
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说

























根据它们 在句中所起的语法作用,这类从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从 句、表语从句和同位语从句。

名词从句的引导词1. 连接词(Conjunction)引导名词从句的连接词有三个(1)that(本身无意义),(2) whether(or not),(3)if(是否)。


例如:That they will refuse the offer is unlikely. (引导主语从句)他们不见得会拒绝这个建议。

I don’t know whether (=if) these figures are accurate. (引导宾语从句)我不知道这些数字是否精确。

【注】whether (or not)可引导所有名词从句;if仅可引导宾语从句,而且不可跟or not。

例如:Whether (≠if) they will come or not won't make much difference. (引导主语从句)他们来不来关系不大。

They asked if (whether) we would need any help.(引导宾语从句)他们问我们是否需要帮助。

2. 连接代词(Conjunctive Pronoun)who(谁—主格) whom (谁—宾格) whose(谁的—所有格)which(哪一个,哪一些—指人或物) what(什么,...的东西 —指物)whatever(无论什么) whoever (无论谁)连接代词除起连接作用外,还可在从句充当主语、宾语、定语、表语等语法成分。

例如:(a)The question is who can operate the new machine. (引导表语从句作主语)问题是谁会开这台新机器。

(b)They asked whose idea this was. (引导宾语从句,作定语)他们询问这是谁的主意。

(c)Which plan is better is clear now. (引导主语从句,作定语)哪个计划更好些现在已经清楚了。

(d)Do you know what that is ? (引导宾语从句,作表语)你知道那是什么吗

(e)This is what he has asked for. (引导表语从句,作介词宾语)这就是他要的东西。



在(d)句中,它保留了原有的疑问意义,即“什么”;在(e)句中,它表示“…东西”,“…事情”,相当于the thing which。

再如:The teacher asked us what water is composed of. 老师问我们水是由什么组成的。

What (= the thing which) we need is a Chinese-English dictionary. 我们需要的东西是一本汉英辞典。


具体地说,who仅可表示疑问意义,而the person who的概念要用whoever / whomever来表示。

(3)what从句和that从句的比较两者都是名词从句,在句中起名词作用,但是二者含义和用法 不同。

前者为一个以名词为中心词的从句(the thing which),即:说的是“…东西”。



试比较:He told me what he had bought. 他告诉我他买的是什么东西。

He told me that he had bought a book. 他告诉我他买了一本书。

3. 连接副词(Conjunctive Adverb)when(什么时间 ),where(什么地方),why(为什么),how(怎样,如何)连接副词除起连接作用外,还在从句中充当状语成分,例如:How we can raise our production remains a problem. (引导主语从句,作方式状语)我们如何才能提高产仍然足个问题.Tell me why you were absent yesterday. (引导宾语从句,作原因状语)告诉我你昨天为什么缺席。

When the meeting will be held has not been decided yet. (引导主语从句,作时间状语)会议何时举行尚未决定。

The question is where we shall perform the experiment. (引导表语从句,作地点状语)问题是我们将在何处进行这个试验。

【注】连接词whether和if以及连接代词和连接副词虽大都保留广它 们各自的疑问意义,但是它们所引导的从句都用陈述语序。

试比较:When did you come back? 你什么时间回来的

Please tell me when you came back.请告诉我你什么时候回来的。

定语从句(Attributive Clause),又称关系从句,在句子中起定语作用,修饰一个名词或代词,有时也可修饰一个句子。


关系词包括关系代词或关系副词关系代词有:that, which, who, whom, whose等。

关系副词有:when,where, why等。


例如:The man who wrote this book is a famous scientist.先行词 定语从句写这本书的人是一位著名的科学家。

在该句中,the man为先行词;关系代词who引导定语从句,同时代替先行词在从句中充当主语。

再如:The village where I was born has grown into a town.先行词 定语从句我出生的那个村庄已经变成了一个城市。

在该句中,先行词为the village,关系副词where引导一个定语 从句并在从句中充当地点状语。

短文为什么要以它为题 答题技巧

为什么选A先行词是the best (book),最高级用that,不用which; what不引导定语从句。


In any library you will find awaiting you the best _____ has been thought and felt and said in all ages.主要结构:you will find the best awaiting you. (主+谓+宾+宾补)你会发现最美好的东西在等着你。

