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马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。"马克·吐温"是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。代表作品有小说《百万英镑》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》等。下面是小学生作文网 小编为大家带来的马克吐温经典名言,希望能帮助到大家!



Golden age gone.


If you adopt a hungry dog and make it comfortable, it won't bite you. This is the main difference between a man and a dog.


Old habits can not be thrown out of the window, but one to coax them down from the stairs.


Comedy, is the tragedy plus time.


I never let go to school to delay my study.


Truth is the most valuable thing that we have. Let's save it.


All men are like the moon, and they all have one side to show.


Beauty and charm is two to take things, fortunately, not all beauty has all the charm, and tend to be plain woman instead of otherwise a charm.


There was a man who came to the world from heaven, and he was on a thirty day discount, trying to sell his return ticket.


When I was 7 years old, I feel my father is the smartest person in the world; when I was 14 years old, I feel my father is in the world the churlish to man; when I was 21 years old, I suddenly found my father is very clever.


Each weft all think of him as long as you get the right, you can become the.


If you take care of a hungry dog, give it food and let it live a good life, the dog absolute't bite your one mouthful, this is people and dogs the most important.


When I was 14, I couldn't stand my father. He was stupid. But when I was 21, I was surprised to find that he had become so smart in seven years!


When you find yourself on the side of most of the time, you should stop and reflect on it.


The secret of leading is to begin to act.


Come up with new methods in the way he did not succeed before, people always say he is fantastic.


The truth has not yet been put on boots, it has traveled all over the world.


In the next twenty years, you're more likely to regret the things you didn't do, not because of what you did. So throw off the rope, starting from the safe harbor, encounter trade, exploration, and discovery in sailing dream.


When necessary, may wish to wear a little sloppy clothes, but the beauty of the mind must be kept clean and tidy.


Don't complain about the world owes you a good life, the world owes you nothing, it is better than you.


In the first half of life, there is the capacity for enjoyment without the opportunity of enjoyment; in the latter half of life, there is the opportunity to enjoy without the ability to enjoy.


You are as weak as water. This will soon be found. They do not charge what Jin will find you as spineless. They can deal with you like a slave.


We should strive to live a good life, until the death of the time, even the funeral home owners will feel sorry.


Is probably due to the lack of the spirit of adventure of women, so they like men like speculative securities and mining enterprises to do this kind of thing. Only when women are depressed, will they be interested in gambling activities.


Even if a stupid impression does not matter. Such traits can make friendships last for a lifetime - as long as they don't want to borrow money from each other.


To live life to the full, not all in all encounters with the fact, and is thought of storm, forever across the US.


In all the animals, man is the most ferocious, is the only one of their own happiness in the pain of the animal.


Sincere friends, good books and sleeping conscience, this is the ideal life.


If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.


One of the two most important days in your life is the days when you were born, the one you know why you were born.


To dance, as if nobody was watching; love, like never been hurt; sing, like no one listen to; live, and make the world a paradise.


These ladies as if a large flowers, colorful, brilliant and dazzling, their body diamond shine, connect a piece, as if Heaven galaxy.


Time goes by, winter comes.


Why are you sitting here like an envelope without an address?


The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.


Don't go out of your fantasy. Once the fantasy is gone, you may be able to keep it safe, but life will never be with you.


Young and pessimistic is the most tragic thing.


Years later, let you feel disappointed not is what you have done, but you haven't done a thing, so, please untie the rope and sail away from the safe harbor, throw set sail the sail. To explore, to dream, to discover!


Anger is an acid, which is more harmful to the container than it is for any contact with it.


Father Andrew also taught to give Tom a bit of Latin, teach him how to read and write, he can also teach the girls, but they were afraid of a friend ridicule, the ability of the bizarre and friends is not tolerate.


Always work like you don't need money, love like you have never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching you, always be like living in heaven.


A person at a young age, feel everything in the world full of vitality and fun, that need money. Why don't God put the usual process upside down, so that the majority of the first to get the wealth, slowly it spent, and then let them do not need to have the money, become a poor light egg die?


