
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



I'm stuck! 卡住了! (Sighs) (Grunting) (Barking) Get back! 退回去! (Barking) (Barking continues) (Growling) (Gasps) (Gasps) - Mr. Tweedy. - Eh? 敦生 What is that chicken doing outside the fence? 那只鸡在围栏外干什么? Oh! (Chuckles) I don't know, love - 知道, 亲爱的 - 马处理一下! Just deal with it. Now! I'll teach you to make a fool out of me 让我难堪我要教训你 (Groans) Let that be a lesson to the lot of ya! 这对你们都是一个教训! No chicken escapes from Tweedy's farm! 没有鸡能从敦蒂鸡场逃出去! (Snoring) (Gasps) (Chattering) (Chattering) Oh! (Screams) (Screaming) (Metallic thumping) (Thumping continues) (Yorkshire accent) Morning, Ginger. Back from holiday? 早安, 姜妹, 刚度完假? I wasn't on holiday, Babs. I was in solitary confinement 我没去度假, 巴波斯 我被关禁闭了 Oh, it's nice to get a bit of time to yourself, isn't it? 一个人独呆一阵子也不错 是不是? (Bell ringing) (Posh, military accent) Roll call! 集合! Come along, now. You'll be late for parade 马上过来, 你们列队要晚了 Pip, pip. Quick march. Left, right, left, right 叽叽, 叽叽, 快点儿 左, 右,左, 右 Left, right, left, right! 左, 右, 左, 右! - Come on. Smarten up. - Ooh! 快, 精神点儿 Discipline! Order! 纪律! 秩序! Back in my R.A.F. days, when the officer called for a scramble 想当初在皇家空军 当长官命令紧急起飞 you'd hop in the old crate and tally-ho. Chocks away! 你跳进老飞机 发现目标, 轰隆开走了! Give over, you old fool. They just want to count us 别说了, 老傻瓜 他们只想数数我们 How dare you talk back to a senior ranking officer? 你怎么敢这样对长官回话? - Why, back in my R.A.F. days… - Fowler, they're coming - 嘿, 想当初在皇家空军… - 福罗,他们来了 - Oh, right, right. - Oh! 啊, 好, 好 There will be a stern reprimand for you, lad. You're grounded 你要受到严厉的谴责 取消你的自由活动 Attention! 立正! (Scottish accent) Welcome back, hen. Is there a new plan? 欢迎你回来, 母鸡 有新的计划吗? (Gulping) I thought we tried going under 我想我们试过从下面出去 Ah! Over. Right 噢,上面, 好 How's the egg count? 鸡蛋的数量怎么样? I've laid five eggs this morning. Five! 我今早下了五个,五个 - Well-chuffed with that, I was… - Shush! 那很好, 我…很高兴 产蛋记录 Oh, no. Edwina 啊, 不, 爱德文娜 Bunty, why didn't you give her some of yours? 邦迪, 你为什么不给她几个? I would have. She didn't tell me. She didn't tell anyone 我会的, 可她没说 她没对任何人说 (Squawks) (Gate creaks, closes) Oh, is Edwina off on holiday? 噢, 爱德文娜要去度假吗? (Thud, gasps) (Geese cackling) (Sighs) We've got to get out of here 我们必须逃离此地


1.It’s a cruel world,doll face. You might as well get used to it.2.–Where there’s a will,there’s a way. –Couldn’t agree more. I will be leaving that way.3.The pain you’re feeling is a good thing.4.–Over America,we have this rule. If you want to motivate someone,don’t mention death. –Over here,the rule is:Always tell the truth.5.The most important thing is we have to work as a team.6.So don’t worry,because tomorrow everything’s going to go much,much smother.7.You’re always talking about back in your day. Well,today is your day.8.We’ll either die free chickens or die trying. you know what the problem is? the fences are't just round the farm. they are up here in your heads --oh, face the facts, ducks.the chances of us getting out of here are a million to one.--Then there's still a chance. we'll either die free chickens or die trying



















我没理解错的话你应该是想说吧 麦克:But I've been thinking about, we are unfit to fly斯:My life flashed before my eyes Boring life可以吗 望采纳





