
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.艾德最经典的一句quote,[译文]:“当大雪降下,冷风吹起,独行狼死,群聚狼生。

”“A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is”电视剧也有这一段,第一季对布兰说的。


Know the men who follow you and let them know you. Don't ask your men to die for a stranger.”对罗柏说的,罗柏一生都在践行这句话,血婚上他的侍卫都是为其玩儿命的。

很像我们常说的“士为知己者死”Arthur: And now it begins.Eddard: No. Now it ends.古龙范

极乐塔和拂晓神剑的装逼对白= = 老好人也有霸气侧漏的时候,像极了北斗神拳(当然结果你懂的,黑黑,有炮灰队友就是好~)[译(e)文(gao)]:亚瑟·戴恩: 出招吧

艾德·史塔克: 哼,你已经屎了。

Cersei: You should have taken the realm for yourself. It was there for the taking. Jaime told me how you found him on the Iron Throne the day King’s Landing fell, and made him yield it up. That was your moment. All you needed to do was climb those steps, and sit. Such a sad mistake.Eddard: I have made more mistakes than you can possibly imagine, but that was not one of them.某人的荣誉感


Bran:“Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?”Ned: “That is the only time a man can be brave.”“一个人如果害怕,还能勇敢么


”——Bran和父亲Ned的对话A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.--Lord Eddard Stark一个统治者如果让其他人替自己执行死刑,他很快就会忘记死亡的涵义是什么。

——临冬城城主Eddard Stark(向儿子们解释“判人死刑的人必须自己执行”的原因)Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.--Tyrion Lannister永远不要忘了你是谁,因为这个世界不会忘记。




He was always clever, even as a boy, but it is one thing to be clever and another to be wise.--Catelyn Stark从小时候起,他就是一个聪明人。


—— 临冬城夫人 Catelyn Stark (说小指头)


1、Winter is coming.凛至。


——奈史塔克The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.-Lord Eddard Stark3、永远不要忘记自己是怎的人,因为这个世界不会忘记。


Never forget what you are,for the rest of the world will not,wear it like armor,and it can never be used to hurt you.4、死亡过于绝对了,而活着,则充满无限可能。

——提利昂·兰尼斯特Death is so final,while life is full of possibilities .-Tyrion Lannister 5、一个人在但是”之前说的话都不算数。

Nothing someone says before but really counts. 6、——你知道吗



I am not going to get any better, you know. You can't get any worse. 7、世上只有一个神,他的名字是死亡,我们要对死神说的,也只有一句话:死也不是今天。

There is only one God ,and his name is Death. And there is one thing we say to Death:Not today.8、在权利的游戏之中,成王败寇,没有中间地带。

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die, there is no middle ground9、守夜人的宣誓词Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come。








Power resides where man believe it resides.


我印象比较深的就是Valar Morghulis/凡人皆有一死 挖了蘑菇立死- -

Valar Dohaeris = 凡人皆须侍奉不过这两句似乎不是英语我更喜欢的是小恶魔这个人物 感觉他说的话更有深意一些a small man can cast a very large shadow


“There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man.”这世上再没有谁比一个绝对刚正不阿的人更可怕“Why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?”为何在你们这些王公贵族的权力游戏里面,永远是无辜的人受苦最多

The storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling”暴风来了又走,巨浪冲刷过头,大鱼吃掉小鱼,可我依旧好端端地在海里划水呢。

“Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less.”“A shadow on the wall,” Varys murmured,“yet shadows can kill. And ofttimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow.”“力量存在于人心,人相信什么是力量,什么就是力量,不多也不少”“力量就像墙上的影子,”瓦里斯喃喃道,“但影子却能杀人。


”“In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a sellsword, a little man of common birth and no great mind. Each of the great ones bids him slay the other two. ‘Do it’ says the king, ‘for I am your lawful ruler.’ ‘Do it’ says the priest, ‘for I command you in the names of the gods.’ ‘Do it’ says the rich man, ‘and all this gold shall be yours.’ So tell me-who lives and who dies?”瓦里斯的谜语,电视剧也有,还记得吧



The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.癫狂之人自有其臆想。

A mad man sees what he sees.永远不要忘记自己是怎么样的人,因为这个世界不会忘记。


Never forget what you are,for the rest of the world will not,wear it like armor,and it can never be used to hurt you.在权利的游戏中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条,没有中间地带Whenever you play the game of thrones, you either win or die. There is no middle ground.死的历史用墨水书写,活的历史则用鲜血。

Dead history is write in ink, the living sort in blood.飞翔都是从坠落开始的。

Every flight begins with a fall.当大雪降下,冷风吹起,独行狼死,群聚狼生。

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.布兰- “人在恐惧的时候还能勇敢吗

”艾德- “人唯有恐惧的时候方能勇敢。

”Can a man still be brave if he's afraid? – Bran StarkThat is the only time a man can be brave. – Eddard Stark