in any library地点状语;__that___ has been thought and felt and said in all ages.(这是个定语从句,修饰the best)各种年龄段中已经思考、感觉和说出来的在图书馆里,你会发现各种年龄段中已经思考、感觉和说出来的最美好的东西在等着你。


发光的不都是翻译为英语是:All that glitters is not gold.这是一句语从句子。


用语的从句叫做定语从句(attributive clause)。




如:The student who answered the question was John. 回答问题的那个学生是约翰。

(who answered the question是关系代词who引导的定语从句,用以修饰who先行词student,who在从句中用作主语)I know the reason why he was so angry. 我知道他这么生气的原由。

(why he was so angry是关系副词引导的定语从句,用以修饰why的先行词reason,why在从句中用作原因状语)定语从句一般紧跟其先行词之后。

如:The room which served for studio was bare and dusty. 这个用作工作室的房间空荡荡的,布满灰尘。


如:A new master will come tomorrow who will teach you German. 明天要来一位新教师教你们德语了。




如:The man who was here yesterday is a painter. 昨天在这里的那个人是位画家。

(主格关系代词who在从句中用作主语)The man who I saw is called Smith. 我见到的那个人名叫史密斯。

(在非正式英语中who 代替了whom,亦可省去不用)I know the man whom you mean. 我认识你指的那个人。

(宾语关系代词whom在从句中用作宾语)A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. 失去父母的孩子叫做孤儿。

(属格关系代词whose在从句中用作定语,指人)I’d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。

(属格关系代词whose在从句中用作定语,指room,可代之以of which,但后者较为正式)that在从句中既可用作主语,亦可用作宾语(在非正式文体中可省去);既可指人,亦可指物,但在当代英语中多指物。

如:A letter that is written in pencil is difficult to read. 用铅笔写的信很难读。

(关系代词that在从句中用作主语,指物)The letter that I received from him yesterday is very important. 昨天他来的信很重要。

(关系代词that在从句中用作宾语,指物)Is he the man that sells eggs? 他是卖鸡蛋的那个人吗?(关系代词that在从句中用作主语,指人)关系代词which在从句中可以用作主语和宾语,一般皆指物,在非正式文体中可以省去。

This is the book which has been retranslated into many languages. 这就是那本有多种译本的书。

(关系代词which在从句中用作主语)Where is the book which I bought this morning? 今天上午我买的那本书在哪儿?(关系代词which在从句中用作宾语,可省去)which在从句中亦可用作定语和表语。

如:We told him to consult the doctor, which advice he took. 我们叫他去看医生,他听取了我们的劝告。

(关系代词which在从句中用作定语)The two policemen were completely trusted, which in fact, they were. 那两个警察完全受到信任,事实上真是如此。


如:The two brothers were satisfied with this decision, as was agreed beforehand. 两兄弟对这个决定都满意,它事先已经他们同意了。

(关系代词as在从句中用作主语,其先行词是this decision)He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent. 他是个外国人,我是从他的口音知道的。

(关系代词as在从句中用作宾语,其先行词是前面的整个句子)I never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过他讲的这类故事。

(关系代词as与指示代词such连用,在从句中用作宾语,其先行词是such stories)Her attitude to him was quite the same as it had always been. 她对他的态度同她惯常的态度完全一样。

(关系代词as与指示代词same连用,在从句中用作表语,其先行词是same)You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 你花的钱超过了预定的数额。

(关系代词than在从句中用作主语,其先行词是money)There are very few but admire his talents. 很少人不赞赏他的才干的。

