
爱情语录 伤感语录 搞笑语录 名人语录 祝福语录 一句话语录 励志语录





There's no place like home. 没有一个地方可以和家相提并论。


It was a painful experience, but when I stood there for a year I have been thinking, I think the biggest loss is that I lost my heart, when I am in love, I am the happiest person in the world; but a man with no heart is not love, so I decided to ask oz to give me a heart.我却要得到一颗心,因为心能使一个人快乐,快乐是世界上最好的东西。

But I have a heart, because hearts can make a man happy, happy is the best thing in the world. 多萝西庄重地说:‘我从奥芝地方回来,而且托托也是,啊,爱姆婶婶,我回到家里来了,多么快乐啊

Dorothea said solemnly: 'I came back from the land of Oz, and Toto is, ah, Aunt Em, I returned home, how happy ah!Now I know I've got a heart, 'cause it's breaking.现在我知道我的心,因为它的破碎。


”Lucy: today I'm going to play.龙卷风呼呼 啊



Tornado shout ah! Help ah, scarecrow! Iron man.Yes, of course. Just make sure you give it to her. Make more sure that she eats it.是的,当然。



Hey [heɪ]没关系;我不在乎 (See Emily) Good-bye everyone, Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion, Tin man. I'm sorry. It was nice meeting you all... Narrator: Form then on, Emily is no longer a naughty child. She realizes the most precious treasure is the trust between friends and cherish all the friendship around her, and then becomes a lovely, pleasing, charming girl all her life.再见了各位,多萝西,狮子,稻草人,铁皮人。





hi,hello,thank you,yes,NO,ok,I fine……等等等等……【我好傻啊 =皿=||| 】



Oh, dear.That's too wonderful to be true!lt's gonna be so hardto say goodbye.l love you all too.Goodbye, Tin Man.Don't cry.You'll rust so dreadfully.Here. Here's your oilcan.Goodbye.Now l know l've got a heart......because it's breaking.Goodbye, Lion.l know it isn't right......but l'm gonna miss the wayyou used to holler for help......before you found your courage.l would never have found itif it hadn't been for you.l think l'll miss you most of all.



Part I Place : OZCharacters : Emily [女子名] 埃米莉, Scarecrow(稻草人), Dorothy [女子名] 多萝西 , Lion(狮子), and Tin man(铁皮人)Narrator: Emily wakes up to find herself in a beautiful village. The sunshine covers the farm and the sunflowers swing(摇摆) in golden waves(在微风中). People there are always smiling and everyone can see that They're radiant (['reidiənt]adj.喜悦的)with happiness. What lovely(令人愉快), peaceful village it is. D: Hi, who are you? E: Emily. Where am I? D: You're in OZ, Emily. Uh, did you get lost? E: No, uh ….... yeah. I don't exactly know what happened. D: So, where're you going? E: I want to go home. D: Where? E: Taipei. Do you know how to get there? D: Well... it sounds very far. S: Why are you here? Why aren't you staying at home? E: I'd rather be home if I could. D: Would you like to come with us and find the Wizard ['wizəd]男巫? I'm sure he can help you. S: Oh, you have a wish too? What do you want? A beautiful house? A lovely doll? Or... E: Would you please stop asking those stupid questions? (要表情)D: Don't be so horrible, Emily. Scarecrow['skeə,krəʊ]doesn't have a brain, and that's why he joined us. E: (shows contempt轻视轻蔑) 表情 D: So, let's go find our partners. Go!Part IIP/ace : OZCharacters : Emily ,Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion, and Tin man T: Dorothy, we don't have enough money to buy our lunch. L: Boo( [bu:]n. 嘘声;用以吓人的声音vt. & vi. 发出嘘声)! (Scares Emily) E: Ah! (Emily is scared. Then Lion is frightened by Emily's scream. E: What a brave lion. Ha, ha! L: I know... I'm not a proper lion because I don't have courage. S: Oh, poor lion. T: Dorothy, who is she? D: She's Emily, our friend from... another place. E: So, what do you need? A more fashionable appearance? (Knock) Wow, cool. What's this? This sounds funny. T: Because my body is empty. I don't have a heart. S: Emily, leave him alone. D: Un.......Lion, don't we have enough money to buy any bread? L: No, we sure don't. D: Do you have any money, Emily? We need to buy some food. E: No, I don’t have any money. Now, leave me alone. I hate all you. I just want to go home. S: Emily, don't shout at Dorothy. We're just trying to be friendly and help everybody. T: Yes, Emily. Why are you so different from us? You're nothing like us S: I noticed that, too. It's... those clothes that you wear. That's why you're different. T: No, actually, it's not the clothes I'm talking about. It's the way you behave. You're a very selfish girl and very unkind. People in this world are always kind to each other. L: Even though you're very unfriendly, Emily, we still want you to come with us and find the Wizard. F: No, I don't want to go with you any more. L: Well, the only way you can get back home is to follow us. E: I'd better go with them. Part III Place:OZCharacters: Emily, Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion, Tin man, WitchNarrator: After walking for several more hours, they find themselves in the middle of an old forest. It's very dark and scary ['skeəri:], and everyone is close together. W: Ah, Emily. I hear that you would like to get back to Taipei. E: Yeah, how do you know? W: I keep an eye on 留心things that happen in OZ. I know that they don't like you, Emily. I like you, and I'll help you get back to Taipei. E: Wow, but, how? W: Well, I know that Dorothy likes to eat apples. So, I want you to give her this special apple, OK? It's her favorite kind. E: OK, as long as you help me get back home.W: Yes, of course. Just make sure you give it to her. Make more sure that she eats it. E: OK. E: Dorothy, Dorothy... D: Has she gone? E: Mm, I want to say sorry, Dorothy. I got you this apple. D: For me? Thank you. My favorite. D: Delicious... I feel sleepy. I want to lie down. (要动作) W: Well done, Emily. Now I've got Dorothy at last. E: Can I go back to Taipei now? W: Don't be so stupid, Emily. Do you really think I was going to help you? You should never trust anyone.Part IV E说话口气狠点吧Place: OZCharacters: Emily,Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion, and Tin man S T L: Dorothy, Dorothy. Where are you? T: We have to find Dorothy. S: Hey [heɪ]没关系;我不在乎 (See Emily) L: Emily, did you see Dorothy? S T L: We can't find her. E: You all treated me so bad. So, I want to teach you all a lesson. I took her to the witch[witʃ]n. 女巫, 巫婆.It's just an eye for an eye. L: Oh, my gush. S: How could you do that? T: She is such a nice girl. E: That's how you treated me. 要表情及动作S: Emily, you have a brain, but you don't know how to think or how to tell right from wrong. T: You have a heart. But you don't know how to be considerate. It must be empty. L: You can help us to find Dorothy, and turn over a new leaf. If some day your friend betrays you, how will you feel? S: Dorothy is such a nice girl. But …how could you... 最好有点哭吧E: When I was younger, even my best friend betrayed me. So, why should I believe anyone? T: We're sorry to hear that, but we don't mean you any harm. We want to help you get home. Why don't you try and trust people? E: I don't want to listen to you. Go away. L: We have to try and rescue Dorothy. You can stay here if you like. E: Hey...Part V Place: OZCharacters: Emily ,Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion,Tin man, Witch W: You have no choice but to die. D: No...


