
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说


尼采的名言 要英文的

The vain.-- We are like shop windows in which we are continually arranging, concealing or illuminating the supposed qualities other ascribe to us - in order to deceive ourselves. from Nietzsche's DaybreakWill and willingness.-- Someone took a youth to a sage and said: Look, he is being corrupted by women. The sage shook his head and smiled. It is men, said he, that corrupt women; and all the failings of women should be atoned by and improved in men. For it is man who creates for himself the image of woman, and woman forms herself according to this image.You are too kind-hearted about women, said one of those present; you do not know them. The sage replied: Will is the manner of men; willingness that of women. That is the law of the sexes - truly, a hard law for women. All of humanity is innocent of its existence; but women are doubly innocent. Who could have oil and kindness enough for them?Damn oil! Damn kindness! someone shouted out of the crowd; Women need to be educated better! - Men need to be educated better, said the sage and beckoned to the youth to follow him. - The youth, however, did not follow him.from Nietzsche's The Gay Science Anti-theses.-- The most senile thing ever thought about man is contained in the celebrated saying 'the ego is always hateful'; the most childish is the even more celebrated 'love thy neighbor as thyself'. -- In the former, knowledge of human nature has ceased, in the latter it has not yet even begun. from Nietzsche's Assorted Opinions and MaximsIn the stream.-- Mighty waters draw much stone and rubble along with them; mighty spirits many stupid and bewildered heads. from Nietzsche's Human, all too Human


Article one thousand no one has the road, one thousand health and one thousand a concealed the life of the island. And the people of the earth without probe always, have not been found.


人生若不从时代的枷锁中挣脱,活着只是在呼吸而已,丝毫不具意义Do get your life off the hook of times' shackle,or else being alive is just to take breath, nothing more.


Prefer to pursue the emptiness, also cannot have no pursuit.



2 、 许多东西被我抛却,故而被诸君视为傲慢;若从外溢的酒杯里豪饮,难免洒落许多佳酿,故不要怀疑酒的质量。

3、 “他沉沦,他跌倒。



4 、 此人往高处走---他应受称赞








——尼采汉译英:I want to create a belongs to own the sun. -- Nitzsch

