
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说




2、天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期3、Miracle is what seems impossible happens anyway4、我只答应告诉你宇宙的秘密






claw是爪子 hoof是蹄 tooth牙齿,这些都是动物身上的,当时史密斯是想表达K吃的东西很脏,翻译大概是,我刚看到那东西(指K吃的东西,好像是汉堡吧,我也忘啦)上有牙齿或者一个爪子或者一个蹄。









如人饮水,甘苦自知Like drinking water,the sweet and the bitterness.(自己翻译的,请楼主检查)K有很多名言,沙发那位就是一个,我就不抄了…… 楼主要是有标准的,请告诉我,3q

黑衣人3里面野兽鲍里斯那句经典台词,不是“Let’ agree to disagree”吗




对于我不想知道的我不会去问For I don't want to know I wouldn't ask

求解 《黑衣人3》中 最后在餐厅里的英文歌曲叫什么名字

Empire State Of Mind外文名称 Empire State of Mind所属专辑 《The Blueprint 3》歌曲原唱 Jay Z ft. Alicia Keys· Yeah, Imma up at Brooklyn,· 虽自布鲁克林贫民区长大· Now I’m down in Tribeca,· 如今我也将Tribeca踩在脚下· Right next to DeNiro· 早已比邻Robert DeNiro (著名演员,曾出演《教父Ⅱ》)· But I'll be hood forever,· 但我永远是那个街头小子· I'm the new Sinatra,· 自比Frank Sinatra (殿堂级歌手)· And since i made it here,· 我是纽约之王· I can make it anywhere,· 自可到处称皇· Yeah they love me everywhere,· 是啊,处处皆是膜拜之声· I used to cop in Harlem,· 曾在Harlem区偷盗贩毒· Hola my dominicanos· 与多米尼加朋友们共High· Right there up on broadway,· 就在百老汇那边· Brought me back to that McDonalds,· 令我想起那家麦当劳店· Took it to my stash spot,· 那可是我的藏匿之地(藏毒)· Five Sixty State street,· 自然还有560 大道· Catch me in the kitchen like a Simmons whipping pastry,· 那时的我,制毒贩毒就像Simmons做小蛋糕那样随意方便· Cruising down 8th street, Off white lexus,· 现如今我照样开着“白色”凌志(驾驭白色人种)· 悠闲驶过第八大道(彻底洗白)· Driving so slow but BK is from Texas,· 香车自有碧人陪伴 她自德州来(Beyonce)· Me I'm up at Bed-stuy,· 而我自Bed-stuy起家· Home of that boy Biggie,· 那可是The Notorious B.I.G的地盘· Now I live on Billboard,· 而现在,我能在Billboard榜上称王· And I brought my boys with me,· 朋友皆因我而飞黄腾达· Say what’s up to Ty Ty, still sipping Malta· 怎么了Tyran Smith,再喝一杯鸡尾酒如何· Sitting courtside Knicks and Nets give me high fives,· 坐在尼克斯与网队交战球场边,球员都会与我击掌· N-gga I be spiked out, I can trip a referee,· 老子我现在也能轻松算计裁判· Tell by my attitude that I most definitely from…· 看我如此狂妄态度,那自是因为我来自(Alicia Keys)· New York,· 纽约· Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,· 高楼林立筑成辉煌梦想· There’s nothing you can't do,· Now you're in New York,· 身处纽约自然无所不能· These streets will make you feel brand new,· 车水马龙让你脱胎换骨· Big lights will inspire you,· 灯红酒绿令你热血沸腾· Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York· 快听,来自纽约的声音· (Jay-Z)· Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee game,· 我和Juan Perez一起在Bronx观看洋基队比赛· Sh-t I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can,· 洋基队帽是因我而出名· You should know I bleed Blue, but I ain’t a Crip though,· 你该知道我已是不赀之躯,但我不是混Crip的· But I got a gang of n-ggas walking with my clique though,· 尽管如此,道上跟我混的兄弟也不少· Welcome to the melting pot,· 欢迎光临纽约大熔炉· Corners where we selling rocks,· 街角正是我们贩毒之地· Afrika bambaataa sh-t,· Afrika Bambaataa统治这里· Home of the hip hop,· 这里亦是hip hop发源地· Yellow cap, gypsy cap, dollar cap, holla back,· 各式的士穿梭鸣笛· For foreigners it ain’t fair they act they forgot how to add,· 司机假装忘记打表坑骗外国佬· 