Out of slavery and the shackles of evil, to get rid of the vulgar and brutal, life becomes angry.


1、 我们要努力把一生好好地度过,等到死的时候,那就连殡仪馆的老板也会感到惋惜。 ——马克·吐温 《傻瓜威尔逊》

2、 "上帝先创造了毛里求斯,再依照毛里求斯的风景创造天堂 ——马克吐温"

3、 人的思想是了不起的,只要专注于某一项事业,就一定会做出使自己感到吃惊的成绩。 ——马克·吐温

4、 印度拥有两百万个神,他们崇拜所有的这些神。在宗教上其他的国家都是穷人,印度是唯一的“百万富翁”。 ——马克·吐温

5、 善良,是一种世界通用的语言,它可以使盲人感到,聋子闻到。 ——马克·吐温 《在西部》

6、 如果你懂得使用,金钱是一个好奴仆,如果你不懂得使用,它就变成你的主人。 ——马克·吐温

7、 在幽默的领域里,重复的威力是很大的。几乎任何一个用词确切一成不变的习惯用语,只要每隔一段时间郑重地重复它五六次,最后总是逼得人家忍不住笑起来。 ——马克吐温

8、 不尊重别人信奉的神就是真正的不敬。 ——马克·吐温 《赤道环游记》

9、 我们自己用的得意的词汇,其实绝非来自我们自己。属于我们自己的无非只是依照我们的脾气性格环境教育与社会关系而做的些修改而已。只是这么点修改,使之区别于别人的表达方式,打下了我们特有风格的烙印,暂时算作是我们自己的东西。别的统统都是些陈年旧货,是几千年几百年以来世世代代的人说过的陈词滥调而已。 ——马克吐温

10、 我认为,我认识的每一个人都有道德,虽然我不喜欢问。我知道我有。但我宁可天天教别人道德,而不愿自己实践道德。“把道德交给别人去吧”,这是我的座右铭。把道德送完了。你就永远用不着了。 ——马克吐温

11、 狂热的欲望,会诱出危险的行动,干出荒谬的事情来。 ——马克·吐温

12、 当你发现自己属于大多数这边的时候,就应该停下来反思一下。 ——马克吐温

13、 一切脆弱的东西之中,最脆弱的就是不曾在烈火中试炼过的道德。 ——马克吐温 《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》

14、 有一只苍蝇落在他面前的座椅靠背上,它从从容容的搓着双手,伸出胳臂来抱着头,拼命使劲的摩擦,以致它的头几乎好像是要和身子分家,像一根细线似的脖子显露出来,可以看得清清楚楚;它又用后腿拨弄翅膀,把翅膀向身上轻轻地摸,好像那是礼服的后摆。它逍遥自在的老在那儿做着这一全套梳装打扮的功夫,似乎是明知自己绝对安全无事一般。 ——马克吐温 《汤姆索亚历险记》

15、 摆脱了奴役和罪恶的束缚,摆脱了庸俗和野蛮,生命就显得有生气了。 ——马克·吐温 《王子与贫儿》

16、 在衣着上你可以不修边幅,但切不可让灵魂染上污点 ——马克·吐温

17、 要伤透你的心,那就需要你的仇人和你的朋友合作才行,一个对换你进行诽谤,另一个把消息告诉你。 ——马克·吐温

18、 真理的靴子尚未穿上,谎言就跑遍世界。 ——马克·吐温

19、 土著们对于衣服、房屋、定时起居、教堂、学校、主日学校、工作以及文明强加在他们头上的其他迫害,都很不习惯,他们如饥似渴地怀念他们那丧失了的故乡和他们从前那种自由的野蛮生活。他们把那个天堂换了这个地狱,现在是悔之晚矣。他们坐在异乡的高崖岩上,思念故乡,一天又一天地含着眼泪,凝神注视着海外,怀着无法消除的渴望,遥望着烟雾迷蒙的地方,那就是他们原先那个天堂的鬼影。他们一个个都伤透了心,全都死掉了。 ——马克·吐温

20、 巨大的财富具有充分的诱惑力,足以稳稳当当地起致命的作用,把那些道德基础并不牢固的人引入歧途。 ——马克·吐温



Every man is like the moon, with the dark side that never let anyone see.


