


《卡特教练》又名《铁血教练 》、《放牛班的严冬》。是根据真人真事改编的一部体育励志片。影片讲述了一位高中篮球教练带领自己的校队拼搏的故事。萨缪尔·杰克逊在剧中饰演颇具争议的卡特教练。卡特执教后使一支屡战屡败的篮球队最后成为无人能敌的长胜王。他用自己行动证明:是学校的教育塑造并指引队员走上了正确的人生之路,而不仅仅是篮球比赛。片长136分钟,由派拉蒙影像公司发行。下面我们一起看看里面的经典台词句子。 卡特教练经典台词Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinkingso that other people won't feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine, as children do.It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciouslygive other people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others.

我们最大的恐惧并不是因为我们不够好,我们最大的恐惧是我们自己超乎想象的能力,我们害怕的不是黑暗的那一面而是我们的光明的一面  畏缩的态度不能改变世界,隐藏自己内心的潜能并不会让你身边的人觉得更有安全感。我们都应该发挥自己内心的潜能,就像小孩子那样每个人都一样,当我们让自己发光时,我们不自觉地影响到身边的人,让她们也能这么做,我们不但摆脱了自己的恐惧,我们的存在也自然地解放了别人。

Coach Cater:Well, not just quite as storible ending, hum, not for us anyway.But you men played like champions, you never gave up. And champions hold their heads high. What you've achieved goes way beyond the win & lost column what's gonna be read on front page of sports section tomorrow. You've acheive something there, some people spend their whole life trying to find. What you've achieved is that ever illusive victory with thee. And gentlemen, I am so proud of you.4 monthes ago,when I took the job of Richman, I had a plan. That plan failed. I came to coach basketball players and you became students; I came to teach boys and you became men.For that, I thank you.



