
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



They have a small tail and fat body. They are black and white. They’re very shy and cute, but they can climb trees. They like to eat bamboo very much. Look! The baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping. They look very lovely. Pandas are my favourite animals .(这是写熊猫的.)


你可以说: 1. He is tall 【主语加be动词,直接加形容词】他高.后边可以用short,thin啊什么的 2. He has long hair 【主语加have或has加修饰语】 3. She was very thin, with 【with 表示有什么】big eyes 这里有个作文你看看 My name is Wang





Hello ,(你好

)My name is 某某某.(我的名字是某某某。

)I'm medium height.(我中等身高) I have short straight black hair. (黑色的短直发) I also have a pair of big bright eyes. (我也有一双明亮的大眼睛。

) And wearing glasses. (并且戴镜。

) This is me. (这就是我。



Smooth white face, reveals a distinct edges and corners of the cold Jun; deep black eyes, glowing charming luster; the bushy eyebrows, aquiline nose, beautiful lip, no play in the noble and elegant.Bushy eyebrows rebellious slightly upward raised, long and slightly curled eyelashes, with a pair of eyes as clear as the morning dew, the bridge of the nose of the handsome, like a rose petal like pink lips and white skin...光洁白皙的脸透着棱角分明的冷俊;乌黑深眼眸,迷人的色泽;那浓密的眉,高挺的绝美的唇形,无一不在张扬着高贵与优雅,浓密的眉毛叛逆地稍稍向上扬起,长而微卷的睫毛下,有着一双像朝露一样清澈的眼睛,英挺的鼻梁,像玫瑰花瓣一样粉嫩的嘴唇,还有白皙的皮肤……A bad smile, even two thick eyebrows also thrown Rourou ripples, as always with a smile, curved, like bright sky in the first quarter moon. Silhouetted against the white skin with light pink lips, handsome outstanding features, perfect face, especially left ear flashing dazzling bright diamond stud earrings, add a trace of unruly to his sunshine handsome...一张坏坏的笑脸,连两道浓浓的眉毛也泛起柔柔的涟漪,好像一直都带着笑意,弯弯的,像是夜空里皎洁的上弦月。



1. 脸型(face):round 圆;thin 瘦的;long ;square 方的。

a. she eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多了,所的脸变圆了。

2. 头发(hair):(1) 发型(hair style):straight 直的;curly 卷发的;pigtails 辫子;crew cut 平头;


1 外貌AppearanceHe is handsome/ good-looking/ athletic/ muscular/ fat (Negative)/ overweight (Negative).He has fine/ strong/ sharp/ regular features.Shes pretty/ beautiful/ good-looking/ attractive/ plain/ slim/ plump/ thin (Negative)/ skinny (Negative).S/he’s in her / his mid-40s. / S/he is somewhere between 25 and 30 years old. / S/he’s at least 30 years old. / S/he’s 40 at the most.S/he’s tall / short / of medium height/ of average height/ about 5 feet tall.She has short hair/ medium length hair/ long hair/ long wavy dark hair/ long and straight hair/ short and curly hair.He has got a baby face/ chubby face/ round face/ an intelligent face.She has a slim/ plump/ sensitive face,His forehead is high/ broad/ rounded/ low/ flat/ narrow/ perfect.Her eyes are big/ bright/ dark/ warm/ attractive/ intelligent.He has a snub/ sharp/ straight/ hooked nose and a square chin.2 服S/he’s very well-dressed. / S/he likes to wear designer clothes.He is dressed in a light brown suit and a red tie.He looks very professional in a dark blue suit.She looks very smart in a pale gray dress.S/he always wears casual clothes like jeans and T-shirt.3 性Positiveconfident, modest, brave, cheerful, kind, friendly, generous, honest, independent, reliable, patient, outgoing, sensitive, decisive, ambitious, punctual, sociable, easygoing, gentle, thoughtful, understanding, optimistic, frank, straightforward Negative Big-headed, bad-tempered, boring, bossy, dull, dishonest, envious, fussy, impatient, jealous, lazy, rude, mean, selfish, shy, timid, stubborn, careless, clumsy , greedy , conceited , pessimistic , aggressive , cruel