8 million stories out there in the naked,· 九衢三市自是故事繁多· City it’s a pity half of y'all won't make it,· 论其尽头仅有少数能够成功· Me I gotta plug a Special Ed “I Got It Made”,· 我就是真人版的Special Ed的那首“我能成功”· If Jeezy’s paying LeBron, I'm paying Dwayne Wade,· 如果你Jeezy能为詹姆斯买单,我当然可以为韦德买单· 3 dice cee-lo· 3 card Monte,· 骰子摇出欲望,纸牌变出沉迷· Labor day parade, rest in peace Bob Marley,· 劳工示威游行,鲍勃马利千古· Statue of Liberty, long live the World trade,· 自由女神像,世贸双子塔 永存· Long live the king yo,· 流行之王Biggie(一说MJ)永存· I'm from the empire state that’s…· 我来自帝国之州,即是· (Alicia Keys)· New York,· 纽约· Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,· 高楼林立筑成辉煌梦想· There’s nothing you can't do,· Now you're in New York,· 身处纽约自然无所不能· These streets will make you feel brand new,· 车水马龙让你脱胎换骨· Big lights will inspire you,· 灯红酒绿令你热血沸腾· Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York· 快听,来自纽约的声音· (Jay-Z)· Lights is blinding,· 灯光魅惑摄人心魄· Girls need blinders· 女孩需要遮蔽双眼· So they can step out of bounds quick,· 才能步出奢靡浮华· The side lines is blind with casualties,· 康庄大道旁尽是经不住诱惑的牺牲品· Who sip the life casually, then gradually become worse,· 一旦涉足,生活只会渐渐沉沦· Don't bite the apple Eve,· 不要轻易尝试诱惑· Caught up in the in crowd,· 你混圈子赶潮流· Now your in-style,· 自以为潮到爆棚· And in the winter gets cold en vogue with your skin out,· 要风度不要温度假装自己是Vogue女郎· The city of sin is a pity of whim,· 这罪恶都市只是怜悯你的黄粱一梦· Good girls gone bad, the cities filled with them,· 好女孩变坏的故事,全城上演· Mommy took a bus trip and now she got her bust out,· 姑娘们欣喜而来,散尽钱财· Everybody ride her, just like a bus route,· 人人与之交合,好比公交载客· Hail Mary to the city you’re a virgin,· 祈福圣母玛利亚保你处子之身· And Jesus can't save you like starts when the church ends,· 自甘堕落,耶稣亦无可奈何· Came here for school, graduated to the high life,· 原想学有所成,将来衣锦还乡· Ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight,· 正如球星说唱大佬们享受聚光灯的照耀· MDMA got you feeling like a champion,· 摇头丸High到让你觉得我自成王· The city never sleeps better slip you a Ambien· 都市夜夜笙歌,Ambien才能让你安然入睡· (Alicia Keys)· New York,· 纽约· Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,· 高楼林立筑成辉煌梦想· There’s nothing you can't do,· Now you're in New York,· 身处纽约自然无所不能· These streets will make you feel brand new,· 车水马龙让你脱胎换骨· Big lights will inspire you,· 灯红酒绿令你热血沸腾· Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York· 快听,来自纽约的声音·· One hand in the air for the big city,· 为这都市挥舞手臂· Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty,· 华灯初上,幻想梦想,皆是美丽幻象· No place in the World that can compare,· 这座城市无与伦比· Put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeah· 燃起火焰,大声呼啸· Come on, come on· 来吧,来吧· (Alicia Keys)· New York,· 纽约· Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,· 高楼林立筑成辉煌梦想· There’s nothing you can't do,· Now you're in New York,· 身处纽约自然无所不能· These streets will make you feel brand new,· 车水马龙让你脱胎换骨· Big lights will inspire you,· 灯红酒绿令你热血沸腾· Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York· 快听,来自纽约的声音