(关系代词but在从句中用作主语,其先行词是few,but=who don’t)关系代词在定语从句中用作介词宾语时,介词既可置于从句之首,亦可置于从句之末。


如:This is the book for which you asked. 这是你所要的书。

(关系代词用作介词for宾语,之首,即which之前)This is the book which you asked for. 这是你所要的书。


如:The people you were talking to are Swedes. 你与之谈话的那些人是瑞典人。

(关系代词主格who用作介词to宾语时,介词to须置于从句之末,who中口语中可省去)Here is the car that I told you about. 这儿就是我和你谈过的那辆汽车。


如:This is the boy who he worked with in the office. 那就是与他一道办公的那个男孩。



如:Persons who are quarrelsome are despised. 好争吵者遭轻视。

(除外persons,还有people,those,等皆多用who)All who heard the story were amazed. 听到这个故事的人都感到吃惊。

(代词如he,they,any,all,one等之后多用who)I will pardon him who is honest. 我愿意宽恕他,他是诚实的。

(描述性定语从句用who)I think it is you who should prove to me. 我认为是你应该向我提出证据。

(在强调结构中多用who,who在此可省去)Who is not for us is against us. 谁不赞成我们就是反对我们。


如:)He was the man that the bottle fell on. 他就是瓶子落在其身上的那个人。

(此处常用that作宾语指人,亦可用whom)He is a man that is never at a loss. 他是一个从未一筹莫展的人。

(that常用于泛指人)He was watching the children and parcels that filled the car. 我望着塞满车的孩子和包裹。

(兼指人与物时须用that)Who that you have ever seen can beat him in chess? 你曾见过谁能在棋艺上打败他?(避免与先行词who重复时应用that)That’s the same man that asked for help the day before yesterday. 这个与前天求援的是同一个人。

(先行词前有指示代词same时应用that)He is not that man that he was. 他已不是过去的他了。

(that常用作表语)I knew her father for the simplest, hardest working man that ever drew the breath of life. 我早知她的父亲是一个世上最简朴最努力工作的人。



如:All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西不都是金子。

(不定代词包括复合词something等多后接that)It was the largest map that I ever saw. 那是我所看见过的最大的地图。

(前有形容词最高级等的先行词之后多用that)It was liberation that brought about a complete change in his life. 是解放给他的生活带来了彻底的改变。

(强调结构用that)There is a house that has bay windows. 有一栋房子有凸出的窗户。

(that在此表固有的特点)The distance that you are from home is immaterial. 你离家的距离是不足道的。

(在限制性定语从句中关系代词用作表语应用that,在描述性定语从句中则应用which)Which was the hotel that was recommended to you? 哪一个是推荐给你的旅馆?(这里用that显然是为了避免重复which)在下列情况中则多用which。

如:Larry told her the story of the young airman which I narrated at the beginning of this book. 拉里把我在书本开关叙述过的那个关于一个青年飞行员的故事讲给她听。

(离先行词较远时常用which)A store should keep a stock of those goods which sell best. 商店应存在最畅销的货物。

(“those+复形名词”之后多用which)I have that which you gave me. 我有你给我的那个。

(which比较正式,在非正式英语中也可用that)Beijing, which was China’s capital for more than 800 years, is rich in cultural and historic relics. 北京曾是八百多年的中国首都,有很丰富的历史文物。

(描述性定语从句一般皆用which)This is the one of which I’m speaking. 这就是我所讲的那个。



如:We will put off the picnic until next week, when the weather may be better. 我们打算把野餐推迟到下周,那时天气可能转好。

(关系副词when的先行词是next week)He came last night when I was out. 他昨晚来时我出去了。

(关系副词when的先行词是last night)since,before,after亦可用作表时间的关系副词。

如:Every hour since I came has been most enjoyable. 我来之后的每一个小时都是非常好玩的。

(since用作关系副词)On the day before we left home there came a snowstorm. 在我们离家的前一天,下了一场暴风雪。

