(A)1、My mother is kind2、My mither is brave3 My mother is clever4 My mother is friendly to everyone5 My mother is industrious作为一名中学生,你学习的课程一定很多,但同时学校里也有很多课外活动。
(B)As a middle school student,I have many subject to study.But sometimes we do activities.Some students like to talk with other students at the English corner,Some students like playing balls,Some students like singing songs,dancing,art and so on.But I like doing sports,because it can keep healthy.It can also make me active.Now I am strong.I must continue to do sports,it like my friend.(这篇可是我自己写的,一点一点打上来的,奖励一点分吧,如果有语法错误,就自己根正一下吧)(C)随着时间的推移,年龄的增长,现在的你肯定发生了很大变化,如外貌、性格、兴趣等。
请选择其中的一方面,以How I have changed 为题写一篇作文,要求字数60-70词。
How I have changed How time flies!Time past quickly.I've changed a lot with the time going. When I was young,I only know the most interesting thing in the world is playing.I played games with my friends day and night.I wasted a lot of great time. But when I was a little older,I not only know playing.I realize learning is as important as playing,even much more important.I spent my whole day to study,study and study.but at that time,I do not know what stress means. Then,two years later,I understood.I was going to graduate from primary school and,I need to pass a special test for the entrance of junior high school.I have no time to play.I have no time to have fun with my good friends. After I had passed the examination,I felt more nervous than any time I was.Everybody was smart and I didn't have the great position.But I don't know what “give up is.I spent more time on the subject I was not good at.So I won the first position later. That's How I've changed.My life bocomes harder and harder,but I am not scared.I try my best to let my life become more interesting. (呵呵,懒得打了)(D) I want to be a basketball playerI like baskball.I want to be a basketball player.Yao Ming is my favorite player.I like basketball because playing basketball is good way to relax.It can make me strong and keep me fit.To be a basketball player,I do many things,I often play basketball with my classmates.I play basketball almost everyday.(这也是我自打自写的啊~~55555)
我认为你们老师在take achievement 下划线的意思不是这句话错了,而是achievement(成就,成绩)这个词用在这儿不合适,即:这个词太大了。
<小动物们智斗老虎从前,有个地方,那里没有人住,也没有动物,一片空虚.不知什么时候,来了两条小狗,它们可能是流浪狗来这里流浪,别以为它们全身散着臭味,蓬松的毛,垂头丧气,奄奄一息.但它们也不是顽皮的,可爱的.它们一个有白茸茸的毛,我管它叫小白!另一个的毛却黑黝黝的,我叫它小黑! 它们并不像其它小狗,好像经受过磨练,经历过千千万万的风风雨雨,就像成熟的狗似的.它们显得很自大,不可能是朋友,谁都歧视谁,认为自己是无数的同类中最强的一个.自从它们在那里称王后,日子一天一天逝去,它们也长大了,更加目中无人,小黑侍着自己勇敢,想找个机会在其它小动物炫耀自己的本领,打败小白,独自称王!但它却不够小白聪明,屡屡失败,在其它小动物出尽了洋相.而小白却没跟它计较,处处维护它.小黑受到感染了,它和小白交了朋友,情如手足,互相帮助,日子过得很美好! 但好景不长,那里来了一只威猛的老虎,吃了许多小动物,小黑虽然勇敢,但始终斗不过大自己一倍的老虎,屡屡败下阵来.还是小白救了大家小白制作了一块特殊镜子,这块镜子正面照,身体会比现实大一倍,而反面照,则会比现实小一倍. 一天,老虎又来找吃的,小动物都很惊慌,小白安慰大家后,径自走向老虎,嘴里还念叨着: “我来看看到底是谁这么大胆,敢来惹天神
” 老虎才不理会它, 正要捉住它.小白大声地用威胁的口气说:“你敢吃我吗
” 老虎反问道:“你是谁,我为什么不敢吃你
” “我是天神派来管理这里的小动物的,你敢吃我吗
”.老虎呆了,有点不相信了.小白看出了,它对小动物们喊: “你们说我是不是天神派来的
”边喊边向小黑使眼色,小黑会意了,大喊: “怎么不是
”边喊边向小动物们使眼色,小动物们也说是了.老虎更加疑惑了,小白见时机成熟了,叫小动物们搬它制造的两面镜来,然后对老虎说: “看来你不信的,来比比谁大吧!”老虎使劲点头,因为它还知道它比小动物大. 镜子搬来了,小白对准正面照,大得差不多遮住了镜子,它又做个鬼脸,吓得老虎扭过头不望了,小白乘机把镜子反过来,再让老虎照一照,老虎照在镜上,显然身体小了一倍,小黑乘机向老虎做个鬼脸,老虎吓得灰溜溜走了,再也没来了. 小动物们欢呼一片,从此没有大动物来欺负它们.它们过上了好的生活.小白和小黑的名字和这个故事也留传给了小动物们的后代
初二英语作文 如果我有很多钱 要带翻译
Dear Tim : I'm glad to invite you to join in my birthday party. I will hold it on the Saturday this weekend .this party will be fan,and please dress up to be a cartoon's actor whoever you want .Sincerely Your friend.