In the clothes you can but don't let careless about dressing, tainted soul.


The two most important days in your life are the day when you were born, and the day when you found your purpose.


A cat and a lie is the biggest difference is that a cat has nine lives.


The golden age is before us, not behind us.


The doctor knows so little, the charge is so high.


Hope seems like a family, without it, you will find life boring; with it, you feel every day for its hard work, is a kind of trouble.


If a man has a teaspoon of the mind, there will be a pride.


When the truth is putting on its shoes, lies halfway around the world.


I can live for two months with a compliment.


Is also speak, is also expounded their ideas, people attracted trouble, but won the applause, this is the expression of philosophy.


A good education is to hide our good evaluation of ourselves, and to hide our poor evaluation of others.


Once there was a message, very beautiful, like as precious as gold. When you are climbing up the hill, I hope you will meet a friend.


If I was born eighty years old, and slowly grow to eighteen years old, life will be more happy.


A strange and full of vanity and boring woman! I think I don't love her, unless it is a raft in a vast expanse of water in, not to see other food.


Habit is a habit, who can not throw him out of the window, and can only step by step down the stairs.


History does not repeat, but only rhyme.


When love comes, you can't and it theory, also can't tell it about the price.


Discipline is like massage therapy, must rub rub.


Don't know what you will be more careful, trouble is you think you know.


His feeling is like a man to go to see the rainbow happily, the result was thunder.


Constitute the main component of life, not facts and events, it is the main component of the thought of the storm, it is all life in the human brain blow.


It is not ignorance that makes us into trouble, it is a fallacy that seems right.


Reading health books must be careful, maybe a printing error will be the death of you.


Humor is a power of salvation.


Grief can be self cooking; and the taste of joy, if you want to fully understand, you must have someone to share.


Don't be a fool and to argue, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.


Adam is the luckiest man in the world. Because he has no mother in law.


If you adopt a dying dog, feed it to the fat, it will never bite you. That's the main difference between people and dogs.


As long as let me create a national superstition, I will no matter who gave him the law, no matter who gave it a song.


Every life has an asset, it is higher than the value of all other assets, is his last breath.


Sometimes reality is more absurd than fiction, because fiction is in a certain logic, and the reality is often no logic at all.


A false humility, true humility will die in time.


If your friends begin to say how young you look, it is that you are getting old.


Humans are the only animals that blush, or the only animals that blush.


I'll never use the money in a dubious way.


Even if you close your mouth and look like a fool, you are better than the opening to make sure that you are a fool.


Not a century, no country has ever lacked such an expert, they can know the mind of God, but also willing to express it.


The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want to eat, drink what you don't like, and do what you don't want to do.


The violet left its scent on the ankle, and that is forgiveness.


Human beings in the vast majority of people, no matter is barbaric or civilization, in secret is kind-hearted and timid dare not call to the suffering of the people, but when a handful of specializing in aggression and ruthlessness of the front, they dare not opinionated.


Kindness is a universal language, it can make the blind deaf feel, smell, beyond the borders of the good. Is non-stop on people can stop and, sometimes, people around me are the most in need of your help!


Be sure to do something every day that you don't want to do. This is one of the most valuable guidelines, which can make you develop a serious and responsible job and do not think that the habit of suffering.


The scheduled time is up. The funeral had begun, and it was forty miles away, but I could see it clearly, as I was there. Place beside the library of Langton's mansion, clean well the coffin parked in forty years ago, her mother and I stood where, we just got married there. Thirteen years ago, her coffin has been placed there, or how long, I will put in the coffin there.


The children were sent to school, at least at that time, it was a school. Effeminate young generation every day here concentrate on hard work ten hours, from books, learn some things they don't understand the useless, relying on nothing more than rote memorization, like a parrot; therefore subject to finish education achievement only two points, one is forever a headache, reading skills, read fluently very, not stopping to spell the words, not ventilation.