(before用作关系副词)The year after she had finished college she spent abroad. 她大学毕业后的一年是在国外度过的。


如:It happened on the day that I was born. 那件事是在我出生的那一天发生的。

(that=when)Little do I remember the day that I first met her. 我几乎不记得与她初次见面的日子。


如:They went to the Royal Theatre, where they saw Ibsen’s “The Doll’s House”. 他们去皇家剧院看了易卜生的《傀儡家庭》。

The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolate heath. 麦克白遇见女巫的地方是一片荒原。


如:He has reached the point where a change is needed. 他已到了需要改弦易辙的地步。


如:That is no reason why you should leave. 那不是你必须离开的原因。

(why先行词是reason)He refused to disclose the reason why he did it. 他拒绝透露他做那件事的原因。


如:That’s one of the reasons I asked you to come. 那是我要你来的原因之一。


如:The reason that he died was lack of medical care. 他死于缺乏医疗。

(why由that代替)当先行词为the way的时候,关系副词也可以用that,例如:This is the way that he solved the problem. 这是他解决问题的方法。

I don't like the way that he talks. 我不喜欢他说话的样子。





如:What is the name of the boy who brought us the letter? 给我们带信的那个男孩叫什么名字?There is much which will be unpleasing to the English reader. 有许多东西将会使英国读者不愉快。

The teacher told us that Tom was the only person that was reliable. 老师告诉我们,汤姆是惟一可依赖的人。

I shall never forget the day when we first met in the park. 我永远不会忘记我们在公园相见的那一天。

Is there a store around where we can get fruit? 附近有可以买到水果的商店吗?Do you know the reason why I came late? 你知道我迟到的原故吗?非限制性定语从句(non-restrictive)只与先行词有一种松散的修饰关系,用逗号与先行词分开。



如:I like to chat with John, who is a clever fellow. 我喜欢与约翰交谈,他是个聪明人。

Water, which is a clear liquid, has many uses. 水是一种清澈的液体,有许多用途。

Once more I am in Boston, where I have not been for ten years. 我又一次来到了波士顿,我有十年没有到这里来了。


如:Then he met Mary, who invited him to a party. 后来他遇到玛丽,玛丽邀请他去参加晚会。

(who实际上=and she)When he was seventeen he went to a technical school in Zurich, Switzerland, where he studied mathematics and physics. 他17岁时,到瑞士苏黎世一专科学校上学,他在那里学习数学和物理学。

(where=and there)有时描述性定语从句的含义相当于一个状语从句。

如:We don’t like the room, which is cold. 我们不喜欢那个房间,它很冷。

(which is cold=since it is cold)He said he was busy, which was untrue. 他说他很忙,其实不然。

(which was untrue=though it was untrue)I want him, who knows some English. 我要他,他懂得些英语。

(who knows some English=for he knows some English)


