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世界上第一部票房赛过美国大片的电影《英雄儿女》的主题歌歌词及英译版烽烟滚滚唱英雄, As battle smoke billows into the sky we celebrate our hero,四面青山侧耳听, As we sing his praise even the green mountains around us listen,晴天响雷敲金鼓, Thunder fills the sky like pounding drums,大海扬波作和声, The ocean's waves rise to join our chorus,人民战士驱虎豹, Our people's soldier slays tigers and leopards,舍身忘死保和平。

He sacrifices his life to protect the peace.为什么战旗美如画

Why is the army's banner so beautiful?英雄的鲜血染红了它。

It's dyed red by our hero's blood.为什么大地春常在

Why is springtime always on our earth?英雄的生命开鲜花。

Our hero's life blossoms like flowers。

英雄猛跳出战壕, He leaps from the trench,一道电光裂长空, Lighting flashes across the sky,地陷进去独身挡, The ground sinks, our hero stands strong,天塌下来只手惊, The sky falls, our hero thrusts it back,两脚熊熊蹚烈火, He strides through raging flames,浑身闪闪披彩虹。

A sparkling rainbow shining on him.为什么战旗美如画

Why is the army's banner so beautiful?英雄的鲜血染红了它。

It's dyed red by our hero's blood.为什么大地春常在

Why is springtime always on our earth?英雄的生命开鲜花。

Our hero's life blossoms like flowers。

一声吼叫炮声隆,A voice shouts, and the cannons roar,翻江倒海天地崩,River and sea churn, sky and ground collapse,双手紧握爆破筒,His two hands grip the`Bangalore torpedo,怒目喷火热血涌, Fire shoots from his angry eyes, his blood surges,敌人腐烂变泥土,The ememy melts like dirt,勇士辉煌化金星。

Our hero brilliantly emerges as a golden star。


Why is the army's banner so beautiful?英雄的鲜血染红了它。

It's dyed red by our hero's blood.为什么大地春常在

Why is springtime always on our earth?英雄的生命开鲜花。

Our hero's life blossoms like flowers。


主题歌 是《英雄赞歌》 (呵呵。


) 歌词:烽烟滚滚唱英雄,四面青山侧耳听,侧耳听青天响雷敲金鼓,大海扬波作和声人民战士驱虎豹,舍生忘死保和平为什么战旗美如画,英雄的鲜血染红了她为什么大地春常在,英雄的生命开鲜花英雄猛跳出战壕,一道电光裂长空,裂长空地陷进去独身挡,天塌下来只手擎两脚熊熊趟烈火,浑身闪闪披彩虹为什么战旗美如画,英雄的鲜血染红了她为什么大地春常在,英雄的生命开鲜花一声呼叫炮声隆,倒海翻江天地崩,天地崩双手紧握爆破筒,怒目喷火热血涌敌人腐烂变泥土,勇士辉煌化金星为什么战旗美如画,雄的鲜血染红了她为什么大地春常在,英雄的生命开鲜花

