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女生难过伤感的英文qq网名带翻译 chokehold窒息的

A pot of wine 一壶清酒

Distant she 遥远的她

chokehold 窒息的爱

Time wasted 年华虚度

Before I die 我死之前

Too sober 太过清醒

Hello stranger 你好陌生人

silence's night 沉默的夜

Outlaws Of Love 爱的囚徒

Lonely tears 寂寞眼泪

Don't bother 不打扰

Time to catch 岁月赶

Allows any 谢却荼蘼

Absurd years 荒唐岁月

You are guilty 你有罪

Swig 痛饮

Bones 骸骨

Exile 流放者

Onlooker 旁观者

Cripple 废人

Tim. 徒添内疚

Wait for 静候

Trapped beat 困兽

The monument 残碑

Old to swim 旧游

Very Stupid 很蠢

Invalid oath 无效誓

Whopper 弥天大谎

Stand  袖手旁观

Knowingly 明知故犯

The years long 岁月长

For you in vain 为你徒劳

Too naive 过分天真

Joys and sorrows 喜怒哀乐

The thin clothes 衣裳薄

Long speech eyes 长辞眸 

Meet some of you 遇见几个你

Illness and old 生老病死

Shou sui white pony 守岁白驹

Old body disease 旧体病

Dust in the wind 风中尘埃

Disappointed guest 惆怅客

love's funeral 爱的葬礼

Ten years trace 十年踪迹

Fraught with difficulties 荆棘满途

The groom is not you 新郎不是你


女生难过伤感的英文qq网名带翻译 chokehold窒息的相关文章
