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求《黑客帝国》里 先知 跟 主角 说的关于 选择 的那段台词

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黑客帝国2先知与NEO的台词 要英文的

The Oracle: Well, come on. I ain't gonna bite ya. Come around here, and let me have a look at ya. My goodness, look at you! You turned out all right, didn't you? How do you feel? Neo: I, uh... The Oracle: I know you're not sleeping. We'll get to that. Why don't you come and have a sit this time? Neo: Maybe I'll stand. The Oracle: Well, suit yourself. Neo: I felt like sitting. The Oracle: I know. So. Let's get the obvious stuff out of the way. Neo: You're not human, are you? The Oracle: Well it's tough to get any more obvious than that. Neo: If I had to guess, I'd say you're a program from the machine world. So is he. The Oracle: So far, so good. Neo: But if that's true, that can mean you are a part of this system, another kind of control. The Oracle: Keep going. Neo: I suppose the most obvious question is, how can I trust you? The Oracle: Bingo! It is a pickle, no doubt about it. The bad news is there's no way if you can really know whether I'm here to help you or not. So it's really up to you. You javake up your own damn mind to either accept what I'm going to tell you, or reject it. Candy? Neo: D'you already know if I'm going to take it? The Oracle: Wouldn't be much of an Oracle if I didn't. Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice? The Oracle: Because you didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it. I thought you'd have figured that out by now. Neo: Why are you here? The Oracle: Same reason. I love candy. Neo: But why help us? The Oracle: We're all here to do what we're all here to do. I'm interested in one thing, Neo, the future. And believe me, I know - the only way to get there is together. Neo: Are there other programs like you? The Oracle: Oh, well, not like me. But... Look, see those birds? At some point a program was written to govern them. A program was written to watch over the trees, and the wind, the sunrise, and sunset. There are programs running all over the place. The ones doing their job, doing what they were meant to do, are invisible. You'd never even know they were here. But the other ones, well, we hear about them all the time. Neo: I've never heard of them. The Oracle: Of course you have. Every time you've heard someone say they saw a ghost, or an angel. Every story you've ever heard about vampires, werewolves, or aliens is the system assimilating some program that's doing something they're not supposed to be doing. Neo: Programs hacking programs. Why? The Oracle: They have their reasons, but usually a program chooses exile when it faces deletion. Neo: And why would a program be 删除d? The Oracle: Maybe it breaks down. Maybe a better program is created to replace it - happens all the time, and when it does, a program can either choose to hide here, or return to The Source. Neo: The machine mainframe? The Oracle: Yes. Where you must go. Where the path of The One ends. You've seen it, in your dreams, haven't you? The door made of light? Neo: [nods] The Oracle: What happens when you go through the door? Neo: I see Trinity, and something happens, something bad. She starts to fall, and then I wake up. The Oracle: Do you see her die? Neo: No. The Oracle: You have the sight now, Neo. You are looking at the world without time. Neo: Then why can't I see what happens to her? The Oracle: We can never see past the choices we don't understand. Neo: Are you saying I have to choose whether Trinity lives or dies? The Oracle: No. You've already made the choice, now you have to understand it. Neo: No, I can't do that. I won't. The Oracle: You have to. Neo: Why? The Oracle: Because you're The One. Neo: What if I can't? What happens if I fail? The Oracle: Then Zion will fall. Our time is up. Listen to me, Neo. You can save Zion if you reach The Source, but to do that you will need the Keymaker. Neo: The Keymaker? The Oracle: Yes, he disappeared some time ago. We did not know what happened to him until now. He's being held prisoner by a very dangerous program, one of the oldest of us. He is called the Merovingian, and he will not let him go willingly. Neo: What does he want? The Oracle: What do all men with power want? More power. The Oracle: Be there, at that exact time, and you will have a chance. Seraph: We must go. The Oracle: Seems like every time we meet I've got nothing but bad news. I'm sorry about that, I surely am. But for what it's worth, you've made a believer out of me. Good luck, kiddo. 呵呵,希望没找错。


