
爱情语录 伤感语录 搞笑语录 名人语录 祝福语录 一句话语录 励志语录



I see the light, touch the light 我已经得到了我所寻找的光明 We're together now 我们终于站在一起了Look to the skies, give me life 天空使我重生了 Hypnotized by drums 我们沉迷于鼓点的节奏中 Until forever comes 直到永恒来临之际 You'll find us chasing the sun 你会发现我们正在追逐光明They said this day wouldn't come 他们说这一天不会到来 We refused to run 于是停下了脚步 We've only just begun 这只是开始 But we can all agree that我们欣然接受Cause we come from everywhere我们来自四海八方We look perfect to me我们都是最适合彼此的






在第三部中,他为一只母松鼠Scratte陷入爱河…… Sclater has a pair of sudden stare eyes and super sharp long canine teeth, ice age is an important and lovable characters, he nuts but desperate life to. However, to get the nuts, but could not open, so, he can only put nuts slammed on underground, not open does not say, also let oneself always time and again into mountains fall and the earth splits., volcano eruption.However, his nuts nuts, which leads to a lot of jokes story has let a lot of fans put him deeply in mind. In second, he fought the piranha, and save the nuts and save everyone, the ice water leads to the plain. In third, he was a female squirrel Scratte fall in love......身为刃齿虎的迪亚哥,一开始显得暴躁、易怒、狡猾;但随着故事的渐渐发展,他变得重感情而且善解人意。





As the blade tooth tiger Diego, a start is fiery, irritability, cunning; but as the story develops gradually, he became heavy affection and understanding. Hate others ridicule, some love. Often cold humor. Very sensible, at the crucial moment often serve as the commander of the role, often to alleviate contradictions, but also to adjust when the tense and awkward person. Diego is one of the many characters, the only carnivorous animal, so he encounters are less face problems. 好莱坞动画中总要有一个活宝,在《冰河世纪》系列中就是希德,这个长相滑稽,笨手笨脚的巨爪地懒带来了大多数的笑点。



希德的声音很有特点,说活口齿不清Hollywood animation must always have a clown, in the ice age series is SID, this funny looking, clumsy-handed of Megalonyx brought most of the bursting point. Sid is kind, caring, helpful, although often mess things up and make unexpected things, but he is very hard to treat each person. Sid like a child, the first set of sending children, second children play with him, in the third episode saw ready when the father of Manny, oneself also ready to make trouble, but less than the bubble girl, he decided to adopt a -- he took three eggs, mother and father, and so chase the object. Sid's sound has the characteristic very much, said shifting gear is not clear 怎么说还是电脑翻译的,多少会有不准,但是毕竟还是翻译出来了啦,要是人工翻译的话,恐怕会更离谱,哈。



1、为什么你们活的快乐 。


Why do you live happy. Because we QueXinYan. 2、奶奶对两只老虎说:千万别再我面前接吻,我会吐的~Grandma to two tiger said: don't again before I kiss, I will vomit ~ 3、妈妈对桃子说:别为别人改变自己。

Mother to peach say: don't change yourself for others. 4、奶奶会活得比我们长的,因为人至贱则长命百岁~~哈哈

Grandma will live longer than us, because the person is to base the long life ~ ~ ha ha! 5、迪亚哥:我不认为你能行。

Django: I don't think you can do it. 6、如果我不幸遇难,就帮我找个老婆,帮我告诉她我爱他。

If I were killed, you can help me find a wife, help me tell her I love him.

冰川时代4 经典台词 英文

但愿如此不然的话被活吞的就是你You'd better, unless you want toserve as a replacement.我们去“半峰”山去那儿会合We'll go up to Half Peak. Meet us there.最好把他活着带来It had better be alive.能完成这任务吗


Can we trust you with that, Diego?我们走

Let's go.她看见我肩上的那根毛就说如果你找别的女伴风流She picked a hair off my shoulder and says,lf you have an extra mating dance,至少找一个毛的颜色相同的at least pick a femalewith the same color pelt.我想“完了”我要成她的盘中餐了I thought Whoa. She's gonna gopraying mantis on me.如果你有了配偶就该对她忠诚,你很幸运了If you find a mate, you should be loyal.In your case, grateful.你给我走开一辈子守着一个太蠢了- Now get away from me.- I think mating for life is stupid.那也太亏了我这“能干”的希德There's plenty of Sid to go around.曼尼


Manny?快瞧啊,他没事Look at that. He's OK.他妈妈不见了She's gone.你是不是忘了什么

- Manny, are you forgetting something?- No.可…可你刚救了他可上次救的那个我还没甩掉呢- But you just saved him.- I'm trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.你不能把他留在这儿But you can't leave him here.瞧,有烟他的那群人在山上Look, there's smoke.That's his herd right up the hill.我们把他送回去我跟你说白了吧,根本没有“我们”- We should return him.- Let's get this straight. There is no we.


这是第三部的: 猛犸象曼尼:The baby's coming, the baby's coming, I'm having a baby! 树獭希德:You take care of your brother now, mama's going to be right back! Mama's coming, BABY!! 树獭希德:I'm a single mother with three kids, I could use a little compassion. 树獭希德:How do I know she's their mother?猛犸象曼尼:What do you want? A birth certificate!? 猛犸象曼尼:We need something short and punchy, like a... peachs. 猛犸象曼尼:I love peachs, they are sweet and round and fuzzy, just like you.艾丽:You think I'm round

