
爱情语录 伤感语录 搞笑语录 名人语录 祝福语录 一句话语录 励志语录



The most prominent feature of great men's greatness is their loyalty to their subordinates.


There is no democracy in war, only absolute dictatorship. We should use force to achieve our goals.


In times of peace, there is nothing to be proud of. A man is positioned according to his ability, not his rank. In wartime, people only pay attention to those who win the battle, but not to their ranks.


It is the lack of trained experts in the army that gives rise to the blood of the soldiers and the tears of our people at the time of their sacrifice.


The soldier is also a citizen. In fact, the highest duty and right of the citizen is to take up arms to defend the motherland.


The greatest sorrow of my life is to survive the last war, in which the battlefield was always my plan. I really should die at the end of the war, but one can never run to suicide!


Our regular army serves our country in a spirit of adventure and genuine desire, and subsidies are secondary to them.


The way to keep the enemy from attacking you is to attack him and keep attacking him.


I would rather be a lieutenant with the Cross of Excellent Service than a general without the Cross of Excellent Service.


Our education is wrong to say that death is a terrible thing. Death is no big deal. It's easy to grasp.


I am often ordered to suffer in times of crisis, but through my fast-moving means and Iron-blooded style, I try to overcome dangers and tread thorns like a smooth road.


Who says war is a torture of human endurance? War elevates man

from the beast and shows his good qualities: courage,

self-sacrifice, loyalty, willingness to help others, loyalty to responsibility.


Around here, it seems that only I am the one who really enjoys this damn war.


Nothing can prevent the outbreak of war. As long as our grandchildren and grandchildren live in the world, war will exist. All we can do is to maintain a longer peace between the two wars.


Victory can be won not only by sacrificing oneself, but also by how to make the enemy sacrifice for his country.


A soldier, as a citizen, has an obligation to serve too much. Whatever the reward he receives, it is a pure gift.


The best outcome a best soldier deserves is to be hit by the last bullet in the final battle and see the flag of victory rise before swallowing the last breath.


War is simple, cruel and ruthless, so we need a simple and ruthless person to carry it out to the end.


The so-called personal heroism is a pile of horse dung. Those guys with excess bile and horse dung in the Saturday Evening Post all day know nothing more about real combat than they know about women.


We don't care about the causes of war. It's a matter for politicians, and the reasons are always justified.


There are too many jealousy, hatred, malice and all ruthlessness here. Let them all go to hell. They have companions. I have my own life.


Americans never forgive losers. Americans despise cowards. Since Americans compete, they have to win. I scorn those who laugh after losing.


The way to keep the enemy from attacking you is to attack him and keep attacking him.


War, like sculpture, may be more beautiful than sculpture. War is a wonderful intellectual competition. The role of "butcher" in war is the same as that of carving the knife at the moment.


I love war, work and inspiration. Peace is hell to me.


As a person who loves military life, it may sound silly to say these words, but I do think that the army does not command where soldiers should stay.


War may be fought with weapons, but it is won by men. It is the spirit of leaders and followers that has won.

