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product showcase / product line showcase也可以反过来: showcasing the product line product demonstration / product line demonstration也可以反过来: demonstrating the product line




Observation: don't miss the any time to observe others product display opportunities, observation of their colleagues, observation of competitors, they are how to display products, how to show the effect of, what defect, which can be drawn lessons from. Summarize the experience and methods of others, but also to remember the lessons and learn a lesson from the mistakes of others.当客户决定来访,在前期跟客户沟通的很重要,首先需要了解客户是对我们公司的哪些产品比较感兴趣,了解客户公司的大概信息;确认客户来访时间,询问相关细节及是否需要帮助,比如客户是否要帮忙订酒店(老外对中国不熟悉,你这样问,他觉得你很信心和贴心),另外我这边会给客户做一份meeting agenda,安排好客户来访那天的行程。

When customers decided to make the visit. In early to communicate with customers is very important, first of all need to understand the customer is for products in which our company interested in, understand the customer's information about; confirm customer visit and enquiries about the details and whether there is a need to help, such as customers to help set the hotel (foreigners in China are not familiar with, you ask, he felt you are confident and attentive), also my side will give customers a meeting agenda, arrange customer visit day trip.思考:站在客户的角度进行思考,客户喜欢什么样的产品展示




Think: stand in the customer's point of view, customers like what kind of products show? Customers most want to see the product that one page, the kind of function? What kind of presentation is the customer's most boring? What do customers want us to do?关于前面提到的meeting agenda,这个经过实践证明,很有必要,客户收到了这份资料,他会觉得你很专业,把一天的行程都安排好了,要不客户来到,也不知道你是如何安排的,他可能到回去了,还是迷迷糊糊的,这个就让他留下印象(什么时候去酒店接客户,参加会议的双方公司的人员,会议主题,产品演示PPT,互相讨论提问时间和问题内容,产品demo,参观工厂等);On the aforementioned meeting agenda, the after practice proved that it is necessary, the customer receives a this information, he will think you are very professional, the day of the trip are arranged, or customers to, also don't know you is how to arrange, he may have to go back, or is in a daze, this let him leave the impression (when, to the hotel to meet customers, attend the meeting of both companies, the theme of the conference, product presentations and discuss with each other questions and issues, product demo, visit factory);准备:get ready:做一个专业的全面的产品PPT演示,这个要靠你自己对产品的了解,把产品的重点信息做上去,或者是你们同事之间讨论修改,把这个产品演示PPT做好。

客户来访的时候,就可以用这个PPT 给客户介绍产品,客户要知道信息就一目了然,或许客户在听你介绍产品的时候,会提出问题,你这个就要随机应变。


)Do a professional comprehensive product PPT demonstration, this is to rely on your own understanding of the product, the key information of the product to do it, or to discuss the changes between your colleagues, to make this product demonstration PPT. When the customer visit, you can use the PPT to customers about products, customers need to know information at a glance, perhaps the client in listening to you to introduce products, put forward the question, you have to play it by ear. (also on the PPT presentation, you have to in front of the customer is professional, you need to advance practice PPT, to understand products will be catching up, otherwise the customer asked you, it becomes speechless.一次成功的演示背后,可能藏着销售人员数十次、数百次的演练,精彩的产品展示是精心设计出来的。



Behind a successful demonstration, the sales staff may hide dozens of times, hundreds of drills, wonderful product display is carefully designed. Sales personnel to the experience and lessons of the comprehensive, colleagues, but also taking into account customer ideas and psychology, based on inventive design suitable for the presentation of their products. Presentation is not the product selling points and features peremptorily unfold, al1, should show which closely linked to the customer demand, main, difference and competitive products selling point.客户回去之后,并不等于完事大吉,这才是你们合作的刚刚开始。

你要把客户来访的内容做一个meeting summary 发给客户,让客户和自己都知道,你们这次会议成果与共识,接下来你们要采取什么行动去跟进,如果客户需要,把你们的产品PPT发给他,方便他回去能自己再深度了解。

Customer after return, is not equal to over, this is your cooperation has just begun. You to the visitors and customers do a meeting summary is sent to the client, let their customers and all know, your conference achievements and consensus. Then you can take action to follow up, if the customer need to send him your PPT, convenient he went back to his depth of understanding.