去 上看看把,会找到你想要的

求 绿野仙踪 中经典的句子,片段 、必须是英文的 最好有出处

The Wizard of Oz(Dorothy kills the bad witch by accident.)Glinda: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?Dorothy: Who, me? I’m not a witch at all. I’m Dorothy Gale from Kansas.Glinda: Oh. Well, is that the witch?Dorothy: Who, Toto? Toto is my dog.Glinda: I’m a little 1)muddled. The Munchkins called me, because a new witch has just dropped a house on the Wicked Witch of the East. And there’s the house, and here you are, and that’s all that’s left of the Wicked Witch of the East. And so, what the Munchkins want to know is - are you a good witch or a bad witch?Dorothy: Oh, but I’ve already told you, I’m not a witch at all. Witches are old and ugly. What was that?Glinda: The Munchkins. They’re laughing because I am a witch. I’m Glinda, the Witch of the North.Dorothy: You are? I beg your pardon, but I’ve never heard of a beautiful witch before.Glinda: Only bad witches are ugly. The Munchkins are happy because you have freed them from the Wicked Witch of the East.Dorothy: Oh, but if you please, what are Munchkins?Glinda: The little people who live in this land. It’s Muchkinland, and you are their national heroine, my dear. (To the Munchkins) It’s all right. You may all come out and thank her.Munchkins: We thank you very sweetly for doing it so neatly.Munchkins: You’ve killed her so completely. That we thank you very sweetly.Glinda: Let the joyous news be spread The Wicked Old Witch at last is dead.Chorus: Ding-dong, the witch is dead.Which old witch? The Wicked Witch!Ding-dong, the Wicked Witch is dead.Wake up, you sleepyhead.Rub your eyes, get out of your bed.Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead.She’s gone where the 2)goblins go.Below, below, below! Yo ho!Let’s open up and sing,And ring the bells out.Ding-dong, the merry-o!Sing it high, sing it low!Let them know the Wicked Witch is dead


Dorothy and her dog Toto live happily with Dorothy’s aunt until, one day, a great storm whisks Dorothy and Toto, along with their house, off to a faraway place. The house lands on, and kills, the Bad Witch of the East, but Dorothy is just eager to get home. The Good Witch tells her that only the wise old Wizard of Oz is able to get her back to her family. Dorothy and Toto set off along the yellow road to the Wizard. They meet a brainless scarecrow, a heartless tin-man and a cowardly lion on the way and all three decide to ask the Wizard to solve their problems too. Before the Wizard will grant their wishes, however, they have to kill the Bad Witch of the West, which Dorothy finally manages to do, thus making all their wishes come true. The Oz story has become a classic because it blends elements of traditional magic,such as witches,a Kansas cyclone, a scarecrow, and a man made of tin. In the end,Dorothy and her animals got what they need.We--viewers--also finish our wonderful tour and realize the dreams.《绿野》是米高梅公司出一部童话故事片。






中文名:绿野仙踪外文名:The Wizard of OZ其它译名:OZ国历险记出品时间:1939制片地区:美国

