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关于友情的英语格言 英语友情的句子唯美句子


为大家整理关于友情的英语格言以供参考,感谢大家的阅读与支持,希望可以帮助到大家! 1、友谊和花香一样,还是淡一点的比较好,越淡的香气越使人依恋,也越能持久。 Friendship and flofort. 5、友谊能增进快乐,减少痛苦。 Friendship can improve happiness and reduce pain. 6、好感是友谊的先决条件,但不能把两者混为一谈。 Good feeling is a prerequisite for friendship, but you cant confuse the t. 12、真正的友谊总是预见对方的需要,而不是宣布自己需要什么。 True friendship al nature to contract, of self - interest, and of common aspirations. 30、友谊是两颗心真诚相待,而不是一颗心对另一颗心敲打。 Friendship is tmunication; love is betemade friendship friendship is more lasting than to. 35、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。种下优惠的友情,得到仁惠的友情。 You reap. It is a kind of friendly friendship that gets the friendship betfort. 46、友谊往往是由一种两个人比一个人更容易实现的共同利益结成的,只有在相互满足时这种关系才是纯洁的。 Friendship is often made up of the common interests of t him, but also not to lend him money. 61、真正的友谊无论从正反看都应一样,不可能从前面看是蔷薇而从后面看是刺。 The true friendship should be the same in both the positive and the negative. It is impossible to see the rose from the front and see the thorn from the back. 62、富贵固然和友谊的好坏无关,但是贫穷却最能考验朋友憎爱分明的真假。 Although not rich and friendship is good or bad, but poverty is the best test of true and false friends hate love clear. 63、友情是天堂,没有它就象下地狱;友情是生命,没有它就意味着死亡;你在人间所做的一切,无一不是为了友情。 Friendship is heaven, es the most exposure. 74、朋友互相吹捧,友谊毫无价值。 Friends flatter each other, friendship is of no value. 75、得不到友谊的人将是终身可怜的孤独者。没有友情的社会则只是一片繁华的沙漠。 A man who does not get friendship will be a poor loner for life. The society without friendship is just a flourishing desert. 76、破裂的友谊虽然能恢复,但却再也达不到亲密无间的程度了。 The broken friendship can be restored, but it can never reach the degree of intimacy. 77、友谊使欢乐倍对我们帮助的,并不是朋友们的实际帮助,而是我们坚信得到他们的帮助的信念。 Friendship makes joy times the greatest help to us, not the real help of our friends, but the belief that we are convinced of their help. 78、友谊早在友谊之花凋谢之前就已不复存在。 Friendship is no longer existed before the flower of friendship withered. 79、友谊与爱情一样,只有生活在能够与之自然相处,无需做作和谎言的朋友中间,你才会感到愉快。 Friendship, like love, is the only one in which you live in the middle of a friend who is able to live with it and do not have to do it or lie. 80、谁要是选择吝啬鬼做朋友或信赖自私和怯懦者的虚假友谊,谁就有被误解的可能。 Anyone who chooses a miser to be a friend or a false friendship that trusting selfishness and cowardice may be misunderstood.

关于友情的英语格言 英语友情的句子唯美句子相关文章
