416 --> 00:24:16,316-Who is we? -The fisherman and his son.26200:24:16,484 --> 00:24:18,076Lose them.26300:24:32,233 --> 00:24:34,326It's at the top of that ridge there, huh?26400:24:34,502 --> 00:24:35,799You must stop and rest.26500:24:35,970 --> 00:24:38,803What? And give up the damn stone?26600:24:38,973 --> 00:24:41,032Keep moving. Come on.26700:25:15,677 --> 00:25:18,009Come. Come, come.26800:26:05,126 --> 00:26:07,424I can't. Stop.26900:26:07,595 --> 00:26:09,654-Okay -Stop.27000:26:38,126 --> 00:26:39,218Come on.27100:26:39,828 --> 00:26:42,422No! God, no. Stop.27200:26:43,531 --> 00:26:46,864Christ. No more. No more.27300:27:30,812 --> 00:27:32,507Take it, huh?27400:27:34,916 --> 00:27:38,113-Mr.Archer… -Take it, take it.27500:27:45,193 --> 00:27:46,956I thought you would steal it from me.27600:27:48,796 --> 00:27:52,425Yeah, yeah, it occurred to me, huh?27700:28:03,378 --> 00:28:05,005Listen….27800:28:07,982 --> 00:28:10,382….this is Maddy's card, huh?27900:28:10,551 --> 00:28:12,712You call her when you get to Conakry, all right?28000:28:16,958 --> 00:28:18,926And don't trust that pilot for a second.28100:28:19,093 --> 00:28:22,153You point this at his head if he fucks around, all right?28200:28:22,330 --> 00:28:23,797I can carry you.28300:28:36,711 --> 00:28:38,178You take your boy home, huh?28400:28:43,351 --> 00:28:46,013You take him home, huh?28500:28:50,558 --> 00:28:52,321-Go! Go! -Go. Come on.28600:28:53,161 --> 00:28:54,253Go on!28700:29:00,001 --> 00:29:01,866Come on. Come on.28800:29:08,676 --> 00:29:11,042Archer, you're a dead man!28900:29:11,212 --> 00:29:13,043Yeah, yeah.29000:29:43,745 --> 00:29:45,110Dia.29100:30:06,334 --> 00:30:07,494Hello. Maddy Bowen.29200:30:07,735 --> 00:30:09,566Yeah.29300:30:09,904 --> 00:30:11,565Thought I'd never call, huh?29400:30:12,473 --> 00:30:16,534And I'm so glad you did. Excuse me.29500:30:18,513 --> 00:30:19,673When am I gonna see you?29600:30:20,815 --> 00:30:26,549Maddy, I want you to do me one more favor, huh?29700:30:27,255 --> 00:30:31,783I want you to go meet Solomon in Conakry.29800:30:31,993 --> 00:30:34,689In Guinea? Why do you want me to go to Guinea?29900:30:37,698 --> 00:30:39,757We found his son….30000:30:40,735 --> 00:30:44,136….but he's gonna need some help, you understand?30100:30:44,906 --> 00:30:45,998Maddy?30200:30:48,810 --> 00:30:50,675You're hurt.30300:30:51,312 --> 00:30:52,370Are you hurt?30400:30:52,547 --> 00:30:55,710Yeah, well, got a little problem here.30500:31:00,288 --> 00:31:03,985Okay. You…. You tell me where you are.30600:31:07,261 --> 00:31:08,285Archer?30700:31:20,441 --> 00:31:25,174I'm looking at an incredible view right now.30800:31:26,581 --> 00:31:28,208I wish you were here, Maddy.30900:31:28,382 --> 00:31:32,045Okay, then I'm coming to be with you. You just tell me where you are.31000:31:35,256 --> 00:31:36,587I don't think so.31100:31:36,757 --> 00:31:40,090Are you still in Kono? Because I can get someone there to help you.31200:31:40,261 --> 00:31:44,527Maddy, you find someplace safe for the boy, all right?31300:31:44,699 --> 00:31:47,099And keep him out of sight.31400:31:47,702 --> 00:31:50,432And get Solomon to London.31500:31:53,574 --> 00:31:56,338He's bringing something with him.31600:31:57,011 --> 00:31:58,945But he's gonna need your help.31700:32:00,181 --> 00:32:02,012Why aren't you bringing it yourself?31800:32:03,518 --> 00:32:08,581I'm saying it's a real story now.31900:32:09,490 --> 00:32:11,219And you can write the hell out of it.32000:32:18,432 --> 00:32:20,957I'm really happy I met you.32100:32:22,537 --> 00:32:23,526You know that?32200:32:26,874 --> 00:32:29,001Yeah, I'm….32300:32:30,211 --> 00:32:33,271I'm really happy I met you too.32400:32:33,881 --> 00:32:37,874And I wish I could be there with you.32500:32:38,753 --> 00:32:40,721That's all right.32600:32:43,257 --> 00:32:45,657I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.32700:33:39,280 --> 00:33:41,612When we get to the stairs, you just keep walking….32800:33:41,782 --> 00:33:43,807….and I'll wait for you here.32900:33:44,385 --> 00:33:45,909You're not coming.33000:33:46,087 --> 00:33:49,352I'm not here. Good luck.33100:34:11,012 --> 00:34:13,674You must understand, Mr.Vandy….33200:34:13,848 --> 00:34:19,912….that your diamond could have ended up nowhere else but with us.33300:34:23,224 --> 00:34:26,193-It is not enough -I assure you, 2 million pounds….33400:34:26,360 --> 00:34:30,228….is more than anyone else will offer you for that stone under the circumstances.33500:34:30,398 --> 00:34:33,094I want what was promised to me by Mr.Archer.33600:34:36,570 --> 00:34:39,095-What was promised to you? -My family.33700:34:39,440 --> 00:34:41,431When they are here, you will get the stone.33800:34:42,109 --> 00:34:43,736I will have the money too.33900:34:45,046 --> 00:34:46,570Well, may I see what I'm buying?34000:34:46,747 --> 00:34:49,511You will get the stone once my family is here.34100:34:50,284 --> 00:34:52,081How do I even know you've got it?34200:36:59,980 --> 00:37:02,744Can you comment on the diamonds mined in Sierra Leone?34300:37:02,917 --> 00:37:06,819I'm not going to comment on some sensationalist magazine article.34400:37:06,987 --> 00:37:09,581-What about Liberia? -No comment. No comment.34500:37:09,757 --> 00:37:12,157-Mr.Van De Kaap… -That's all I have to say.34600:37:11,926 --> 00:37:13,325The natural resources of a country….34700:37:13,329 --> 00:37:18,298….are the property of its people. They are not ours to steal….34800:37:19,634 --> 00:37:25,095….or exploit in the name of our comfort, our corporations, or our consumerism.34900:37:35,016 --> 00:37:37,075They're ready for you, sir.35000:37:38,586 --> 00:37:40,986The Third World is not a world apart.35100:37:41,155 --> 00:37:45,819And the witness you will hear today speaks on its behalf.35200:37:45,993 --> 00:37:49,861Let us hear the voice of that world. Let us learn from that voice.35300:37:50,031 --> 00:37:53,558And let us ignore it no more.35400:37:53,734 --> 00:37:57,067Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.Solomon Vandy.








