
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



1、I have said that the soul is not more than the body。

And I said that the body is no more than the soul。

And nothing,not God is greater than one, than one itself is。



2、They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved.忠诚的意义在于我们不应该忘记爱过的每一个人3、The distance between life and death, for a dog, it cannot fathom, it only believe, his master will come back. It's life as a water passage, one point one year after year in bluestone station. As a dog, it has its principles, never abandon, regardless of sickness and death. It was lying there, ten years, and a landscape. For life or for death, however separated, to our wives we pledged our word.生与死的距离,对于一条狗来说,它无法参透,它只相信,他的主人会回来。





4、Whether it is waiting for the previous owner, or waiting for me, I feel very touched, very happy.“ It teaches us the meaning of loyalty -- should never forget the people you love.不管它是在等以前主人,还是在等我,我都觉得很感动,很幸福。


5、Moved to new leaves to be deciduous, and how many conversion cycle, the only constant is standing waiting figure. Waiting for the silent witness to their most sincere, the most pure love, also deeply touched by people……感动于新叶变落叶,多少个转换轮回中,唯一不变的是矗立等待的身影。

用这无言的守候来见证自己最诚挚,最纯洁的爱,也深深打动着身旁的人们……6、Well, I think it's right to take you home. You stay with me... in a warm house...呃, 我想把你带回家应该没做错吧

你跟我待一块儿……在温暖的房子里……7、I just think you being all over tough about it. Dogs in the fix and dad just try to do the right thing.我只是觉得你对这件事太苛刻了,狗狗迷路了,爸爸只是尽力做对的事而已。

8、I never met my grandfather. He died when I was just little. But, when I hear about him and Hachi.我没见过我外公,他在我很小的时候就去世了,可听了他和Hachi的故事。




I have said that the soul is not more than the body.说过 躯体与灵魂交融And I said that the body is no more than the soul.难以分出孰重And nothing,世上任何事物not God is greater than one, than one itself is.即使是上 也当众生平等I hear and see holy God in every object,神迹四处可见yet understand God not at least.我解其故Nor do I understand也不相信who there can be more wonderful than myself.有谁会比自己过得更精彩In the faces of men and women I see God,在人们的脸上 我看到了上帝的身影and in my own face in the glass.当我看向镜中的自己 亦是如此I find letters from God dropped in the street我拾到了上帝遗落凡间的信笺and everyone has signed by God's mean.上面列着上帝为众人安排的命运And I leave them where they are.我任一切顺其自然For I know that wherever I go,因为我知道 无论我去往何方others will punctually(准时地) come.总有人接替我而来Forever and ever(生生世世,生生不息).


忠犬八公的故事英文剧本台词 - 百度文库有中文对照翻译哦









电影介绍 影片《忠犬八公的故事》改编自1933年发生在日本的真实故事,由莱塞·霍尔斯道姆执导,理查·基尔、琼·艾伦和萨拉·罗默尔等联袂出演。












第二天、第三天,从夏季到秋季,九年时间里,八公依然风雨无改,直到它最后死去 。


此片有日版(1987)和美版(2009),2009年版的英文影评:Hachiko based on the real story which actually happened in 1925 at Shibuya, Tokyo. There's a dog named Hachiko, devotedly waiting his master return to train station every day. Unfortunately, one day his master died and never showed up again. But Hachiko kept waiting on the same spot every day. The story is widely spread and very well-known in Japan. The Director is Lasse Hallström. Hallström made many modest but effective dramas, including his classics: What's Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993), The Cider House Rules (1999), Chocolat (2000). The movie tried to capture how the event occurs, while the setting and characters adjusted to United States background. Richard Gere played as Prof. Wilson. As his wife and daughter were Joan Allen and Sarah Roemer. Gere humbly performs his character. The storyline also fills with simplicity. The plots try to build sympathy from the beginning (it told lost little Hachiko coincidentally founded by his master), and mount up in the end of the movie. The movie confidently told the story about what happened after his master death, when one hour elapsed which there's about thirty minutes left (Total duration is about 90 minutes). I think the movie will easily effects on you, especially if you are dog lover or ever take care or raise a dog. Thiz is totally just a powerful story behind the real event. The movie luckily enough had some good materials to make you cry.1987版的英文影评:This is my favorite movie of all times without a doubt. I have watched Hachiko close to 10 times now and every single time my tears would start flowing uncontrollably without fail. Each time I thought to myself, yeah I have watched it before so I wont cry again but each time I still could not stop my tears. A lot has been written on the story so I wont repeat all that. Just want to add that this is a true story and the newspaper reporter at the end of the movie did actually exist, writing up an article on Hachiko in the Japanese newspapers then. They did erect a statue of Hachiko at the very station but it was melted down during World War 2 for military usage. The Japanese later erected another statue in replacement after the war and today if you visit Japan, be sure to visit Hachiko's statue in Tokyo. And Hachiko's body has been preserved after his death and remains to this day on display in the Tokyo Museum of Nature and Science. I am going to make a trip one day to visit Hachiko.台词很好办,在射手网搜索片名就可以找到中英文字幕:下载后解压,如果是srt字幕文件的,用记事本打开,就是台词了。


Loyal dog eight male story based on a true story happened in Japan since 1935, 1987 into a Japanese movie, starring secondary generation of vector, which was caused a sensation in Japan.In December 2009, the American version of。




