电影改编自Brad Cohen的真实故事。BoBo(詹姆斯·沃克 饰)患有先天性的妥瑞氏症,这种严重的痉挛疾病,导致他无法控制地扭动脖子和发出奇怪的声音。而这种怪异的行为,更是让他从小不被周围的人理解,在学校里老师经常批评他,同学们更是对他冷嘲热讽,就连他的父亲也对他失望透顶。只有他的母亲一直是他的坚实港湾,母亲的坚持与鼓励,让他能够在正常人的生活里艰难前行。然而面对这个不能理解他的世界,BoBo一直在痛苦的漩涡里挣扎。直到在一次全校大会上校长在众人面前巧妙的让大家了解了BoBo的真实情况,让他有了成为一名关爱学生的教师的坚定梦想,即使因为这个病症让BoBo在寻求教师梦想的道路上遭到众人怀疑,屡屡受挫,但他始终坚持着自己的这份梦想, 为了找到一个愿意接受自己的学校,不抛弃梦想,不放弃信念,默默的努力。而他曾经曲折的人生道路在他的坚持下也开始慢慢好转…最终实现了自己的梦想,同时也找到了属于自己的爱情。
1.父亲永远不了解我的乐观。 Father will never understand my optimism 2.这样简单的几句话,忙我开启了另一扇窗。 So simple a few words, busy I opened another window. 3.如果我放弃,就是向那些错看我的人屈服。 If I give up, is to the wrong people look at me. 4.还没有找到工作前,我是不会罢休的。 Have yet to find a job, I will not give up. 5.唯一让我受伤的是他从来不接受我。 The only hurt me is that he never accept me 6.我对我的病非常坦然。经典台词 I'm on my illness very calm. 7.和往常一样,我的朋友提醒我不要抱太大希望,但是这点很难做到。 And as usual, my friend warned me not to cherish too big hope, but it is very difficult to do. 8.我接受了它,也不会让它主宰我的生命。 I accepted it, don't let it dominate my life 9.我发现我自己非常专注于教书。 I found myself very focused on teaching. 10.我不会放弃你的,我也不会让你放弃自己。 I will not abandon you, I will not let you give up on yourself 11.妥瑞氏症教给我最重要的是绝不要让任何事阻止你追求你的梦想。 Tourette syndrome taught me the most is the never let anything stop you from pursuing your dreams 12.孩子们看世界的眼光会和大人们不一样,他们会说“我要做什么”而不是“我不能做什么”,所以我也 是这样的。 Children see the world look and adults are not the same, they will say " I do" instead of "I can't do anything", so I also like this. 13.永远不要让任何事影响你的人生。 Don't ever let anything affect your life. 14.永远都要正面迎战对手。 Always positive against opponents. 15.我别无选择,只能证明他无法打败我,如果我放弃了,就等于认同说我太天真的那些人。 I have no choice but to prove he can't beat me, if I give up, is to agree that I was too much of a naive those people. 16.不是我的病,只是我没有找对学校。 Not of my illness, I just didn't find the school. 17.永远不要让任何事影响你的人生。 Never let anything affect your life. 18.小孩看待这个世界的观点和多数的成年人不一样,他们看着这个世界会说,我要做,而不是我做不到。 Children see the world views and most of the adults are not the same, they looked at the world will say, I will do it, and not I can't do that. 19.我会的,我不能。 I will ,not I cann‘t. 20.千万别让任何事阻止你去追逐梦想,阻止你工作或玩耍或是谈恋爱. Don't let anything stop you to chasing the dream to prevent you from work or play or fall in love