应该是这段:Priestess: The will see you w. : I kw you're . Be right with you. : You're the ? Oracle: Bingo. t quite what you were expecting, right? Almost done. Smell good, don't they? : Yeah. Oracle: I'd ask you to sit down, but your not going to anyway. And don't worry about the vase. Neo: What vase? Oracle: That vase. Neo: I'm sorry. Oracle: I said don't worry about it. I'll get one of my students to fix it. Neo: How did you know? Oracle: What's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything. You're cuter than I expected. No wonder she likes you. Neo: ? Oracle: Not too bright, though. You know why Morpheus brought you to see me? Neo: I think so. Oracle: So, what do you think? You think you're the one? Neo: I don't know. Oracle: You know what that means? It's Latin. Means `Know thyself'. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. the one is just like in love. No one can tell you your in love, you just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones. Well, I better have a look at you. Open your mouth, say Ahhh. Neo: Ahhh. Oracle: Okay. Now I'm supposed to say, `, that's interesting, but...' then you say... Neo: But what? Oracle: But you already know what I'm going to tell you. Neo: I'm not the one. Oracle: Sorry kiddo. You got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting for something. Neo: What? Oracle: Your next life maybe, knows? That's the way these things go. What's funny? Neo: Morpheus. He...he almost had me convinced. Oracle: I know. Poor Morpheus. Without we're lost. Neo: What do you mean, without ? Oracle: Are you sure you want to hear t? Morpheus believes in you, Neo. And no one, not you, not even me can convince otherwise. He believes it so blindly that he's going to sacrifice life to save yours. Neo: What? Oracle: You're going to have to make a choice. In the one hand you'll have Morpheus' life and in the other hand you'll have your own. One of you is going to . Which one will be up to you. I'm sorry, kiddo, I really am. You have a good soul, and I hate giving good people bad news. Oh, don't worry about it. As soon as you step outside that door, you'll start feeling better. You'll remember you don't believe in any of t fate crap. You're in control of your own life, remember? Here, take a cookie. I promise, by the time you're done eating it, you'll feel right as rain.

黑客帝国 经典台词































尼欧:不知道崔妮蒂:并没有变化9.要不被事物的形体迷惑,这样才能真正的认识敌人1. 人在这世界里,有许多事情是我们一定得做的。

2. 没有使命,人类就不会存在,是使命创造了我们,但使命联系着我们、牵连着我们、指引着我们、推动着我们、约束了我们。

3. 这世界这世界只存在着一种永恒,一种广泛适用的真理,仅用的真实:因果关系。

4. 比如:行动与回应 起因与结果。

5. 任何事情都始于当初的选择。

6. 选择是有权利与没有权利者之间的不平衡。

7. 新的感觉作成的一种假象,首先,不明白为什么,很快这些“为什么”与“原因”却将消失,最重要的是感觉本身,我们虽然强烈挣扎、拼命地抵抗它,自欺欺人的装出没事,在那泰然自若的外表下,事实上,我们已彻底地失控了,这是自然界的定律。


8. 我们只能试图去理解,理解为什么———“因果关系”9. “原因”是我们与他们的区别,是真正力量的源泉。

10. 每个人都是因果关系的受害者。

11. 该发生的事情都发生了,没有其他的变数。

12. 美好的事情注定是不长久的。

13. 一切都是命中注定的。

14. 问题的关键在与选择。

15. 一个胜利的同时,也是一个不朽的失败。

16. 无法避免的毁灭是显而易见的,人类天生的不完美是造成的结果。

17. 问题的关键只在于选择,接下来就回发生的连锁反应。

18. 希望是人类自欺欺人的精髓,他既是强大的力量来源,同时也是人类致命的弱点。

























删除病毒的其实是Neothe one(也Neo)具定程度控制所处环境的,他身处母体二十几年,所以简单训练就可以控制系统中守卫者的子弹(第一部),之后可以更自由地控制。






或许是因为通过自己的计算得出了“人类的存在必然毁灭地球”的结论(参见《终结者》中的“天网程序”和《我,机器人》中的“V.I.K.I.”),所以产生了“消灭人类”、“囚禁人类”或“控制人类”的计划,从而与人类进行斗争,最后形成了“母体”的硬件、“造物主”的软件、以及不可消除的参数——the one。

又通过the one的存在来对自己进行“格式化”以消除自身不可消除的BUG。


然而第N代the one的Neo(具体是第几代我记不太清了),打破了人工智能自己创造出的平衡,这便是第二部的结局与第三步开端的背景,同时造物主还可以创造出不同的人工智能,比如先知、法国人、小女孩等等,只是没有控制硬件的权限。