英语关联词用法 英语关联词 —并列连词 1 并列连词 在句子中不做成分,仅表示前后关系. 1.用于连接彼此互补依存的对等的成分. 1)连接语词:slow but safe/ either this week or next week 2)连接分句:I went and she also. 2.可分别表示下列关系. 1)转折:but, yet, however, neverthe- less 2) 因果:so, for, therefore 3) 选择r, either…or, neither…nor 英语关联词 —并列连接词 2 4)并列和递进:and,both…and, as well as not only…but (also) 英语关联词 —关联词 关联词 用于引导从句. 1.名词从句: He doesn't know what she is. 2.副词从句:If he comes, I'll give it to you. 3.形容词从句:He's the best student I've ever taught. 英语关联词 —连接词 1 关联词的类别及所表示的关系 要特别注意关联词在从句中(及某些连接词在短语中)所担当的成分,这是正确使用关连词的关键. 1.连接词:引导名词从句,在从句中不做成分. 1) that(无含义): I said that he was wrong. 2) whether(if)(表示不确定性或选择关系): I don't know whether it is correct. 英语关联词 —连接词 2 2.连接代词 1)引导名词从句,在从句中做主语,宾语,表语和 定语. A. who/which 作主语(口语who中可做宾语, 但其前面不可有与其配合使用的介词): I asked him who came into the room./ I asked him who(m) he saw whom/which 做宾语: Ask him which he wants. 英语关联词 —关联词 3 C. whose 做宾语(=whose thing(s)) /定 语: I wonder whose house that is. D. what 做上面提及的各种成分: I don't know what I should do. What can be done 2)与不定式连用,在其中多做主语和宾语. We can't decide whom to invite. We must decide what to do. I couldn't decide which to choose. 英语关联词 —关联词 4 3.连接副词 引导名词从句或与不定式连用,在从句 中做状语. 1) how: That's how I look at it. 2) where: I don't know where he lives. 3) when: Tell me when to use the tool. 4) why: I'll tell you why you have to do it. 英语关联词 —关系词 1 4.关系代词 1) who 表示人,在从句中做主语和表语(口语 who中可做宾语,但其前面不可有与其配合使用 的介词): The man who spoke is my teacher. I don't know who he is. The man who I saw told me that. 2) whom 表示人,在从句中做宾语和表语: The man whom I saw told me that. 英语关联词 —关系词 2 3) whose 表示某人/物的,of which表示 某物的, 在从句中做定语: That's the man whose son is my pupil. The room whose window faces south is her bedroom. The room of which the window faces south is her bedroom. 英语关联词 —关系词 3 4) which 表示物,在从句中做主语和表语: I like the picture which was taken in front of the main building. 5) that 表示人/物,在从句中做主语和宾语; 注 意下列关于that作为关系代词的用法. A.现行词前有最高级形容词修饰时: This is the best film that I've ever seen. 英语关联词 —关系词 4 B.先行词是下列词语或为其所修饰修饰时: the first, the last, the only, the same, the very, all, any, no, every. This is the last chance that you have. You are the only friend that I have. He told me all that he knew. 英语关联词 —关系词 5 C. 先行词是下列不定代词或为其所修饰修饰时: much, little, none, everything/body, nothing, nobody. There's nothing in the world that can frighten him. D. 以Who/Which开始的句子,其后的定语从句中 的关系代词不使用who/which,而代之以that. Who that knows him would trust him Which of these buses is the one that goes to London 英语关联词 —关系词 6 E.人和事物/动物同为先行词时: The man and the horse that fell into the river were drowned. 6) 关系代词做介词宾语. A.一般介词可放在whom/which的前面或其所 在的从句的句尾,关系代词为that时,只可 放在其所在的从句的句尾. Is this the car for which you paid a high price 英语关联词 —关系词 7 Is this the car which you paid a high price for Is this the car that you paid a high price for Is this the car you paid a high price for B.介词during, except以及表示(从整体中) 分割(出部分)的介词of等介词要放在关 系代词的前面: 英语关联词 —关系词 8 The years during which he was away were long years to her. He wrote many books, some of which C.其介词与动词不可分割的短语动词中的介词必 须放在其动词之后,不可放在关系代词之前: This is the book which he has been looking for. 7)关系代词的省略. A.关系代词作宾语时: The girl I work with is coming. 英语关联词 —关系词 9 B.that在定语从句中做表语时: He is not the man that he was when I saw him first. He is not the man he was when I saw him first. 5.关系副词 在定语从句中均做状语. 1)where 地点: That's one point where I'd like your advice. 英语关联词 —关系词 10 2) when 时间: At the time when I saw him, he was ill. 3) why 原因: That is the reason why I came so early. 4) that 方式/时间/原因 I like the way that /in which he did it. 英语关联词 —关系词 11 That was the first time (that) I saw him. The reason why/that he was dismissed is not easy to explain. 5)in which/at which = where This is the school in which/at which/ where he works. 6)for which = why I don't the reason for which he left. 英语关联词 —关系词 12 7)on which = when The day on which she was born was 22 September, 1988.

