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急求京剧《锁麟囊》英文版唱词: 这才是人生难遇料,不想团圆在今朝……拜谢啦各位

This (result) is really a matter of life expected of epic proportions. Did not think today, I had a reunion!Looking back (think), past wealth (glory) and experience a disaster are like a dream, had nearly killed himself.In this difficult encounters with old friends to help, I'm not so sad! This result and a better future I am very proud ofWho lend a helping hand to help her, now I get her to help the victims. This is really what goes around, worthy of my relative (in) the year by giving her jewelry. ]


1、 离却了峨嵋到江南, 人世间竟样美丽的湖山。

这一旁保俶塔倒映在波光里面, 一旁好楼台紧傍着三潭。

苏堤上杨柳丝把船儿轻挽, 颤风中桃李花似怯春寒。

---白蛇传 2、雨过天晴湖山如洗,清风习习透裳衣,欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜--白蛇传暂且举 白蛇传 中两句被,因为戏文里这样的唱词实在是不胜枚举,很多很唯美很有意境的唱词,大都来源于古代诗词,被编者改编为经典唱词,经久不衰,引人遐思

