
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说




————新娘 其实很多台词我都觉得不错我不是故意要在你面前下手,所以我很抱歉,不过你可以相信我,你妈已经知道会有这样的下场。



















杀死比尔2上那首about her的歌词


谢谢歌名《About Her》歌词如下:My man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea (x2)Well no one told me about herthe way she liedwell no one told me about herhow many people criedMy man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea (x2)Well no one told me about herthe way she liedwell no one told me about herhow many people criedBut it's too late to say you're sorryhow would i knowwhy should i careplease don't bother trying to find hershe's not thereMy man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea Well no one told me about herwell no one told me about herhow many people criedbut it's too late to say you're sorryhow would i knowwhy should i careplease don't bother trying to find hershe's not thereShe's not there


Well no one told me about her The way she lies Well no one told me about her How many people cried Well no one told me about her The way she lies Well no one told me about her How many people cried But its too late to say youre sorry How would I know

Why should I care

Please dont bother to find her Shes not there Well no one told me about her Well no one told me about her How many people cried But its too late to say youre sorry How would I know

Why should I care

Please dont bother trying to find her Shes not there Shes not there 也没有人告诉我,她 这样,她所在 也没有人告诉我,她 有多少人哭 也没有人告诉我,她 这样,她所在 也没有人告诉我,她 有多少人哭 但为时已晚说,你对不起 怎么会知道我


请不要打扰到她找到 她的不存在 也没有人告诉我,她 也没有人告诉我,她 有多少人哭 但为时已晚说,你对不起 怎么会知道我


请不要打扰试图找到她 她的不存在。

Goodnight Moon_Shivaree`(杀死比尔2)的歌词中文翻译

there's a nail in the door 门上有个钉子 and there's glass on the lawn 草坪上有块玻璃 tacks on the floor 地板上有条裂缝 and the tv is on 电视也在播放 and i always sleep with my guns 我睡觉以枪为伴 when you're gone 在你离开以后 there's a blade by the bed 床上有一把刀 and a phone in my hand 手里握着电话 a dog on the floor 狗趴在地板上 and some cash on the nightstand 床头有些零钱 when i'm all alone the dreaming stops 当我孤独,梦也停止 and i just can't stand 我无法抵抗 what should i do i'm just a little baby 我仅仅是个孩子能够作什么 what if the lights go out and maybe 当灯光熄灭 and then the wind just starts to moan 风声呻吟 outside the door he followed me home 门外,他随我回家 well goodnight moon 晚安,月亮 i want the sun 我渴望太阳 if it's not here soon 如果不能马上看到太阳 i might be done 我会倒下 no it won't be too soon 'til i say 但是我不会马上看到太阳 goodnight moon 直到我说,晚安,月亮 there's a shark in the pool 骗局隐藏在池塘里 and a witch in the tree 美丽女人隐藏在树上 a crazy old neighbour and he's been watching me 一个疯狂的老邻居曾经注视着我 and there's footsteps loud and strong coming down the hall 大厅传来响亮的脚步声 something's under the bed 某些东西藏在床下 now it's out in the hedge 现在已经明朗 there's a big black crow sitting on my window ledge我的窗台上停着一只乌鸦 and i hear something scratching through the wall 大厅传来聒噪的声音 oh what should i do i'm just a little baby 我仅仅是个孩子能够做什么 what if the lights go out and maybe 当灯光熄灭 i just hate to be all alone 我憎恨孤独 outside the door he followed me home 门外,他跟随我回家 now goodnight moon 晚安,月亮 i want the sun 我渴望太阳 if it's not here soon 如果太阳不能马上出现 i might be done 我或许会倒下 no it won't be too soon 'til i say 但是太阳不能马上出现直到我说 goodnight moon 晚安,月亮 well you're up so high 你离我太远 how can you save me 如何能够拯救我 when the dark comes here 当黑暗来临 tonight to take me up 带我离开 the mouth from woke 醒来之后的嘴唇 and into bed where it kisses my face 亲吻我的脸 and eats my hand 舔着我的手 oh what should i do i'm just a little baby 我仅仅是个孩子能够作甚么 what if the lights go out and maybe and then the wind just starts to moan outside the door he followed me home now goodnight moon i want the sun if it's not here soon i might be done no it won't be too soon 'til i say goodnight moon no it won't be too soon 'til i say goodnight moon








Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world. He is famous for s software for personal computers. Bill was born on October , 1, in Seattle in the USA. s father, William Gates, was a lawyer, wle s mother ,Mary Gates,was a teacher. Bill Gates began s career in PC software at the age of 1. In 1, he went to Harvard University, and there he developed the programming language BASIC. In 1, he left Harvard and opened s own company Microsoft with s friend. He believed that PC are useful in the office and in every family. and he was successful at last. Bill Gates married Melinda in 1, and now he has two cldren.He likes playing golf and bridge.【参考译文】 比尔盖茨是世界上最富有的人之一,他以个人电脑闻名于世。







哦 顺便一提,目前我在学的ABC天卞英语中心的老师要我明白 若要掌握好英语是轻松的~一定需要个适合的学习空间和闇练口语对象,这取决于外教资质,标准口音才是最好,坚决天天口语学习,1v1家教式教学才能够有非常.好.的进步效率;课程结束后还要重复温习课程录音音频 好巩固知识点 然后要是真的没有人可以指导的话 就上旺旺或沪江获得课余教材练习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,不知不觉的口语会提高起来,学习成长会非常突飞猛进的 他最终成功了。



(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……微笑~~~~~~~~~~~~~