定语从句 状语从句的区别

状语从句: 用一个句子(从句)来作另一个句子(主句)的状语,用作状语的句子就叫作状语从句。



状语从句的分类: (1)时间状语从句 凡是从句都必须有引导词,引导时间状语从句的词有when,before,after,until,as soon as,while 等。

(2)条件状语从句 主要看一下由if引导的条件状语从句。

if 意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句时,表示假如有从句的动作发生就(不)会有主句的动作发生。

例如: If it doesn't rain tomorrow,we will go there by bike.如果明天不下雨,我们就骑自行车去那里。

If I get there early,I can see the doctor quickly.如果我早早地到那里,我就可以快点看病。

3)地点状语从句用法要点 常用where(哪里)和wherever(无论哪里)eg. Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。

We will go wherever the motherland need us most. 我们要到祖国最需要的地方去。

(4)原因状语从句用法要点 常用的引导连词有because,as和since,三者的区别是:在回答问题的时候,使用because;对于显而易见的原因,常用as或since;as和since的从句常放在主句之前,而because的从句常放在主句之后。

eg. Why did you go

I went because Tom told me to go. 你为何去


He was angry not because we were late but because we made a noise. 他很生气不是因为我们来迟了,而是因为我们弄出了声音。

As it was raining hard,we had to be indoors. 由于雨太大,我们只好呆在家里。

Since you feel ill,you'd better not go to work. 既然你感觉不舒服,你最好不要去上班了。

(5)目的状语从句用法要点 常用的引导连词有so that,that和in order that译为:以便,为了,目的是。

eg. Please speak more slowly so that we can make full notes. 请讲慢一点,以便我们能作详细笔记。

I shall write down your address that I may not forget. 我要把你的地址记下来,以免忘记。

I sent the letter by air mail in order that it might reach him in time. 这封信我以航空信发出,以便他能及时收到。


eg. We work harder than usual finish it in a week. 我们比平常加倍努力工作以在一周内完成工作。


在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,主句和从句之间的时态一致问题一般分下列两种情况: 1. 若主句是祈使句,或主句中有情态动词,或主句中谓语动词是一般将来时,那么从句用一般现在时表示一般将来时。

例如: Be careful when you cross the road. 过马路时要小心。

Put up your hand if you have any questions to ask. 如果你们有问题要问的话,请举手。

The traffic must stop when the lights are red. 红灯亮时,车辆必须停下。

2. 若主从句谓语动词都是陈述过去,那么主从句都可以用一般过去时。

例如: She could sing when she was four years old. 她四岁的时候就会唱歌。

宾语从句: 宾语从句是用来充当宾语成分的句子。




主句中常见的谓语动词有say, know, hear, see, hope, think, believe, write, tell等。

系动词加形容词afraid, worried, sure等后,也可用that引导的宾语从句。

如:I hope that he will come back soon. 我希望他能快点回来。

2.在由that引导的宾语从句中,由于连词that只起引导功能,无具体意义,不作句子成分, 因此在口语或非正式文体中常可省略,省略之后不影响原句性质和意义。


4.主句若是I/We think (believe, guess, suppose, imagine...)时,后面的宾语从句若要表示否定概念时,一般应将否定词not 转移到主句的谓语中。

如:I don't think (that) you are right. 我认为你不对。

5.含that宾语从句的复合句在变成反意疑问句时,如果主句的谓语动词为think,believe, guess, suppose, imagine等且主语是第一人称时,附加疑问部分要由从句决定;反之,附加疑问部分由主句决定。

如:I don't think that he can answer this question, can he?我认为他答不出这个问题,不是吗

定语从句: 定语从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。


关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。

关系副词有:when, where, why等。

题目答案which,这是定语从句 what,这是表语从句 that,主语从句 what,还是主语从句,因为what=all that


















