
爱情语录 伤感语录 搞笑语录 名人语录 祝福语录 一句话语录 励志语录



If the people you like don't like you, then even if people all over the world like you, they will still feel lonely.


After a long time, we will forget those wonderful and terrible moments. The only real and unforgettable thing is that we walk through life with our heads up and our breasts up.


There is always a balance in life, good and bad, love and hate, happiness and sadness, liveliness and loneliness, can not be changed.


True love needs to wait, everyone can say love you, but not everyone can wait for you.


Do you think I can't feel the warmth you bring just as the cold fades away?


I want to find a fresh-keeping box and put all the touches you gave me in it. When I don't like you so much, I'll take them out and savor them.


The playground is tireless and spins round and round. It doesn't know that even if it doesn't stop for hours, no one will stay.


We all carefully define the so-called happy life, but we do not have a serious life.


Sometimes, smile, just don't want you to worry or sad. But in fact, I am not as strong as you think.


Sometimes, I feel that everything is false, but this does not prevent me from believing from my heart and loving the world.


The greatest pleasure in life is to find your own system in chaos.


There are many other people, you are all in my life, affecting me, and then I became what I am now, thank you.


I'm not a persistent person. When I'm tired or I can't walk, just lie down or take a detour.


Don't leave me alone. Who's whispering in the empty classroom?


I know that happiness is not lonely and strong for a long time, but I never expected that it would start to rot uneasily before the shelf life.


What we persist in pursuing now is bound to become insignificant one day.


Those futures that we have been uneasy and curious about will faintly feel bright in our hearts.


Maybe you can't really hear that I like you until everything is silent.


Because of the posture and temperature, no tears fell or evaporated.


Everywhere, the sea is my sea. I firmly believe that somewhere, they converge and connect. They store a lot of my emotions and past, and they are silent.


It seems that the three years we knew were blurred by the train here, and then disappeared.


In the past, I did not have time to cherish the people, please cherish yourself, the past did not have time to cherish my people, please cherish the present or future people.


No matter how the noise of the past climbs through our wounds, the rest of the day will be loved by you every day that you like.


We were right or wrong, we all loved but forgot, when you left, you cried or how, I just hurt but still laughed.


A small part of the shadow is clipped in with the books that are suddenly closed, and a short trip is about to take place.



What's good about the city? There are no stars in the city. The city is full of cement. If you fall down carelessly, it will take a long time to heal



The longest love I've ever talked about is narcissism. I love myself and have no rivals.


Most like the morning, as if everything can start again, at noon began to feel sad, at night the most difficult.


One day, I will forget you. I didn't look forward to it very much, nor did I feel disappointed. I just know that one day.


No matter how the noise before climbed through our wounds, but the rest of the day, will like you in every day, you like.


The end of the sky is the end of the earth and the other end of the sea is the Cape of the sea - the Cape of the earth as you define it.


Love is a journey, treat each other well, because it takes a long way to go together.


People are too powerless in front of time, nothing can be left behind. The invention of cameras is like a wayward provocation, forming the remains of the past.


What we often hear is not to be trusted. It's probably those lazy people who just say it casually.


Sunshine is good, warm enough to make you feel that life is too long.


Maybe I'm just a passer-by in your life, but you won't meet the second me.


Because like is far greater than hate, and that little dislike in front of so many likes seems too insignificant.


You like my company for so long even when I'm proud and selfish.


Changing the way you feel and the way you do things can change the world.


I made a joke to make the whole world cry for it. But I never found out that I was the protagonist of this joke.


It doesn't belong here, to every world I've ever been to, or to the place where I once existed.


There is nothing in life that can not be done or given up.


It's greedy people who want to be embraced and understood and accepted by love, and selfish people who refuse to love and try to explain and accept.


My only belief is to hold your hand and walk on until you come to the end and see where you went wrong.


In the future, some people will understand that you value you, like I like you the same way, like you, think of here, I am a lot easier.


Sometimes I think that the so-called happiness is in the eyes of others, we are always easy to feel others happy, feel pity for ourselves.


Watching fireworks is a lonely gesture, even if it's done by a group of people.


Most like to take the bus, sitting in the last row on the left and falling asleep, as if in the blink of an eye through half the city.


We should create something warmer than summer when we are young and like people.


It's like watching a movie in a cinema. You don't have to keep your eyes on it from beginning to end.


The current state of existence is a decision made in the past decade. Good decisions lead to good results.

